Länkstig Hem Research output Research output A selection of research output Forskningsoutput Conference: The Role of Political and Social Institutions in the Integration of… Conference Forskningsoutput Workshop: Arts-Based and Artistic Research in Migration and Integration The Arts-Based and Artistic Research in Migration and Integration Workshop, held on May 21-22, 2024, at Malmö University,… Conference Migration and super-diversity: Theory, Method and Practice Over the last decades, scholars have been searching for better tools, concepts and methods to describe and analyze new… Startdatum 17 mar 2022 Till - Slutdatum 18 mar 2022 Konferens Inkorporering av migranter och flyktingar i Turkiet Kirsten Kao är ordförande för panelen "Immigrant and Refugee Incorporation in Turkey" på konferensen American Political… Startdatum 28 sep 2021 Till - Slutdatum 3 okt 2021 Forskningsoutput Presentations Presentations by researchers within the SIPGI programme.