Podd om museisamlingar och koloniala narrativ
Den 19 september 2023 hölls ett välbesökt panelsamtal om koloniala kulturarv i västerländska samlingar på Världskulturmuseet i Göteborg. Samtalet byggde på kulturarvsforskaren Christine Hansens banbrytande arbete som fokuserar perspektiv från Australiens urinvånare med digital teknik och museiarbete. Nu får samtalet fortsatt liv i form av en poddserie.
Good to know
Lyssna på podden där poddar finns.
Mer iformation på poddens hemsida: https://www.gu.se/en/critical-heritage-studies/remaking-of-knowledge-podcast
Forskare som deltar
- Dr Christine Hansen is the principal investigator of the project Objects of Culture and Science, based at the Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg.
- Dr Mandy Quadrio, artist and Palawa woman connected to her clan Country of Tebrakunna on the far north-east coast of Tasmania.
- Asst Professor Tiffany Shellam, historian at Deakin University.
- Shona Coyne is a Menang/Nyungar woman with cultural connections to Yamatji Country in Western Australia and the Scottish Highlands. Head of the First Nations Collections and Community Engagement team at the National Museum of Australia.
- Susannah Montgomery, Deputy Director and Researcher at the Sustainable Media Lab, Inholland University of Applied Sciences.
- Dr Adriana Muñoz, Curator for the Americas at the National Museums of World Culture in Sweden.
- Dr Anna Bohlin, Associate Professor in Social Anthropology, School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg and host of the podcast.