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Kristian Kristiansen introducing the CUP Elements series on Critical Heritage Studies

Call for Contributions: Cambridge Elements series on Critical Heritage Studies


CCHS colleagues are in charge of the series on Critical Heritage Studies, published within the new Cambridge Elements book series.

Cambridge Elements are a new concept in academic publishing and scholarly communication, combining the best features of books and journals. They consist of original, concise, authoritative, and peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific research, organised into focused series edited by leading scholars, and provide comprehensive coverage of the key topics in disciplines spanning the arts and sciences.

Cambridge Elements include several academic fields and topics, including the series on Critical Heritage Studies.

Themes covered:

  • Critical heritage theory
  • Heritage and objects
  • Intangible heritage and memorialisation
  • Preservation and rights policies
  • Heritage politics and policies
  • Heritage histories and futures
  • Urban heritage       
  • Heritage after conflict/war
  • Archiving and digital heritage
  • New frontiers in Critical Heritage Studies

We welcome proposals from broad geographical contexts that engage with varied ontological, epistemological, and methodological approaches concerning critical heritage studies.

“The nice thing about this concept is that it is fast, peer-reviewed, on-line, print on demand. The idea is that we should produce 40-50 booklets on a variety of themes within the broad field of critical heritage studies”, says Kristian Kristiansen, senior editor of the series.

Find the full Call for Contributions in the attached pdf and listen to the video where senior editor, Professor Kristian Kristiansen introduces the series.

Contact Kristian Kristiansen: