Göteborgs universitet

GCGD announces seed money for research applications

The Gothenburg Centre of Globalization and Development (GCGD), now hosted by the School of Global Studies (SGS), conducts and promotes research on how globalization processes affect development in the Global South. The centre will be dismantled after almost a decade of successful research, publishing and networking. To conclude the centre, it will spend the remaining funds in line with the centre’s aim. Herewith is a one-time window for seeking seed money to compose research applications.

The aim of the announcement

The aim of the announcement is to stimulate further research on the topics the center has fostered so far. It is deemed to do that by offering seed-money for writing research applications. We expect that the successful applications are designed as a multi-year project with at least 50% funding for the researcher in question. The application for seed-money shall in addition to the brief project plan include a review of where and when the full application will be sent. A copy of the full application shall eventually be submitted to the email address below.

Topics and assessment

The approach of the Centre has been that “the global community has agreed to work for sustainable global development, while at the same time, the global system designed to help bring this about looks more fragile and less sustainable than it has done for a long time.” Much has happened during the center’s lifetime and its focus has evolved with overall changes in the surrounding world. This announcement is open but with preferences for the Center’s historical and contemporary topics.

An application is preferably, but not necessarily, centered around one of the following themes:

  • Deglobalization through disrupted trade-patterns and regional conflicts?
  • SDGs as a common global concern?
  • A new cold war? Major power conflicts arising?
  • China in a new global order: A new form of globality?
  • Globalization and climate change: COP and climate change adaptation?
  • The global rule-based order eroding through the middle east-conflicts?
  • The applications are assessed on its topical relevance, research quality, originality, and feasibility.


The application that will summarize a full project plan shall encompass maximum 1000 words. In addition, there shall be references and practical information on where and when the major application will be sent, shall be added. Personal details and a CV of the main applicant shall be added as appendices.

Scope and process

There will be five grants of seed-money issued, each consisting of SEK 100 000 which shall include LKP and departmental overhead. The applications for these seed-money shall be submitted by September 1st, 2024 and decisions are taken by Oct 31st, 2024. The major application shall be submitted at the latest during first half of 2025. Seed money applications will be assessed by the current leader of the centre (Professor Joakim Öjendal) in cooperation with the SGS leadership (Professor Johan Karlsson Schaffer) and in consultation with the Head of SGS (Professor Michael Schulz) and previous GCGD leadership in a transparent fashion.

Who can apply?

The applicant shall have a PhD, their department's permission to apply in their name, and be active within social sciences at the University of Gothenburg. Only one seed-money application per main applicant is allowed.

Questions and the application shall be submitted to Joakim Öjendal (joakim.ojendal@globalstudies.gu.se).