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- Anja Karlsson Franck
Anja Karlsson Franck
Institutionen för globala studierOm Anja Karlsson Franck
Jag är docent i freds- och utvecklingsforskning och har en doktorsexamen i ekonomisk geografi.
I min forskning har jag intresserat mig för frågor som rör internationell migration, gränser och säkerhet. Jag är särskilt intresserad av hur flyktingar och migranter själva navigerar allt mer restriktiva och militariserade gränslandskap - och hur deras strategier i sin tur påverkar staters möjligheter att reglera migration. Jag har bland annat undersökt hur en prekär juridisk status (såsom att vara "papperslös" eller att ha ett temporärt uppehålls- eller arbetstillstånd) påverkar hur vi uppfattar och manövrerar stadsrummet, hur korruption används som ett sätt att navigera inre gränskontroller samt hur humor och skratt kan fungerar som ett verktyg för att hantera och vägra den utsatta position många flyktingar och migranter upplever.
I mina pågående forskningsprojekt (finansierade av Vetenskapsrådet) undersöker jag dessa frågor tillsammans med forskare från Göteborgs och Amsterdams universitet (UvA). Tillsammans med Darshan Vigneswaran fokuserar vi på hur migranter från Myanmar/Burma söker skydd undan förtryck och våld under sin migration till Malaysia och Thailand. I ett projekt tillsammans med Joakim Berndtsson och Joseph Anderson från GU och Saskia Bonjour, Polly Pallister-Wilkins och Darshan Vigneswaran från UvA undersöker vi frågor som rör implementering, transparens och ansvarsutkrävande när EU utlokaliserar sin yttre gräns till Afrika.
Mitt intresse för hur flyktingar och migranter navigerar allt mer restriktiva och militariserade gränslandskap har också väckt mitt intresse för frågor som rör synen på säkerhet i samhället i stort. I ett nyligen initierat forskningsprojekt tillsammans med Maria Stern (GU), Richard Georgi (GU), Chris Agius (Swinburne University of Technology) och Simon Turner (Lunds universitet) kommer vi att undersöka "prepping" som ett socialt och politiskt fenomen.
I min undervisning har jag, utöver frågor som rör migration och säkerhet, också intresserat mig för fotboll ur ett samhällsvetenskapligt perspektiv. Jag är ansvarig för kursen Fotboll och global politik - vilken tar sig an den globala fotbollens kopplingar till frågor om identitet, kommersialisering och global styrning.
From Glasgow to Hamburg to Gaza - Free Palestine (from Hamas): International conflict, collective memory, and football supporter
Anja K. Franck, Carolina Valente Cardoso, Pernilla Nordqvist, Ekim Caglar
Intenational Studies Association Annual Convention, Chicago, March 2-5, 2025 - 2025 -
The idiocy of borders: Absurd encounters of the European border
Anja K. Franck, Annika Lindberg
International Studies Association Annual Convention, Chicago, March 2-5, 2025 - 2025 -
Numbers, Ignorance and Swedish Migration
Joseph Trawicki Anderson, Jessie Jern, Anja K. Franck
Nordic Journal of Migration Research - 2025 -
Transnational Memory and Activism: The Great Irish Famine and Celtic Football
Anja K. Franck, Fisseha Fantahun Tefera, Carolina Valente Cardoso
PRIS Conference, Gothenburg, 27-28 Nov, 2024 - 2024 -
From Glasgow to Hamburg to Gaza - Free Palestine (from Hamas)! International conflict, collective memory, and football supporter
Anja K. Franck, Carolina Valente Cardoso, Pernilla Nordqvist, Ekim Caglar
PRIS Conference, Gothenburg, 27-28 Nov, 2024 - 2024 -
Whose emotions? Navigating the affective landscapes of border
Anja K. Franck
Border Policing, Boundary Creation, and Emotions, 7-8 October, 2024, Leiden University - 2024 -
Migration, resistance and football supporter
Anja K. Franck
Exploring Diversity/Migration, Resilience and Inequalities in times of crisis, September 5, 2024, University of Copenhagen - 2024 -
