Anita Synnestvedt and the audience,
Anita Synnestvedt gives a speach at the opening at Siriusgatan I Bergsjön.
Foto: Jenny Högström Berntsson

Here I live – 4000 years at Siriusgatan

Research project
Avslutad forskning
Projektets storlek
ca 1 miljon
2015 - 2015
Heritage Academy

Kort beskrivning

The project "Here I live - 4000 years on Siriusgatan" has been a research project carried out within the EU project NEARCH together with HA. There has also been a collaboration between the City of Gothenburg / Gärdsmosseskolan / Park and the Nature Administration and Housing company. Liljewall architects have designed the installation.

The research issue in the project has been how we can create positive meeting places in public environments with the help of archeology, history and cultural heritage. The project have therefore designed and built a new signage, an outdoor classroom and a meeting place with the stories at the center of a 4000-year-old grave. The stories are based on children who may have lived in the area during the approximately 4000 years we know that people have lived here. In 2006, an archaeological excavation was conducted around the grave where looking for traces of what had happened on the site for the past 100 years. Finds from the excavation are presented in exhibition boxes.

A projekt with several partners:

  • Kulturarvsakademin
  • Göteborgs stad: Trygg vacker stad Göteborg
  • Park och Naturförvaltningen i Göteborg
  • Familjebostäder i Göteborg
  • Fornminnesföreningen I Göteborg
  • Liljevall arkitekter
  • Göteborgs stadsmuseum
  • Gärdsmosseskolan, Göteborg