
Uttalande från CERGU om situationen in Ukraina


CERGU har den 3 mars 2022 gjort ett gemensamt uttalande om läget i Ukraina.

The Centre for European Research at the University of Gothenburg CERGU stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine in the face of a brutal, illegal and unprovoked invasion by the Russian Federation. In particular, we underline our support for university students and staff in Ukraine, with whom we share the values of open debate and academic freedom.

We stress the importance of supporting and giving voice to all those – academics and citizens – from both Ukraine and Russia who, despite the dangers they face, stand up for reason and humanitarian ideals, and speak out against this threat to the peace and stability of Europe. Independent research, open information and public discourse are key to democratic dialogue.

CERGU will continue to contribute to an open debate on shaping a more peaceful, cooperative and democratic Europe, offering multi-disciplinary perspectives on European politics and history, the rule of law, migration, and other topics. We urge European and international powers to do their utmost to support Ukraine in their hour of need; to welcome and support refugees; and to work towards a return to a peaceful and cooperative Europe ‘whole and free’.