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- Bibbi Hagberg
Bibbi Hagberg
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Sektionen för psykiatri och neurokemi-
Adverse childhood experiences in children with neurodevelopmental disorders and their
Maria Davidsson, Frida Ringstrom, Bibbi Hagberg, Christopher Gillberg, Eva Billstedt
Follow-up of expressive language and general development at 12, 18 and 36 months for children with no canonical babbling at 10
Marion Lieberman, Bibbi Hagberg, Anette Lohmander, Carmela Miniscalco
A High Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Preschool Children in an Immigrant, Multiethnic Population in Sweden: Challenges for Health
Petra Linnsand, Christopher Gillberg, A. Nilses, Bibbi Hagberg, Gudrun Nygren
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders - 2021 -
Young children who screen positive for autism: Stability, change and "comorbidity" over two
Anne-Katrin Kantzer, Elisabeth Fernell, Joakim Westerlund, Bibbi Hagberg, Christopher Gillberg, Carmela Miniscalco
Research in developmental disabilities - 2018 -
Normative biometry of the fetal brain using magnetic resonance
Vanessa Kyriakopoulou, Deniz Vatansever, Alice Davidson, Prachi Patkee, Samia Elkommos, Andrew Chew, Miriam Martinez-Biarge, Bibbi Hagberg, Mellisa Damodaram, Joanna Allsop, Matt Fox, Joseph V Hajnal, Mary A Rutherford
Brain structure & function - 2017 -
Aspects of Sexuality in Adolescents and Adults Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders in
Lucrecia Cabral Fernandes, I Carina Gillberg, Mats Cederlund, Bibbi Hagberg, Christopher Gillberg, Eva Billstedt
Journal of autism and developmental disorders - 2016 -
Altered white matter and cortical structure in neonates with antenatally diagnosed isolated
G Lockwood Estrin, V Kyriakopoulou, A Makropoulos, G Ball, L Kuhendran, A Chew, Bibbi Hagberg, M Martinez-Biarge, J Allsop, M Fox, S J Counsell, M A Rutherford
NeuroImage. Clinical - 2016 -
Asperger syndrome and nonverbal learning difficulties in adult males: self- and parent-reported autism, attention and executive
Bibbi Hagberg, Eva Billstedt, Agneta Nydén, Christopher Gillberg
European child & adolescent psychiatry - 2015 -
ESSENCE: Child and Adults Studies of Verbal and Nonverbal Skills in ASD and
Bibbi Hagberg
2013 -
Asperger syndrome and "non-verbal learning problems" in a longitudinal perspective: Neuropsychological and social adaptive outcome in early adult
Bibbi Hagberg, Agneta Nydén, Mats Cederlund, Christopher Gillberg
Psychiatry research - 2013 -
Narrative retelling in children with neurodevelopmental disorders: Is there a role for nonverbal temporal-sequencing
Jakob Åsberg Johnels, Bibbi Hagberg, Christopher Gillberg, Carmela Miniscalco
Scandinavian journal of psychology - 2013 -
A cognitive endophenotype of autism in families with multiple
Agneta Nydén, Bibbi Hagberg, V Gousse, Maria Råstam
Clinic attenders with autism or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: cognitive profile at school age and its relationship to preschool indicators of language
Bibbi Hagberg, Carmela Miniscalco, Christopher Gillberg
Research in Developmental Disabilities - 2010 -
Asperger syndrome in adolescent and young adult males. Interview, self- and parent assessment of social, emotional, and cognitive
Mats Cederlund, Bibbi Hagberg, Christopher Gillberg
Research in Developmental Disabilities - 2010 -
The Swedish version of the Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO-10). Psychometric
Gudrun Nygren, Bibbi Hagberg, Eva Billstedt, Åsa Skoglund, Christopher Gillberg, Maria E I Johansson
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders - 2009 -
Asperger syndrome and autism: a comparative longitudinal follow-up study more than 5 years after original
Mats Cederlund, Bibbi Hagberg, Eva Billstedt, I Carina Gillberg, Christopher Gillberg
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders - 2008 -
Narrative skills, cognitive profiles and neuropsychiatric disorders in 7-8-year-old children with late developing
Carmela Miniscalco, Bibbi Hagberg, Björn Kadesjö, Monica Westerlund, Christopher Gillberg
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders - 2007 -
Neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental outcome of children at age 6 and 7 years who screened positive for language problems at 30
Carmela Miniscalco, Gudrun Nygren, Bibbi Hagberg, Björn Kadesjö, Christopher Gillberg
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology - 2006 -
International collaborative study of intracytoplasmic sperm injection-conceived, in vitro fertilization-conceived, and naturally conceived 5-year-old child outcomes: cognitive and motor
I Ponjaert-Kristoffersen, M Bonduelle, J Barnes, J Nekkebroeck, A Loft, Ulla-Britt Wennerholm, BC Tarlatzis, C Peters, Bibbi Hagberg, A Berner, G Sutcliffe A
Pediatrics - 2005 -
The influence of assisted reproduction on family functioning and children's socio-emotional development: results from a European
J Barnes, A G Sutcliffe, I Kristoffersen, A Loft, Ulla-Britt Wennerholm, B C Tarlatzis, X Kantaris, J Nekkebroeck, Bibbi Hagberg, S V Madsen, M Bonduelle
Human reproduction (Oxford, England) - 2004 -
Brief report: autism and Asperger syndrome in seven-year-old children: a total population
Björn Kadesjö, Christopher Gillberg, Bibbi Hagberg
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders - 1999 -
Autistic disorders in children with CHARGE
Elisabeth Fernell, Vivi-Ann Olsson, Carina Karlgren-Leitner, Berit Norlin, Bibbi Hagberg, Christopher Gillberg
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology - 1999 -
Neuropsychological disorders in children exposed to alcohol during pregnancy: a follow-up study of 24 children to alcoholic mothers in Göteborg,
Marita Aronson, Bibbi Hagberg
Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research - 1998 -
Attention deficits and autistic spectrum problems in children exposed to alcohol during gestation: a follow-up
Marita Aronson, Bibbi Hagberg, Christopher Gillberg
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology - 1997 -
Benzodiazepine amplification of valproate teratogenic effects in children of mothers with absence
Liv Laegreid, Mårten Kyllerman, Thomas Hedner, Bibbi Hagberg, Gerd Viggedal
Neuropediatrics - 1993 -
Mental development in late infancy after prenatal exposure to benzodiazepines--a prospective
Gerd Viggedal, Bibbi Hagberg, Liv Laegreid, Marita Aronsson
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines - 1993