Göteborgs universitet



Peer-reviewed publications


  • V Radisic, DH Grevskott, BT Lunestad, L Øvreås, NP Marathe. Sewage-based surveillance shows presence of Klebsiella pneumoniae resistant against last resort antibiotics in the population in Bergen, Norway. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 248:114075.


  • J Guzman-Otazo, E Joffré, J Agramont, N Mamani, J Jutkina, F Boulund, YOO Hu, D Jumilla-Lorenz, A Farewell, DGJ Larsson, CF Flach, V Iñiguez Rojas, Å Sjöling. Conjugative transfer of multi-drug resistance IncN plasmids from environmental waterborne bacteria to Escherichia coli.  Frontiers in Microbiology. 13:997849. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.997849
  • NP Marathe, F Salvà-Serra, PS Nimje, ER Moore. Novel Plasmid Carrying Mobile Colistin Resistance Gene mcr-4.3 and Mercury Resistance Genes in Shewanella baltica: Insights into Mobilization of mcr-4.3 in Shewanella Species. Microbiology Spectrum:e02037-22.


  • Pietsch F., Heidrich G., Nordholt N., and Schreiber F. Prevalent synergy and antagonism among antibiotics and biocides in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Frontiers in Microbiology 11:615618
  • Norholt N., Kanaris O., Schmidt S., and Schreiber F. Persistence against benzalkonium chloride promotes rapid evolution of tolerance under periodic disinfection. Nature Communications 12:6792


