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- Anders Omstedt
Anders Omstedt
Om Anders Omstedt
Professor emeritus i oceanografi
Oceanography especially lakes and coastal seas. How do the Earth water bodies function and how will future changes influence them? To answer these questions we need to develop our understanding of water, energy, nutrient, carbon cycles, ecosystem changes and human impacts. The coupling between the water bodies and the atmosphere and surrounding land surfaces are also of major interest. Main research metods are detection studies by using and developing long-time series and attribution and scenario studies by using and developing aquatic process oriented models. Recent research focuses are the human role and the connection between science and the arts.
- Member of Baltic Earth Senior Advisory Board
- Future Earth Coasts fellow
The research takes an active part in the Baltic Earth-BALTEX program.
Philosophical views of Baltic Basin climate and environmental
Anders Omstedt, Inga Dailidiene, Hans von Storch, Rasmus Gronfeldt Winther
A Philosophical View of the Ocean and Humanity
Anders Omstedt
2024 -
The BALTEX/Baltic Earth program: Excursions and
Anders Omstedt, Hans von Storch
Oceanologia - 2024 -
Tal vid minnesceremoni för Gösta Walin 12 maj
Anders Omstedt
2023 -
How to develop an understanding of the marginal sea system by connecting natural and human
Anders Omstedt
Oceanologia - 2023 -
The ocean: Excursion and
Anders Omstedt, Bernt Gustavsson
Filosofia - 2022 -
The complex interactions between humans and the marine environment require new efforts to build beauty and
Anders Omstedt, Bernt Gustavsson
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2022 -
Human impacts and their interactions in the Baltic Sea
M. Reckermann, Anders Omstedt, T. Soomere, J. Aigars, N. Akhtar, M. Bełdowska, J. Bełdowski, T. Cronin, M. Czub, M. Eero, K. P. Hyytiäinen, J. P. Jalkanen, A. Kiessling, E. Kjellström, K. Kuliński, X. G. Larsén, M. McCrackin, H. E. M. Meier, S. Oberbeckmann, K. Parnell, C. Pons-Seres de Brauwer, A. Poska, J. Saarinen, B. Szymczycha, E. Undeman, A. Wörman, E. Zorita
Earth Syst. Dynam. - 2022 -
Speech to celebrate the Department of Marine Sciences' 6th anniversary,
Anders Omstedt
Department of Marine Sciences' 6th anniversary - 2022 -
Dreams and Marine Sciences. Anders Omstedt speaking from Sweden on July 4
Anders Omstedt
Drömdialog - 2021 -
Pandoras och Ullmans
Anders Omstedt, Karin Hoppe Storck
Drömdialog - 2021 -
Havsis längs svenska
Anders Omstedt
Göteborgs Långfärdsskridskoklubbs årsbok 2020-2021 - 2021 -
Sea level dynamics and coastal erosion in the Baltic Sea
R. Weisse, I. Dailidien, B. Hunicke, K. Kahma, K. Madsen, Anders Omstedt, K. Parnell, T. Schone, T. Soomere, W. Y. Zhang, E. Zorita
Earth System Dynamics - 2021 -
A Philosophic View of the Ocean and
Anders Omstedt
2020 -
Foreword (Treasures from the
Anders Omstedt
Treasures from the Sea. Holm, S., Liljeberg, H., Lindahl, L. (eds.) - 2020 -
Drift bottles in the southern Baltic Sea – an
Hans von Storch, Ulrich Callies, Anders Omstedt
Baltic Earth Newsletter - 2020 -
A new numerical model for understanding free and dissolved gas progression toward the atmosphere in aquatic methane seepage
Pär Jansson, Bénédicte Ferré, Anna Silyakova, Knut Ola Dølven, Anders Omstedt
Limnology and Oceanography : Methods - 2019 -
Assessment of Uncertainties in Scenario Simulations of Biogeochemical Cycles in the Baltic
