Writing workshop

Writing workshop: A decade of CeMEB and marine evolution


For more than a decade, CeMEB has brought together scientists from many different disciplines with a common interest in the evolutionary processes of marine organisms. Now, the new steering committee would like to invite you to a digital workshop with the aim to finalize and summarize work that has been conducted within and in association with CeMEB. We also offer the possibility to contribute to a Special Issue with the tentative title “A decade of progress in Marine Evolutionary Biology”, to be published in Evolutionary Applications.

24 maj 2021 - 28 maj 2021
Online via zoom
Sista anmälningsdag
30 april 2021

Bra att veta
The workshop will be arranged during three half days with four scheduled session, see below. We encourage you to organize and reserve time for group work between the sessions.

24 May, 09.00 - 12.00, 13.00 - 16.00
26 May, 13.00 - 16.00
28 May, 13.00 - 16.00
Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology – CeMEB
Anmälan är stängd.

Virtual gathering to finalize unpublished work

Today, CeMEB has over 80 members, and many more have been involved in the centre and the 18 Assemblies which have taken place since its inauguration. Collectively we have produced over 600 papers, and still there is much more knowledge, data and studies which have not yet been published.

Therefore, we want to invite you to take part in an online workshop with three scheduled half days during the 24th – 28th of May. The aim is to discuss, share ideas, present, and work on scientific publications to be submitted either in the Special Issue described below, or in other venues.

An additional aim of the workshop is to gather people with relevant knowledge to help each other, e.g., with data analysis, statistics, writing, proofreading etc.  Thus, even if you yourself don’t have a study to contribute, you may have the expertise and knowledge to contribute to others’.

Who can participate?

  1. Already existing groups with projects needing finalization.
  2. Researchers with concrete ideas for projects and/or available data, looking for additional collaborators for finalizing a project.
  3. PhD students/young researchers who are willing to contribute to existing projects, and gain co-authorship on potential publications.

Workshop layout

  • An initial half-day of short presentations of all participants and project ideas, followed by a match-making session connecting contributors of categories 2 and 3 above.
  • Independent group work preparing publications and/or data analysis, depending on project status.
  •  An optional manuscript peer feedback session.
  • A final session with presentations of intended contributions to a journal Special Issue, see below.

Special Issue in Evolutionary Applications

We aim to publish a Special Issue in Evolutionary Applications with a tentative submission deadline in October 2021. We hope that you will consider to contribute with a paper on the work you have done within, or associated with, CeMEB.

Our goal is to gather original contributions that advance the understanding of marine evolution, such as adaptation to local environments, connectivity, divergence within species, and what ecological, physiological and genetic mechanisms affect the adaptation in marine environments., We also welcome contributions that provide a perspective/opinion on, or a review of the activities and achievements during the history of CeMEB.

Guest Editors are Pierre De Wit, Ellika Faust, Leon Green, Marlene Jahnke, Rick Pereyra and Marina Rafajlović.

Both applied and theoretical studies are welcome

The journal “Evolutionary Applications” has an impact factor of 4.013, and publishes work on all aspects of evolutionary biology, with a primary focus on practical applications. However, for the special issue, a combination of applied and theoretical studies are welcome.

We have to stress that the final list of intended contributions to be considered for publication within the Special Issue is subject to the agreement with the journal. In addition, we can not guarantee that all submitted contributions will be included in the Special Issue, as all contributions will be subject to peer-review, and the journal reserves the right to reject individual contributions.

We look forward to your registration!

CeMEB steering committee: Pierre De Wit, Ellika Faust, Leon Green, Marlene Jahnke, Rick Pereyra, Marina Rafajlović and Eva Marie Rödström

About CeMEB

The Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology, CeMEB, was established in 2008 through a “Linnaeus grant” awarded jointly by the two Swedish Research Councils VR and FORMAS. Since then, CeMEB has brought together scientists with broad expertise from many different disciplines with a common interest in evolutionary processes of marine organisms, both over small and large spatial and temporal scales, and from different perspectives and disciplines. Research in CeMEB has also contributed to our understanding of how human activities affect marine coastal ecosystems and their functions over time, and we have successfully collaborated with public authorities to develop tools for sustainable management.

More about the Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology