Disentangling neutral versus adaptive evolution in chromosomal inversions
Workshop at Tjärnö Marine Laboratory for invited participants. There will be plenary talks and discussions, and preparations for a paper for the Journal of Evolutionary Biology. Plenary talks in Big Lecture Hall will be open to everyone at Tjärnö.
Workshop on February 28th – March 3rd
Location: Tjärnö Marine Laboratory.
The purpose of this ESEB Progress meeting is to bring together invited theoreticians, bioinformaticians, and empiricists to generate a broad framework for differentiating between signatures of drift and selection in inversions and other structural variants. One end goal of the meeting is to generate a review/framework paper for the Journal of Evolutionary Biology to be written after the meeting.
Invited speakers
Kimberly Gilbert, Institute of Plant Sciences at University of Bern, Switzerland
Katie Lotterhos, Northeastern Marine Science Center, Boston, USA (currently guest researcher at Tjärnö Marine Laboratory)
Organizing committee
Emma Berdan, University of Gothenburg
Thomas Flatt, University of Lausanne
Kerstin Johannesson, University of Gothenburg
ESEB Progress meeting in Evolutionary Biology
This is a Progress meeting in Evolutionary Biology, funded by the European Society of Evolutionary Biology – ESEB – in partnership with the Journal of Evolutionary Biology.