Meier,H. E. Markus Meier,H. E. Markus, Moa Edman, Kari Eilola, Manja Placke, Thomas Neumann, Helén C. Andersson, Sandra-Esther Brunnabend, Christian Dieterich, Claudia Frauen, René Friedland, Matthias Gröger, Bo G. Gustafsson, Erik Gustafsson, Alexey Isaev, Madline Kniebusch, Ivan Kuznetsov, Bärbel Müller-Karulis, Michael Naumann, Anders Omstedt, Vladimir Ryabchenko, Sofia Saraiva, Oleg P. Savchuk
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2019 -
Assessment of Eutrophication Abatement Scenarios for the Baltic Sea by Multi-Model Ensemble
H.E. Markus Meier, Moa Edman, Kari J. Eilola, Manja Placke, Thomas Neumann, Helén C. Andersson, Sandra-Esther Brunnabend, Christian Dieterich, Claudia Frauen, René Friedland, Matthias Gröger, Bo Gustafsson, Erik Gustafsson, Alexey Isaev, Madline Kniebusch, Ivan Kuznetsov, Bärbel Müller-Karulis, Anders Omstedt, Vladimir Ryabchenko, Sofia Saraiva, Oleg P. Savchuk
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2018 -
The potential future contribution of shipping to acidification of the Baltic
David R. Turner, Moa Edman, Julian A. Gallego-Urrea, Björn Claremar, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Anders Omstedt, Anna Rutgersson
Ambio - 2018 -
Schneider Bernd , Olaf Dellwig, Karol Kuliński, Anders Omstedt, Falk Pollehne, Gregor Rehder, Oleg Savchuk
Springer - 2017 -
Temperature, DOC level and basin interactions explain the declining oxygen concentrations in the Bothnian
Joakim Ahlgren, Anders Grimvall, Anders Omstedt, Carl Rolff, Johan Wikner
Journal of Marine Systems - 2017 -
The Development of Climate Science of the Baltic
Anders Omstedt
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science - 2017 -
När vi sammanför vetenskap och konst kan vi tänka
Anders Omstedt
Curie - 2017 -
Modelling Coastal
Anders Omstedt
Biological Oceanography of the Baltic Sea - 2017 -
Connecting Analytical Thinking and Intuition: And the Nights Abound with
Anders Omstedt
2016 -
Den hydrografiska resan 1877: expeditionen ger kunskap om dagens
Anders Omstedt, Victor Veiderpass
HAVET 1888 - 2015 -
När lilla istiden bröts och klimatet blev
Daniel Hansson, Anders Omstedt, Per Hallén
HAVET 1888. Marie Svärd, Tina Johansen Lilja och Daniel Hansson (red.) - 2015 -
Modelling the contributions to marine acidification from deposited SO<inf>x</inf>, NO<inf>x</inf>, and NH<inf>x</inf> in the Baltic Sea: Past and present
Anders Omstedt, Moa Edman, B. Claremar, A. Rutgersson
Continental Shelf Research - 2015 -
The air-water CO2 exchange of a coastal sea— A sensitivity study on factors that influence the absorption and outgassing of CO2 in the Baltic
Erik Gustafsson, Anders Omstedt, Bo Gustafsson
Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans - 2015 -
Sea-level change and projected future flooding along the Egyptian Mediterranean
Mohamed Shaltout, Kareem Tonbol, Anders Omstedt
Oceanologia - 2015 -
Guide to process based modelling of lakes and coastal seas. Second
Anders Omstedt
2015 -
Introduction and
H von Storch, Anders Omstedt, J. Pawlak, M. Reckermann
Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin. The BACC II Author Team - 2015 -
Modelling the water and heat balances of the Mediterranean Sea using a two-basin model and available meteorological, hydrological, and ocean
Mohamed Shaltout, Anders Omstedt
Oceanologia - 2015 -
Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea
The BACC II Author Team, Anders Omstedt, Hans Storch
2015 -
Interactive comments on "Ice and AIS: ship speed data and sea ice forecasts in the Baltic Sea by Löptien and
Anders Omstedt
The Cryosphere Discussions - 2014 -
Recent dynamic topography changes in the Mediterranean Sea analyzed from satellite altimetry
Mohamed Shaltout, Anders Omstedt
Current Development in Oceanography - 2014 -
Multiple stressors threatening the future of the Baltic Sea-Kattegat marine ecosystem: Implications for policy and management
