Bachelor programme in nursing
The nursing programme is a three-year full time programme conducted in Swedish only. The programme provides a broad range of expertise in health sciences as well as a licence as a nurse.
In order to practice as a nurse, knowledge and skills in nursing need to be combined with knowledge in other subjects such as medical science, social and behavioural science. The programme aims to train nurses to be well prepared to contribute to the healthcare work of today and tomorrow.
The main task of the nurse is nursing. This means being responsible for qualified healthcare measures that aim for health and well-being despite illness. Utilising people's resources and capacity to handle problems, even in difficult life situations, is key.
After the studies
The licensed nurse can work in many different areas and the duties can vary widely and comprise persons of all ages in municipal healthcare, primary care and hospital care.
The nurse works to promote the individual person’s possibilities of living a meaningful life in accordance with his or her needs despite illness, suffering and functional impairment. Promoting health and preventing disease and illness based on the person's individual possibilities and needs is the basis of the nurse's work.
Programme content
The nursing programme is a three-year programme, corresponding to 180 credits. The first year is devoted to an introductory course in nursing, including human biology (micro biology, pharmacology anatomy, physiology) symptoms and signs of illness. The second year is largely dedicated to courses in nursing in health and illness, and the environmental influence on health and illness and scientific methodology while the third and final year provides insights into leadership.
In the final year, the students prepare and accomplish a thesis in the main field of nursing. A large part of the education is on-site with municipal healthcare, primary care and hospital care. The local profile of the programme is based on the patient-based research that is pursued at the Institute of Health and Care Sciences at the Sahlgrenska Academy.
Entrance requirements
In Gothenburg, around 120 students are admitted to the nursing programme every semester. This programme is conducted in Swedish only.