"Humorless Muslim" and "Humorless refugee" memes: The Politics of Making People Strangers, Dangers, and
Anja K. Franck
Workshop on Crisis Inequalities and Social Resilience, May 28-29, 2024, Lund University - 2024 -
The ultimate 'bugging out': The super-rich and the colonization of
Anja K. Franck, Darshan Vigneswaran, Enrike van Wingerden
ISA 2024 Annual Convention, San Fransisco, April 3rd - 6th, 2024 - 2024 -
Hacking migration control: Repurposing and reprogramming
Anja Franck, Darshan Vigneswaran
Security Dialogue - 2023 -
The Humanitarianesque Carnival: Absurdity and the Possibility to Think
Anja K. Franck
Society and Space - 2023 -
Får jag fängelse både om jag anger papperslösa och om jag inte gör
Anja K. Franck
Göteborgs-Posten - 2023 -
Humorless refugees, humorless Muslims: The politics of making people strangers, dangers and
Anja Franck
The 16th EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations, 5-9 September, Potsdam - 2023 -
Street Regimes: Moving Beyond the ‘State’ in Comparative Research into Migration
Anja K. Franck, Darshan Vigneswaran
10th European Workshops in International Studies, Amsterdam, 12-14 July 2023 - 2023 -
Smiling as an act of aggression against oppression: Mutual recognition, colonial dialectics, and the Palestinian campaign to smile while being
Anja Franck
Humorous Art and the Articulation of Everyday Practices: Narratives from Palestine and Beyond, Vienna 3-4 July, 2023 - 2023 -
Laughable borders: Making the case for the humorous in migration
Anja K. Franck
Migration Politics - 2022 -
Can male asylum seekers win the “vulnerability contest”? The racialized and gendered gaze of asylum officers in
Jessie Jern, Anja K. Franck, Joseph Trawicki Anderson
EISA 15th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Athens 1-4 September 2022 - 2022 -
In the quest for "integration" evidence don't matter much: Unproven and disproven causality in Swedish migration
Anja K. Franck, Joseph Trawicki Anderson, Jessie Jern
EISA 15th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Athens, 1-4 September 2022 - 2022 -
Numbers as "empty signifier" in Swedish migration
Joseph Trawicki Anderson, Jessie Jern, Anja K. Franck
EISA 15th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, 1-4 September 2022 - 2022 -
Vem förtjänar att vara flykting? Om Ukraina, rasifiering och sörjbara
Annika Lindberg, Anja K. Franck, Avyanthi Azis, Alexander Jung, Alexandra Bousiou, Jessie Jern, Joseph Trawicki Anderson
Artikel 14 - 2022 -
Can Male Asylum Seekers Win the “Vulnerability Contest”? The Racialized and Gendered Gaze of Asylum Officers in
Jessie Jern, Anja K. Franck
Nordic Migration Research 2022 - 2022 -
Numbers vs. Everything Else: An Examination of Swedish Migration
Joseph Trawicki Anderson, Anja K. Franck, Jessie Jern
Nordic Migration Research Conference 2022 - 2022 -
Refugees and/as
Anja K. Franck
19th IMISCOE annual conference, June 29 - July 1, 2022, Oslo - 2022 -
Who Deserves to Be a Refugee? Ukraine, Racialization, and “Grievable”
Anja K. Franck, Annika Lindberg, Alexander Jung, Jessie Jern, Alexandra Bousiou, Avyanthi Azis, Joseph Trawicki Anderson
School of Blogal Studies - 2022 -
Clowning the Ukraine-Moldovan
Anja Franck
School of Blogal Studies - 2022 -
Män och maskulinitet i Göteborgs
Karin Hallberg, Gunilla Blomqvist, Anja K. Franck
Forskning om Göteborg 400 år - 2021 -
What’s so funny about a military coup? How Generation Z is trolling the Myanmar
Anja Franck, Alicia de la Cour Venning, Paul Vrieze, Pernilla Nordqvist
Blogal Studies - 2021 -
Refugees as “preppers”? Or what Simon Turner could learn from Keeping up with the
Anja K. Franck
School of Blogal Studies - 2021 -
Jocular Ethnography: The Productive Work of Humour in Fieldwork on
