
Department of Historical Studies

  • History
  • Archaeology
  • Classical Archaeology and Ancient History

Martin Öhman
Phone: +4631-786 18 57 or  +46766-18 18 57
Email: martin.ohman@gu.se
Room J605B, Humanisten, Renströmsgatan 6

Therese Zachrisson
Phone: +4631-786 33 15 or +46766-18 33 15
Email: terese.zachrisson@gu.se
Room J649, Humanisten, Renströmsgatan 6

Email: svl@history.gu.se
Phone: 031-786 3315

Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion

  • Comparative literature
  • Theatre studies
  • History of Ideas and Science
  • Religious studies
  • Teacher education in the subjects Religion and Swedish

Camilla Alvhage
Phone: 46 (0)31 786 4580
E-mail: studiev.litt@lir.gu.se

  • Comparative literature
  • Theatre studies

Kristina Svensson
Phone: 46 (0)31 786 4519
E-mail: kristina.svensson@lir.gu.se

  • History of Ideas and Science
  • Religious studies

Peter Olsson (från och med 8 april 2024)
E-mail: studievagledning@flov.gu.se
Phone: 004631-786 5912
Visiting address: Renströmsgatan 6, room C521

  • Teacher education in the subjects Religion and Swedish

Department of Swedish, Multilingualism, Language Technology

  • Language consultant programme
  • Courses in Swedish, Swedish as a second language and nordic languages (Danish)

Eléni Katsogiannos
Phone: 031-786 5093
Phone time: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10.00–11.00
E-mail: kurser.studievagl@svenska.gu.se
Visiting address: Renströmsgatan 6, room F306

  • In the teaching programmes: Swedish and Swedish as a second language

Elisabeth Andersson
Phone: 031-786 44 69
Phone time: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10.00–11.00.
E-mail: lararutb.studievagl@svenska.gu.se

Visiting address: Renströmsgatan 6, room F308

Department of Languages and Literatures

  • African Languages
  • Ancient Greek
  • Arabic
  • English
  • Latin
  • Somali
  • Swahili
  • Xhosa and Zulu

Ida Lindström
Phone: 004631-786 1795
Phone hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 10:30-11:30
Visiting address: Renströmsgatan 6, room E413A

  • Japanese
  • Chinese
  • General Language Courses
  • Master´s Programme in Language and Intercultural Communication

Malin Karlsson
Phone: 004631-786 1795
Phone hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 10:30-11:30
Visiting address: Renströmsgatan 6, room E411

  • French
  • German
  • Russian
  • Slavic medieval studies
  • Spanish
  • Ukrainian

Ann-Christin Undeby
Phone: 004631-786 1795
Phone hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 10:30-11:30
Visiting address: Renströmsgatan 6, room E413B

Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science

  • Philosophy
  • Courses in philosophy within Teacher Education Programmes

Peter Olsson
E-mail: studievagledning@flov.gu.se
Phone: 004631-786 5912
Visiting address: Renströmsgatan 6, room C521

  • Liberal arts

Andreas Ott
E-mail: studievagledning@flov.gu.se
Phone: 004631-786 6553
Visiting address: Renströmsgatan 6, room C524

  • Linguistics
  • Theory of science

Annika Herrström (vikariat från 19/2)
E-mail: studievagledning@flov.gu.se
Phone: 004631-786
Visiting address: Renströmsgatan 6, room C524

Department of Cultural Sciences

  • Film Studies
  • Gender Studies
  • Art Studies
  • Music Science
  • Cultural Analysis

Camilla Alvhage
Room F221,
Student Office corridor, Renströmsgatan 6, Göteborg
Phone: +46 (0)31-786 4580


  • Gender Studies

Lise-Lotte Gustafsson
Room F209, Student Office corridor, Renströmsgatan 6, Göteborg
Phone: +46 (0)31-786 5321