Sara Jutterström, Helén C. Andersson, Anders Omstedt, J.M. Malmaeus
Marine Pollution Bulletin - 2014 -
Recent precipitation trends and future scenarios over the Mediterranean
Mohamed Shaltout, Anders Omstedt
Geofizika - 2014 -
Klimatförändringens påverkan på
Anders Omstedt
Göteborgs Långfärdsskridskoklubbs årsbok 2013-2015 - 2014 -
Progress in physical oceanography of the Baltic Sea during the 2003–2014
Anders Omstedt, J Elken, A Lehmann, H.E.M. Meier, K Myrberg, A. Rutgersson
Progress in Oceanography - 2014 -
Mer koldioxid i atmosfären gör haven
Anders Omstedt, Moa Edman, Jonathan N. Havenhand
HAVET 2013/2014 - 2014 -
Recent sea surface temperature trends and future scenarios for the Mediterranean
Mohamed Shaltout, Anders Omstedt
Oceanologia - 2014 -
Biogeochemical Control of the Coupled CO2–O2 System of the Baltic Sea: A review of the results of
Anders Omstedt, Christoph Humborg, Janusz Pemkowiak, Matti Perttilä, Anna Rutgersson, Bernd Schneider, Benjamin Smith
Ambio - 2014 -
Deposition of acidifying and neutralising compounds over the Baltic Sea drainage basin between 1960 and
B. Claremar, T. Wallstedt, A. Rutgersson, Anders Omstedt
Boreal Environment Research - 2013 -
Recent climate trends and future scenarios along the Egyptian Mediterranean
Mohamed Shaltout, Gindy Ahmed Gindy, Anders Omstedt
Geofizika - 2013 -
Modeling the dissolved CO2 system in the redox environment of the Baltic
Moa Edman, Anders Omstedt
Limnology and Oceanography - 2013 -
Modeling the CO2 dynamics in the Laptev Sea, Arctic Ocean: Part II. Sensitivity of fluxes to changes in the
Irene Wåhlström, Anders Omstedt, Göran Björk, Leif G Anderson
Journal of Marine Systems - 2013 -
Future changes in the Baltic Sea acid-base (pH) and oxygen
Anders Omstedt, Moa Edman, Björn Clamer, Peter Frodin, Erik Gustafsson, Christoph Humborg, Hanna Hägg, Magnus Mörth, Anna Rutgersson, Guy Schugers, Benjamin Smith, Theresia Wällstedt, Alla Yurova
Tellus. Series B, Chemical and physical meteorology - 2012 -
Climate impact on the Baltic Sea: From science to
M. Reckerman, K. Brander, B. MacKenzie, Anders Omstedt
2012 -
Some Aspects of the Baltic Sea Marine
Anders Omstedt
Climate Impacts on the Baltic Sea: From Science to Policy - 2012 -
Modelling the CO2 dynamics in the Laptev Sea, Arctic Ocean: Part
Irene Wåhlström, Anders Omstedt, Göran Björk, Leif G Anderson
Journal of Marine Systems - 2012 -
Calculating the water and heat balances of the Eastern Mediterranean Basin using ocean modelling and available meteorological, hydrological and ocean
Mohamed Shaltout, Anders Omstedt
Oceanologia - 2012 -
BALTEX - an interdisciplinary research network for the Baltic Sea
Markus Reckermann, Joakim Langner, Anders Omstedt, Hans von Storch, Sirje Keevallik, Bernd Schneider, Berit Arheimer, H E Markus Meier, Birgit Hünicke
Environmental Research Letters - 2011 -
Reconstruction of river runoff to the Baltic Sea,
Daniel Hansson, Christin Eriksson, Anders Omstedt, Deliang Chen
International Journal of Climatology - 2011 -
Guide to process based modelling of lakes and coastal
Anders Omstedt
2011 -
Observed carbon dioxide and oxygen dynamics in a Baltic Sea coastal
Karin Wesslander, Per Hall, Sofia Hjalmarsson, Dominique Lefevre, Anders Omstedt, Anna Rutgersson, Erik Sahlée, Anders Tengberg
Journal of Marine Systems - 2011 -
On the carbon dioxide air-sea flux balance in the Baltic
Karin Wesslander, Anders Omstedt, Bernd Schneider
Continental Shelf Research - 2010 -
Factors influencing the acid–base (pH) balance in the Baltic Sea: a sensitivity
Anders Omstedt, Moa Edman, Leif G Anderson, Hjalmar Laudon