Anja K. Franck
kritisk etnografi - Swedish Journal of Anthropology - 2021 -
Laughable borders: Delegitimizing migration control regimes through
Anja K. Franck
De/Legitimizing Global Migration Control, 28-29 October 2021, University of Amsterdam - 2021 -
Arbete till varje pris? En diskussion om försörjningskravet för
Anja K. Franck, Joseph Trawicki Anderson, Jessie Jern
Rättssäkerheten och solidariteten - vad hände?: en antologi om mottagande av människor på flykt - 2021 -
Mothers ‘Falling Down’: Surviving the Ruin of Living through Rage and
Anja K. Franck, Maria Stern
European International Studies Association, 13-17 Sept, 2021 - 2021 -
Laughable borders: On the Advantages of Reading Border Regimes Through the Lens of
Anja K. Franck
‘Borders, Subjectivity and Iconoclasm’, Copenhagen, Oct 22-23, 2020 - 2020 -
Refugees as/at risk: The gendered and racialized underpinnings of securitization in British media
Harriet Gray, Anja Franck
Security Dialogue - 2019 -
The public and the private in guestworker schemes: examples from Malaysia and the
Joseph Trawicki Anderson, Anja Franck
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies - 2019 -
The ‘street politics’ of migrant il/legality: Navigating Malaysia's urban
Anja K. Franck
Asia Pacific Viewpoint - 2019 -
Corrupt(ing) Borders: Navigating Urban Immigration Policing in
Anja K. Franck
Geopolitics - 2019 -
Survival and predation in the humanitarian economy of
Anja K. Franck, Polly Pallister-Wilkins
International Conference of Critical Geography, 19-23 April 2019, Athens - 2019 -
LAUGHABLE BORDERS: On the everyday absurdities of border
Anja K. Franck
IMISCOE Annual Conference 2019, Malmö - 2019 -
Writings on the Wall: Textual Traces of Transit in the Aegean
Ioanna Wagner Tsoni, Anja K. Franck
Borders in Globalization Review - 2019 -
The Cost of Legality: Navigating Labour Mobility and Exploitation in
Anja K. Franck, Joseph Trawicki Anderson
International Quarterly for Asian Studies - 2019 -
Hacking deportability: How migrants change migration
Anja K. Franck, Darshan Vigneswaran
Internation Studies Association Annual Convention, 26-30 March, Toronto - 2019 -
Navigating migrant trajectories through private actors: Burmese labour migration to
Anja K. Franck, Emanuelle Brandström Arellano, Joseph Trawicki Anderson
European Journal of East Asian Studies - 2018 -
Im/Mobility and Deportability in Transit: Lesvos Island, Greece, June
Anja K. Franck
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie - 2017 -
“Unaccompanied Pappas”: The securitisation of masculinity in the European refugee
Anja K. Franck, Harriet Gray
International Studies Association Annual Convention, Baltimore, 22-25 March, 2017 - 2017 -
Survival and predation in the everyday political economy of the refugee emergency in
Anja K. Franck
Contested borderscapes: Transnational Geographies vis-à-vis Fortress Europe - 2017 -
A(nother) geography of fear: Burmese labour migrants in George Town,
Anja K. Franck
Urban Studies - 2016 -
Vilka är vi när detta är
Anja K. Franck
Göteborgs Fria Tidning - 2016 -
Negotiating gendered spatial boundaries: women’s food-hawking in Penang,
Anja K. Franck
Calaresu, M. & van den Heuvel, D. (Eds.) Food Hawkers: Selling in the Streets from Antiquity to the Present - 2016 -
'We are the good guys!' Postcolonial reflections on the European Union as a normative
Anja K. Franck, Patricia Lorenzoni
The EU as a Global Actor: 'A Force for Good in the World?' - 2016 -
The EU as a Global Actor: 'A Force for Good in the
From Formal Employment to Street Vending: Malaysian Women’s Labour Force Participation over the Life
Anja K. Franck
The Everyday Political Economy of Southeast Asia - (ed.) Elias, J. & Rethel, L - 2016 -
