Image collage of different parts of Gothenburg
International students in Gothenburg are often particularly pleased with the social life, the campus environment, the transportation services and the city's eco-friendly attitude.

Student life

Being an international student is so much more than studying and going to class. It is also about creating a life with new friends in a new place, resulting in memories that will last a lifetime. On this page, we have put together information from our students about life at the University and in Gothenburg.

Student life in Gothenburg and Sweden

Gothenburg has more students than any other city in Sweden. You can choose to lead a typical student life, with great study facilities, cosy cafés, student parties, and communal student accommodation. But you can also take part in the various events and the diverse cultural scene that Gothenburg has to offer.

Get to know our students

Most of our students begin their studies within a couple of years after completing upper-secondary school. Some also wait a bit longer to begin higher education. About 20 per cent of all our students are 35 or older. This means that many have been working a longer time before beginning their studies. International students make up around 8 per cent of students at the University of Gothenburg.

Student economy

In many ways, Gothenburg is at the forefront of sustainable consumption and effective use of resources. In the last decade, a huge number of second hand boutiques and initiatives based in lending, borrowing, and giving things have sprung up throughout the city.