Göteborgs universitet

Undergraduate Studies (First Cycle)

We offer an extensive range of courses at undergraduate level in Comparative Literature, Theatre Studies, the History of Ideas and Science, and Religious Studies and Theology – from introductory courses to advanced courses.

The courses and study programmes in Comparative Literature, Theatre Studies and the History of Ideas and Science are mainly offered as freestanding courses. Three semesters of study with specialised study in one of the fields can constitute the main field of study for a Bachelor’s degree with 180 credits. You can also choose to read a single, shorter course in order to complement your other studies or merely to develop one’s interest and improve one’s mind.

Freestanding courses are also offered in Religious studies and Theology, but firstly the education takes place within the framework of the Religious Studies Bachelor’s degree programme. If you are considering becoming a minister in the Church of Sweden or pastor in another congregation you should apply to the Theology Bachelor’s degree programme.

Our courses require a good knowledge of the Swedish language equivalent to passing the TISUS test.

There are no courses offered in English in the undergraduate level.