Gruppbild på vinnarna av The Malmsten Award
The Malmsten Award for Best Thesis delas ut till den bästa uppsatsen inom vart och ett av Handelshögskolans nio masterprogram.
Foto: Carina Gran

Årets vinnare av The Malmsten Award for Best Master's Thesis


Den 13 juni hölls diplomeringsceremoni för Handelshögskolans masterprogram. I samband med denna presenterades också vinnarna av The Malmsten Award for Best Mater's Thesis.

Detta pris delas varje år ut till den bästa uppsatsen inom vart och ett av Handelshögskolans nio masterprogram. Förutom äran får författarna 10 000 kr var. Priset delas ut av Stiftelsen Richard C Malmstens minne. 

Pristagarna presenterades under diplomeringsceremonin som hölls på Konserthuset i närvaro studenter, anhöriga, programansvariga och personal från Graduate School.

De bästa uppsatserna 2024

Master of Science in Accounting and Financial Management

Lovisa Aronsson & Moa Persson:  Navigating Sustainability: Unveiling the Role of Controllers in Organizations. A qualitative interview study of three global organizations

Master of Science in Economics

Federico Bruschi: Fiscal Competition among Italian Municipalities: Evidence from the Property Tax

Master of Science in Finance

Ludvig Johansson & Alva Mentor: The Impact of Board Gender Diversity on Dividend Policies: Evidence from Swedish Listed Firms

Master of Science in Innovation and Industrial Management

Luca Svevo Viking Lundgren & Virginia Viganò: The Interplay between Sustainability and Financial Performance: A Mixed-Methods Analysis in the Automotive Industry

Master of Science in International Business and Trade

Zlata Zapolskaia & Tilde Thorsén: The Role of Innovation Ecosystems in Influencing an MNCs' Adoption to Emerging Industries: A qualitative case study of local market contexts

Master of Science in Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship

Jonathan Zepeda Villela: Strategizing for retention: An exploratory cross-sectional case study of switching barriers within service-based knowledge intensive entrepreneurial firms´ retention strategies in B2B

Master of Science in Logistics and Transport Management

Isak Lund & Manru Wang: Low Emission Zones: The stakeholders’ perspectives of the economic impacts

Master of Science in Management

Maya Drossel & Felix Löfgren Hallbeck: Generative AI, the new colleague? – a sociomateriality perspective on the human-AI relationship

Master of Science in Marketing and Consumption

Despoina Mavroudi: Unpacking purchase intentions: How does repairability labeling drive consumer choices?

Studenter på en festligt pyntad scen får ta emot pris.
Fredrik Malmsten, ordförande i Stiftelsen Richard C Malmstens minne, delar ut The Malmsten Award for Best Master's Thesis. Foto: Carina Gran
Foto: Carina Gran