Posters and presentations


  • DGJ Larsson. BIOCIDE: Antibacterial biocides in the water cycle – an integrated approach to assess and manage risks for antibiotic resistance development. Oral presentation at stakeholder workshop organized by the Biocide consortium. March 2022
  • F Schreiber (BAM). Resistenzen von Bakterien gegen Biozide – Evolution, Mechanismen und Methoden – Oral presentation, at seminar series ‘Life Science Nord’ 14th of June 2022 online.
  • F Schreiber (BAM). Das BIOCIDE Projekt – Frank at AquaticPollutants TransNet workshop 19th of November 2022 online.
  • I Czobor-Barbu, I Gheorghe-Barbu, I Dinu, S Lia, MC Chifiriuc. Poster at the Scientific Communications Session D. Brandză a XXVIII Edition, Bucharest, Romania, 4-5 November 2022 - Dissemination of colistin resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae strains in Romania.
  • He Z, A Dechesne, and BF Smets. A GFP-based High-throughput Solid-filter Mating Assay to Study the Impact of Biocides on Conjugation. Poster presented at DTU Microbes Initiative Conference 2022, Kgs. Lyngby Sept 6th.
  • He Z, A Dechesne, and BF Smets. A GFP-based High-throughput Solid-filter Mating Assay to Study the Impact of Biocides on Conjugation. Poster presented at DTU Microbes Initiative Conference 2022, Kgs. Lyngby, September 2022
  • M Tysklind, R Lindberg, DGJ Larsson, R Grabic. Prioritize Organic Antibacterial Biocides of Potential Concern in The Aquatic Environment by Combining Database Information and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data Mining. Abstract and oral presentation at the 6th conference on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance (EDAR6), Gothenburg, Sweden September 2227, 2022. https://www.gu.se/en/care/edar6-gothenburg-2022.
  • J Xu, MS Jensen, SB Lassen, KK Brandt, A Dechesne, BF Smets. Aeromonas diversity and abundance in residual waters and their potential as indicator organisms for environmental antibiotic resistance. Manuscript in preparation - Poster presented at EDAR6 Gothenburg, SE September 22-27, 2022.
  • F Schreiber (BAM). Development of a laboratory method to assess resistance development of microorganisms to biocides – An update – Oral presentation, at INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION RESEARCH GROUP, 12th of October 2022, online.
  • DGJ Larsson. An overview of the environment’s role in evolution, transmission, and surveillance of antibiotic resistance. Oral presentation at the International Conference on Clinical Metagenomics. Geneva, Oct 20, 2022.
  • DGJ Larsson. On the environment’s role in evolution, transmission, and surveillance of antibiotic resistance. Oral presentation at Ecotoxicomics, Montepellier, 2022-11-14.
  • M Tysklind, R Lindberg, DGJ Larsson, R Grabic. Prioritize Organic Antibacterial Biocides of Potential Concern in The Aquatic Environment by Combining Database Information and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data Mining. Manuscript in preparation. (Paper 1 - D1.1)
  • R Grabic, A Borík, R Lindberg, M Tysklind. Screening of organic biocides in the river Elbe and its tributaries by GIS representation of high-resolution mass spectrometry data mining”. (Paper II – D1.1)
  • He Z, A Dechesne, and BF Smets. A GFP-based High-throughput Solid-filter Mating Assay to Study the Impact of Biocides on Conjugation - Poster presented at EDAR6 Gothenburg, SE September 22-27, 2022. Received Best Poster Award.
  • F Schreiber (BAM). Biocide Resistance-Road to Risk Assessment – Oral presentation, at 6th Meeting of the OECD Working Party on Biocides, Paris, France, 29th of September 2022.
  • I Czobor Barbu, I Gheorghe-Barbu, M Surleac, S Paraschiv, G Gradisteanu, D Otelea, MC Chifiriuc. Poster P1-085 at the 6th International Symposium on the environmental dimension of antibiotic resistance (EDAR6), Gothenburg, Sweden, 22-27 September 2022 -Antibiotic and biocides resistance genes in Acinetobacter baumannii clinical and wastewater strains before and after the onset of COVID-19 pandemic.
  • R Grabic, A Borík, R Lindberg, M Tysklind. Nontargeted LC-HRMS Monitoring Data: Fast and Reliable Way to Find Compounds and Hot Spots for Prioritization. Abstract and poster presentation at the 6th conference on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance (EDAR6), Gothenburg, Sweden September 22-27, 2022. https://www.gu.se/en/care/edar6-gothenburg-2022
  • M Surleac, I Czobor Barbu, S Paraschiv, I Gheorghe, C Chifiriuc, D Oțelea. Poster P1-009 at the 6th International Symposium on the environmental dimension of antibiotic resistance (EDAR6), Gothenburg, Sweden, 22-27 september 2022 - An overview on the dynamics of mobile genetic elements in clinical and environmental WGS ESKAPEE pathogens in Romania.
  • F Schreiber (BAM). Biocides As Drivers for Antimicrobial Resistance Evolution in the Environment - Oral presentation at Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance (EDAR6) in Gothenburg, Sweden, 24th of September 2022.
  • AC Schulz (BAM). Assessing co-selection for of biocide and antibiotic resistance in microbial wastewater microbial communities – Poster presented at EDAR6 in Gothenburg, Sweden, 22-27 September 2022.
  • F Schreiber (BAM). Biocides As Drivers for Antimicrobial Resistance Evolution in The Environment - Oral presentation at Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance (EDAR6) in Gothenburg, Sweden, 24th of September 2022.
  • J Xu, MS Jensen, S B Lassen, KK Brandt, A Dechesne, B F Smets. Aeromonas diversity and abundance in residual waters and their potential as indicator organisms for environmental antibiotic resistance. Manuscript in preparation - Poster presented at EDAR6 Gothenburg, SE September 22-27, 2022.
  • Z He, A Dechesne, and BF Smets. A GFP-based High-throughput Solid-filter Mating Assay to Study the Impact of Biocides on Conjugation - Poster presented at EDAR6 Gothenburg, SE September 22-27, 2022. Received Best Poster Award.
  • V Radisic, DH Grevskott, NP Marathe. Higher prevalence of resistance against last resort antibiotics compared to resistance against cefotaxime in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from raw and treated sewage in Bergen, Norway- EDAR-6 Gothenburg, Sweden 2022.
  • DGJ Larsson. An overview of the environment’s role in evolution, transmission, and surveillance of antibiotic resistance. EDAR6 countdown webinar. August 2022
  • F Schreiber (BAM). Biocide resistance risk assessment - Oral presentation at workshop ‘Risk assessment of biocide and antibiotic resistance’ online, www.gu.se/en/biocide/risk-assessment-of-biocide-and-antibiotic-resistance. March 2022.
  • V Radisic, DH Grevskott, NP Marathe. Sewage-based surveillance of antibiotic resistance in Klebsiella spp. in Bergen, Norway- ECCMID Lisbon, Portugal, 2022.
  • R Grabic, R Lindberg and M Tysklind, "BIOCIDES-Benefits and challenges of participation in co-funded partnerships".  Presentation at the conference. Organized by V4 offices, Brussels, June 2022. Roman Grabic was invited by the Czech Liaison Office for Education & Research (CZELO), presented experience gained within project BIOCIDE under the JPI Water EU program. Benefits and challenges of co-funded Cl. 6 partnerships | Dům zahraniční spolupráce (dzs.cz)