'Missing women?' Analysing the low female labour force participation rates in Penang,
Anja K. Franck
Debating gender justice in Asia - 2016 -
Tourism development in Bagan, Myanmar: Perceptions of its influences upon young peoples ’ cultural
Anja K. Franck, Anna-Katharina Rich
Tourism Planning & Development - 2016 -
Malaysiska kvinnors erfarenheter av exportindustrins
Anja K. Franck
Gränsöverskridande - 2016 -
The securitized and fearful ’Other’: Migration and human security in
Anja K. Franck
Southeast Asian Studies Symposium 2016, 14 - 16 April 2016, Oxford - 2016 -
Migrationen är en
Anja K. Franck
Fria Tidningen - 2015 -
Negotiation Borders: Everyday Corruption and Immigration Policing in
Anja K. Franck
ISA 56th Annual Convention, New Orleans, February 18-21, 2015 - 2015 -
The migration-corruption nexus: Findings from
Anja K. Franck
PSA Comparative European Politics Specialist Group Annual Conference, Gothenburg 6-7 November, 2014 - 2014 -
Missing women? The under-recording and under-reporting of women's work in
Anja K. Franck, Jerry Olsson
International labour review - 2014 -
I’ll tell you how it is: They treat us like slaves.” Non-citizenship, labor brokers and forced labor in
Anja K. Franck, Emanuelle Brandström
3rd Annual Southeast Asia Studies Symposium, 22-23 March 2014, Keble College, University of Oxford - 2014 -
Negotiating gender through informal micro-entrepreneurship in
Anja K. Franck
3rd Annual Southeast Asia Studies Symposium, 22-23 March 2014, Keble College, University of Oxford - 2014 -
The geography of fear: To live as Burmese refugee in Malay-
Anja K. Franck
Presentation at Seminar: Development in Burma/Myanmar, 20-23 May 2014, University of Gothenburg - 2014 -
The EU as a Global Actor: "A Force for Good in the
Anja Franck, Fredrik Söderbaum
Franck A. K. & Söderbaum F. (eds.). The EU as a Global Actor: A Force for Good in the World? - 2013 -
A geography of fear: Burmese labor migrants in urban
Anja K. Franck
Paper presented for Centre for Globalization and Development University of Gothenburg - 2013 -
A geography of fear: Burmese labor migrants in urban
Anja K. Franck
Presentation at Geography Research Seminar Series, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 24 September 2013 - 2013 -
Malaysia's View on the European Union's External Policies on Development And Gender
Anja K. Franck
Presented at Gender Studies Programme, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 17 September 2013 - 2013 -
Factors motivating women's informal micro-entrepreneurship: Experiences from Penang,
Anja K. Franck
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship - 2012 -
From formal employment to street vending: Women’s room to maneuver and labor market decisions under conditions of export-orientation – the case of Penang,
Anja K. Franck
2012 -
Political Mobility in Contemporary
‘I am too old! Who is going to give me a job?’ Women hawkers in Teluk Bahang, Penang,
Anja K. Franck
Journal of Workplace Rights - 2011 -
Women's labour migration in the context of
'Missing women': Analyzing the low female labor force participation rates in Penang,
Anja Franck
2nd Congress of the Asian Asociation of Women's Studies (CAAWS), 9-11 December 2010, Penang - 2010 -
Constructing gender, place and work: Food hawking in Pulau Pinang,
Anja Franck
Food hawkers: Selling in the street from antiquity to the present, 22-23 April 2010, Cambridge - 2010 -
Standards mit Schlagseite: Kernarbeitsnormen und Decent-Work-Agenda vernachlässigen die Situation von
Anja Franck
INKOTA-Brief - 2009 -
Leere Plätze am
Anja K. Franck
Frauen Solidarität - 2008 -
Feminist Concerns Regarding Core Labor Standards, Decent Work and Corporate Social
Anja K. Franck
WIDE Publication - 2008 -
Global Europe i
Anja K. Franck
Handel, WTO och rättvisa - dags för omstart - 2008