
Magdalena Nordin


Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion
Renströmsgatan 6
41255 Göteborg
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

Om Magdalena Nordin


Funerals and cemeteries as social phenomenons (2023-01-01 - )

Funerals are a phenomenon that occurs over 90 000 times per year (on average 250 per day) in Sweden and which everyone is faced with at some point in life. This makes funerals and cemeteries, and what occurs in connection with this, to a social field which touches everyone and therefore provides a unique opportunity to gain knowledge of and understand contemporary society and its changes. The aim of this ongoing research project is to gather knowledge about funerals and cemeteries as a social phenomenons with focus on post-mortem relations, micro-politic of death, and multiculturalism.

Integration and Tradition: the Making of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Sweden

In this four-year research project (The Swedish Research Council, 2018/01/01 - 2021/12/31) we intend to critically examine, by ethnographic case studies, integration processes within three specific Syriac Orthodox congregations in Sweden. This will be done with a special focus on organization, leadership, religious ritual and religious education, and how religious traditions are upheld and negotiated in these processes: (i) How have the Syriac Orthodox congregations been integrated into the Swedish society? (ii) How have Syriac Orthodox traditions been negotiated, changed, and upheld in relation to the processes of integration?


Pentecostal Migrants in Secular Sweden. Influences and Challenges

The purpose of this three-year research project (The Swedish Research Council, 2019/02/01-2022/01/31) is to fill a gap in the knowledge regarding the role that Pentecostalism plays when religious immigrant minorities interact with the Swedish secular society. Focussing on Pentecostal migrants, whose number is growing in urban settings, the overall goal is to understand better the historical, religious, social, moral and legal transformations in Swedish society in relation to the integration of religious immigrant minorities.