  • DGJ Larsson. BIOCIDE: Antibacterial biocides in the water cycle – an integrated approach to assess and manage risks for antibiotic resistance development. Oral presentation at Aquatic pollutant kickoff meeting. Sep 2021.

Earlier publications from the members of the consortium on the connection between antibacterial biocides and antibiotic resistance


  • Varadarajan A.R., Allan R., Valentin J., Castañeda Ocampo O.E., Somerville V., Pietsch F., Buhmann M.T., West J., Skipp P.J., van der Mei H.C., Ren Q., Schreiber F., Webb J.S., Ahrens C.H.  An integrated model system to gain mechanistic insights into biofilm-associated antimicrobial resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa MPAO1. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes 6:46.
  • Pietsch F., O’Neill A., Ivask A., Jenssen H., Inkinen, J. Kahru, A., Ahonen M. and Schreiber F. Selection of resistance by antimicrobial coatings in the healthcare setting. Journal of Hospital Infection 6(1):115-125.


  • Wang HJ, Mustafa M, Yu, G, Östman M, Cheng Y, Wang, YJ Tysklind, M. Oxidation of emerging biocides and antibiotics in wastewater by ozonation and the electro-peroxone process. Chemosphere 235, 575-585.
  • Östman M.; Björlenius B.; Fick. Tysklind M. Effect of full-scale ozonation and pilot-scale granular activated carbon on the removal of biocides, antimycotics and antibiotics in a sewage treatment plant. Science of the Total Environment, 649: 1117-1123.


  • Jutkina J, Marathe NP, Flach C-F, Larsson DGJ. Antibiotics and common antibacterial biocides stimulate horizontal transfer of resistance at low concentrations. Sci Total Environ. 616-617:172
  • Östman M.; Fick J.; Tysklind M. Detailed mass flows and removal efficiencies for biocides and antibiotics in Swedish sewage treatment plants. Science of the Total Environment, 640: 327-336.


  • Östman M, Lindberg RH, Fick J, Björn E, Tysklind M. Screening of biocides, metals and antibiotics in Swedish sewage sludge and wastewater. Water Res. 115.
  • Hao X*, Li X*, Pal C*, Hobman J, Rosen BP, Larsson DGJ, Saquib Q, Alwathnani HA, Zhu Y-G, Rensing C.Bacterial resistance to arsenic protects against protist killing. Biometals. 30:307. 
  • Flach CF, Pal C, Svensson CJ, Kristiansson E, Östman M, Bengtsson-Palme J, Tysklind M, Larsson DGJ. Does antifouling paint select for antibiotic resistance? Sci Total Environ. 590–591:461
  • Pal C, Asiani K, Arya S, Rensing C, Stekel DJ, Larsson DGJ, Hobman JL. Metal resistance and its association with antibiotic resistance. Adv Microb Physiol. 70:261 ISBN: 9780128123867.


  • Pal C, Bengtsson-Palme J, Kristiansson E, Larsson DGJ. The structure and diversity of human, animal and environmental resistomes. Microbiome. 4:54


  • Pal C, Bengtsson-Palme J, Kristiansson E, Larsson DGJ. Co-occurrence of resistance genes to antibiotics, biocides and metals reveals novel insights into their co-selection potential. BMC Genomics. 16:964.


  • Pal C, Bengtsson-Palme J, Rensing C, Kristiansson E, Larsson DGJ. BacMet: antibacterial biocide and metal resistance genes database. Nucleic Acids Res, 42: D737.