Tellus B - 2010 -
Havets försurning-data, modeller och statistikerns
Anders Grimvall, Anders Omstedt
Qvintensen. Medlemstidning för Svenska Statistikfrämjandet - 2010 -
Modelling the uptake and release of carbon dioxide in the Baltic Sea surface
Anders Omstedt, Erik Gustafsson, Karin Wesslander
Continental Shelf Research - 2009 -
Sensitivity of Baltic Sea deep water salinity and oxygen concentration to variations in physical
Erik Gustafsson, Anders Omstedt
Boreal Environment Research - 2009 -
Distribution, long-term development and mass balance calculation of total alkalinity in the Baltic
Sofia Hjalmarsson, Karin Wesslander, Leif G Anderson, Anders Omstedt, Matti Perttilä, Ludger Mintrop
Continental Shelf Research - 2008 -
Baltic-C: Building predictive capability regarding the Baltic Sea organic/inorganic carbon and oxygen
Anders Omstedt
BALTEX. Newsletter - 2008 -
Modelling the Baltic Sea acid-base (pH)
Anders Omstedt
BALTEX. Newsletter - 2008 -
Modelling the Baltic Sea ocean climate on centennial time scales; Temperature and Sea
Daniel Hansson, Anders Omstedt
Climate Dynamics - 2008 -
Introduction and
Hans von Storch, Anders Omstedt
The BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea basin. Berlin, Germany: Springer. - 2008 -
Chapter 2: Detection of past and current climate
R. Heino, H. Tuomenvirta, B. Gustafsson, V. Vuglinsky, H. Alexandersson, L. Bärring, D. Briede, Deliang Chen, M. Falarz, E. Førland, J. Haapala, J. Jaagus, L. Kitaev, A. Kont, E. Kuusisto, G. Lindström, H. E. M. Meier, M. Mietus, A. Moberg, T. Niedzwiedz, Ø. Nordli, Anders Omstedt, K. Orviku, Z. Pruszak, E. Rimkus, V. Russak, C. Schrum, U. Suursaar, T. Vihma, J. Wibig
The BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea basin - 2008 -
A8 Statistical Background: Testing for Trends and Change Points
Hans von Strorch, Anders Omstedt
The BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea basin - 2008 -
Characterizing the European subarctic winter climate since 1500 using ice, temperature, and atmospheric circulation time
Anders Omstedt
Journal of Climate 20, 5316-5334 - 2007 -
Kommer isen försvinna i
Anders Omstedt
Göteborgs långfärdskridskoklubbs årsbok 2007 - 2007 -
Developing an interated view on the Baltic Sea ecosystem: The EUR-OCEANS Baltic System
F Köster, David R. Turner, Anders Omstedt, C Möllmann, H Gislason, R Autio, Anders Olsson, R Diekmann
5th Study Conference on BALTEX - 2007 -
Reconstruction of river runoff to the Baltic Sea for the period
Christin Eriksson, Daniel Hansson, Anders Omstedt, Deliang Chen
GEWEX newsletter - 2007 -
Klimarförändringar under femhundra år. Havet 2007 – om miljötillståndet i våra
Anders Omstedt, Daniel Hansson
www.havet.nu - 2007 -
Communication and Education on Climate Change-European
Anders Omstedt
BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea basin (BACC) - 2007 -
The Northern Kvark Strait: an important and unknown
Anders Omstedt
BALTEX. Newsletter 10 - 2007 -
Characterizing the European sub-Arctic winter climate since 1500 using ice, temperature, and atmospheric circulation time
Christin Eriksson, Anders Omstedt, J.E. Overland, D.B. Percival, H.O. Mofjeld
Journal of Climate - 2007 -
Modelling the Baltic Sea ocean climate on centennial time scales; Temperature and Sea
Anders Omstedt, Daniel Hansson
Climate Dynamics - 2007 -
Evaluation of the heat balance components over the Baltic Sea using four gridded meteorological data bases and direct
A. Rutgersson, Anders Omstedt, Yomin Chen
Nordic Hydrology - 2006 -
The Baltic Sea Climate: Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow – Part 3. The Baltic Sea Tomorrow – A Sea of
Anders Omstedt
BALTEX. Newsletter International- BALTEX Secretariet, GKSS, Geestacht, Germany. - 2006 -
Physical oceanography and water exchange in the Northern Kvark
Anders Omstedt, Mattias Green, Bengt Liljebladh
Continental Shelf Research - 2006 -
Erratum to: “The Baltic Sea ocean climate system memory and response to changes in the water and heat balance
Anders Omstedt, Daniel Hansson
Continental Shelf Research - 2006 -
Baltex Phase II 2003-2012. Science Framework and Implementation
Anders Omstedt
2006 -
Physical oceanography and water exchange in the Northern Kvark
Mattias Green, Bengt Liljebladh, Anders Omstedt
Continental Shelf Research - 2006 -
Norra Kvarken – en vit prick på den oceanografiska
Anders Omstedt
Havsutsikt - 2006 -
). Assessments of Climate Cange for the Baltic Sea Basin-The BACC
Anders Omstedt
2006 -
Baltex Phase II 2003-2012. Science Framework and Implementation
Anders Omstedt
2006 -
Science Plan for BALTEX Phase II
H Grassl, Sven-Erik Gryning, H-J Isemer, Anders Omstedt, D Rosbjerg, M. Rummukainen
2006 -
The Baltic Sea ocean climate system memory and response to changes in the water and heat balance
Anders Omstedt, Daniel Hansson
Continental Shelf Research - 2006 -
A comparison between the ERA40 and the SMHI gridded meteorological databases as applied to Baltic Sea
Anders Omstedt, Yomin Chen, Karin Wesslander
Nordic Hydrology - 2005 -
Evaluation of the heat balance components over the Baltic Sea using four gridded meteorological databases and direct
A. Rutgersson, Anders Omstedt, Yomin Chen
Nordic Hydrology - 2005 -
Precipitation and evaporation budgets over the Baltic Proper: observations and
Ann-Sofi Smedman, Sven-Erik Gryning, Karl Bumke, Ulf Högström, Anna Rutgersson, Ekaterina Batchvarova, Gerhard Peters, Barbara Hennemuth, Bengt Tammelin, Reijo Hyvönen, Anders Omstedt, Daniel Michelson, Tage Andersson
Journal of Atmospheric & Ocean Science - 2005 -
Climate-induced variability of sea level in Stockholm: Influence of air temperature and atmospheric
Deliang Chen, Anders Omstedt
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences - 2005 -
Östersjön förändras
Thomas Andrén, Eva Andrén, Kjell Nordberg, Anders Omstedt
Upsala Nya Tidning - 2005 -
Synthesis. Chapter 15 in BALTEX Phase I 1993-2002: State of the Art
D Jacob, Anders Omstedt
2005 -
Återkoppling på kommentar av Bert
Anders Omstedt
Forskning och Framsteg - 2005 -
The Baltic Sea Climate: Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow – Part 1. The Baltic – A wondrous
Anders Omstedt
Newsletter. International BALTEX Secretariet, GKSS, Geestacht, Germany. - 2005 -
Baltic Sea. Chapter 3 in BALTEX Phase I
Anders Omstedt, J. Elken, A. Lehmann, J. Piechura
2005 -
The Baltic Sea Climate: Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow – Part 2. The Baltic Sea yesterday – A puzzle to piece
Anders Omstedt
Newsletter. International BALTEX Secretariet, GKSS, Geestacht, Germany. - 2005 -
Östersjön imorgon-ett hav av
Anders Omstedt
Havsutsikt - 2005 -
BALTEX Phase I 1993-2002: State of the Art
D Jacob, Anders Omstedt
2005 -
A comparison between the ERA40 and the SMHI gridded meteorological data bases with application to Baltic Sea
Anders Omstedt, Y. Chen, Karin Wesslander
2004 -
An overview of long-term time series of temperature, salinity and oxygen in the Baltic Sea. Fourth Study Conference on
Karin Wesslander, Mattias Green, P Axe, Anders Omstedt, A Svansson
2004 -
Östersjön igår-ett pussel att
Anders Omstedt
Havsutsikt - 2004 -
Detection of climate change in the Baltic Sea area using Matching Pursuit. Fourth Study Conference on
Christin Pettersen, Anders Omstedt, H.O. Mojfeld, J.E. Overland, D.B. Percival
2004 -
Östersjön idag-många gåtor
Anders Omstedt
Havsutsikt - 2004 -
Knowledge of the Baltic Sea physics gained during the BALTEX and related
Anders Omstedt, J. Elken, A. Lehmann, J. Piechura
Progress in Oceanography - 2004 -
Calculating the water and heat balances of the Baltic Sea using ocean modelling and available meteorological, hydrological and ocean
Anders Omstedt, Christian Nohr
Tellus Series a-Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography - 2004 -
Baltic Sea climate: 200 yr of data on air temperature, sea level variation, ice cover, and atmospheric
Anders Omstedt, Christin Pettersen, Johan Rodhe, P. Winsor
Climate Research - 2004 -
The BALTEX/Bridge water budget and heat balances calculated from Baltic Sea modeling and available meteorological, hydrological and ocean
Anders Omstedt, Christian Nohr
2004 -
Evaluation of atmosphere-ocean heat fluxes over the Baltic Sea using a number of gridded databases. Fourth Study Conference on
A Rutgersson, Anders Omstedt, G. Nilsson
2004 -
Science Plan for BALTEX Phase II
H Grassl, Sven-Erik Gryning, H-J Isemer, Anders Omstedt, D Rosbjerg, M. Rummukainen
2004 -
Baltic Sea ocean climate: an analysis of 100 yr of hydrographical data with focus on the freshwater budget (vol 18, pg 8,
P. Winsor, Johan Rodhe, Anders Omstedt
Climate Research - 2003 -
The Baltic Sea Experiment (BALTEX): A European Contribution to the Investigation of the Energy and Water Cycle over a Large Drainage
E. Raschke, J. Meywerk, K. Warrach, U. Andrea, S. Bergström, F. Beyrich, F. Bosveld, K. Bumke, C. Fortelius, L. P. Graham, S. E. Gryning, S. Halldin, L. Hasse, M. Heikinheimo, H. J. Isemer, D. Jacob, I. Jauja, K. G. Karlsson, S. Keevallik, J. Koistinen, A. Van Lammeren, U. Lass, J. Launianen, A. Lehmann, Bengt Liljebladh, M. Lobmeyr, W. Matthäus, T. Mengelkamp, D. B. Michelson, J. Napiórkowski, Anders Omstedt, J. Piechura, B. Rockel, F. Rubel, E. Ruprecht, A. S. Smedman, A. Stigebrandt
Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society - - 2001 -
Precipitation estimates over the Baltic Sea: Present state of the
A. Rutgersson, K. Bumke, M. Clemens, V. Foltescu, R. Lindau, D. Michelson, Anders Omstedt
Nordic Hydrology - 2001 -
A regional climate model for northern Europe: Model description and results from the downscaling of two GCM control
M. Rummukainen, J. Räisänen, B. Bringfelt, A. Ullerstig, Anders Omstedt, U. Willén, U. Hansson, C.G. Jones
Climate Dynamics - 2001 -
Baltic Sea ocean climate: An analysis of 100 yr of hydrographic data with focus on the freshwater
P. Winsor, Johan Rohde, Anders Omstedt
Climate Research - 2001 -
Measured and simulated latent and sensible heat fluxes at two marine sites in the baltic
A. Rutgersson, A.S. Smedman, Anders Omstedt
Boundary-Layer Meteorology - 2001 -
Influence of atmospheric circulation on the maximum ice extent in the Baltic
Anders Omstedt, Deliang Chen
Journal of Geophysical Research - 2001 -
Use of Baltic Sea modelling to investigate the water cycle and the heat balance in GCM and regional climate
Anders Omstedt, Gustavsson Bo, Johan Rohde, Gösta Walin
Climate Research - 2000 -
Closing the water and heat cycles of the Baltic
Anders Omstedt, A Rutgersson
Meteorologische Zeitschrift - 2000 -
Modeling the seasonal, interannual, and long-term variations of salinity and temperature in the Baltic
Anders Omstedt, L.B. Axell
Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography - 1998 -
Numerical simulations of frazil ice dynamics in the upper layers of the
U. Svensson, Anders Omstedt
Cold Regions Science and Technology - 1998 -
Coupling of a high-resolution atmospheric model and an ocean model for the Baltic
N Gustavsson, N Nyberg, Anders Omstedt
Monthly Weather Review - 1998 -
Interannual, seasonal and regional variations of precipitation and evaporation over the Baltic
Anders Omstedt, L Meuller, L. Nyberg
Ambio - 1997 -
On the ice-ocean response to wind
Anders Omstedt, L. Nyberg, M. Leppäranta
Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography - 1996 -
Response of Baltic Sea ice to seasonal, interannual forcing and climate
Anders Omstedt, N. Nyberg
Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography - 1996 -
Parameterization of lake thermodynamics in a high-resolution weather forecasting
PATRIK LJUNGEMYR, Nils Gustafsson, Anders Omstedt
Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography - 1996 -
The freshwater budget and under-ice spreading of Mackenzie River water in the Canadian Beaufort Sea based on salinity and 18O/16O measurements in water and
R.W. Macdonald, D.W. Paton, E.C. Carmack, Anders Omstedt
Journal of Geophysical Research - 1995 -
Simulation of supercooling and size distribution in frazil ice
U. Svensson, Anders Omstedt
Cold Regions Science and Technology - 1994 -
On currents and vertical mixing in Lake Ontario during summer
Anders Omstedt, C.R. Murthy
Nordic Hydrology - 1994 -
Modeling the seasonal cycle of salinity in the Mackenzie
Anders Omstedt, E. Carmack, R. Macdonald
Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans - 1994 -
Some flow characteristics of the coastal boundary layer in the Bothnian
Anders Omstedt, E. Marmefelt, R. Murthy
Aqua Fennica - 1993 -
Deep water properties in the Gulf of
E. Marmefelt, Anders Omstedt
Continental Shelf Research - 1993 -
Deep water exchange in the Baltic
T. Kouts, Anders Omstedt
Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography - 1993 -
Ice growth and oceanic heat flux: Models and
Anders Omstedt, J. S. Wettlaufer
Journal of Geophysical Research - 1992 -
Water exchange and density structure in a multibasin
A. Engqvist, Anders Omstedt
Continental Shelf Research - 1992 -
On the melt rate of drifting ice heated from
Anders Omstedt, U. Svensson
Cold Regions Science and Technology - 1992 -
Sea level variations during icecovered periods in the Baltic
Anders Omstedt, L. Nyberg
Geophysica - 1991 -
Modelling the Baltic Sea as thirteen sub-basins with vertical
Anders Omstedt
Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography - 1990 -
A coupled one-dimensional sea ice-ocean model applied to a semi-enclosed
Anders Omstedt
Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography - 1990 -
A Mathematical Model of the Ocean Boundary Layer under Drifting Melting
U. Svensson, Anders Omstedt
Journal of Physical Oceanography - 1990 -
Dynamic coupling of sea ice and water for an ice field with free
M. Leppäranta, Anders Omstedt
Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography - 1990 -
Forecasting water cooling in the Kattegat, the Öresund, the Belt Sea and the Arkona
Anders Omstedt
Nordic Hydrology - 1987 -
Water cooling in the entrance of the Baltic
Anders Omstedt
Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography - 1987 -
On super-cooling and ice formation in turbulent
Anders Omstedt
Journal of Glaciology - 1985 -
Modelling frazil ice and grease ice formation in the upper layers of the
Anders Omstedt
Cold Regions Science and Technology - 1985 -
Anders Omstedt, Urban Svensson
Journal of Geophysical Research - 1984 -
On autumn cooling in the Gulf of
Anders Omstedt
Geophysica - 1983 -
Measured and numerically-simulated autumn cooling in the Bay of
Anders Omstedt, J. Sahlberg, U. Svensson
Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography - 1983