
Britta Olinder


Institutionen för språk och litteraturer
Renströmsgatan 6
41256 Göteborg
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

Om Britta Olinder

Ämne: engelska, litteraturvetenskap


Sedan jag i min lic.avhandling behandlat 1600-talsförfattaren John Drydens teoretiska utgångspunkter och litteraturkritik ägnades doktorsavhandlingen åt hur hans syn på dramats struktur återspeglas i hans tragedier. I övrigt har jag i huvudsak ägnat mig åt nutida litteratur från Irland, Kanada, Indien, Australien och Afrika. I början av 90-talet deltog jag i ett tvärvetenskapligt genusprojekt, som i mitt fall tillämpades på indisk litteratur.

1982 organiserade jag en internationell konferens vid Humanistiska fakulteten om postkolonial litteratur på engelska med deltagare från sexton länder från alla kontinenter (Salman Rushdies första internationella konferens) och två år senare en liknande. Som en del av universitetets hundraårsfirande anordnade jag en konferens om och med kvinnliga postkoloniala författare och 1997 förlade the International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures sin årliga konferens till Göteborgs universitet liksom the European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies (EFACIS) 2005. Dessemellan har det förekommit flera nordiska seminarier och projektdagar, ffa om irländska ämnen. Under åren har jag haft förmånen att finnas med i flera vitt spridda internationella nätverk.

Tidigare publikationer

Allmänna och historiska

  • "The Links of a Curious Chain": Studies in the Acts and Scenes of John Dryden's Tragedies and Tragi-Comedies." (Diss.) University of Gothenburg, 1973.
  • Review of Sven Bäckman, This Singular Tale: A Study of The Vicar of Wakefield and Its Literary Background in Moderna Språk LXVIII (1974), pp. 310-314.
  • "The National Theatre on London's South Bank", Moderna Språk LXXII (1978), pp. 137-141.
  • Review of The Works of John Dryden, University of California Press, vols. II, III, X, XVIII, in Anglia 100 (1982), pp. 211-216.
  • A Sense of Place: Essays in Post-Colonial Literatures. Ed. Britta Olinder. Göteborg: English Department, Gothenburg University, 1984. (The Proceedings of the Gothenburg University Congress of Commonwealth Language and Literature, September, 1982.)
  • Engelsk Läsebok, utg. av Deborah Fronko, Britta Olinder, Jan Robins, 1990.
  • Artiklar om Soyinka, Tagore och Yeats för Nobelpristagare 1901-1991. Lund, 1991.
  • Breaking Circles: More Essays in Post-Colonial Literatures. Ed. Britta Olinder. Aarhus: Dangaroo Press, 1991. Including the following paper:
  • ”Survival, Reincarnation, Palace of the Peacock: Attitudes to Death and Life in Commonwealth Literature”. Breaking Circles, 202-17.
  • Drygt 140 artiklar för Nationalencyklopedin från om afrikansk, indisk, karibisk, irländsk samt någon gång brittisk eller kanadensisk litteratur.
  • Criss-Cross Tales: Short Stories from English-speaking Cultures. Ed. Michal Anne Moscow and Britta Olinder. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2002. (340 pp.)
  • Proceedings from the 8th Nordic Conference on English Studies. Ed. Karin Aijmer and Britta Olinder. Göteborg University, Department of English, 2003.

Om irländsk litteratur

  • "Poetry from the Troubled North", Moderna Språk LXXI (1977), pp. 49-57.
  • "Hyllningskör för Irländsk Teater", understreckare i Svenska Dagbladet, 28.3.1981.
    (Om Brian Friel).
  • "The Poet's Trade: John Hewitt's View of His Own Poetry", Papers from the First Nordic Conference of English Studies. Oslo, 1981, pp. 148-161.
  • "John Hewitt - Ulsterman of Planter Stock", Studies in Anglo-Irish Literature, ed. by Heinz Kosok (Wuppertaler Schriftenreihe Literatur, vol. 19). Bonn: Bouvier Verlag, 1982, pp. 376-389.
  • "Landsflykt i Sverige", Joyce i Sverige, red. Tommy Olofsson. Stockholm: Atlantis, 1986, sid. 78-96.
  • "Litteratur och politik i Nordirland", Mycket Mänskligt: Humanistisk forskning vid Göteborgs universitet 2, 1989.
  • "'The Heartbreak's Relevant': Dramatic and Poetic Qualities of John Hewitt's The Bloody Brae", Perspectives of Irish Drama and Theatre, edited by Jacqueline Genet and Richard Allan Cave (Irish Literary Studies 33) Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe, 1991, pp. 77-82.
  • ”John Hewitt’s Travels in the Mediterranean as Reflected in his Poetry and Prose”. IASAIL Sardinia conference publication 1994.
  • Article on John Hewitt. In The Oxford Companion to Irish Literature, ed. Robert Welch. Oxford: Claredon Press 1996
  • “Hewitt’s Region in a Post-Colonial Perspective”. International Aspects of Irish Literature. Ed. Toshi Furumoto et al. Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe, 1996. 301-10.
  • "Creating an Identity: John Hewitt and History", Ireland Towards New Identities. (The Dolphin Series 29) ed. Karl-Heinz Westarp and Michael Böss. Aarhus University Press, 1998, 120-133.
  • ”Gender and Politics in Some Northern Irish Plays”. Twentieth-Century Theatre and Drama. Fest-schrift for Heinz Kosok. Ed. Jürgen Kamm. Trier: Wissenschaftlichen Verlag Trier, 1999, 545-554.
  • “Exilens gränser – andra dimensioner hos kvinnliga diktare i Irland. Gränser: Humanistdagboken 2003. 301-07.
  • Re-Mapping Exile: Realities and Metaphors in Irish Literature and History. Ed. Michael Böss, Irene Gilsenan Nordin and Britta Olinder. Aarhus University Press, 2005.
  • “John Hewitt at Home and in Exile”. Re-Mapping. 135-57.
  • “’Washed up on Somebody Else’s Tide’: The Exile Motif in Contemporary Poetry by Women”. Re-Mapping. 220-34.
  • “The Literary Notes in John Hewitt’s Unpublished Autobiography”. Lines and Traces: Papers Presented to Lennart Björk on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Ed. Gunilla Florby and Karin Aijmer. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2006. 101-08
  • “Dom – och vi. Nordirlands situation i ett nötskal”. Dom – och vi: Humanistdagboken 2006. 235-41.
  • “’I Remember’: Childhood, Professional Life and Politics in John Hewitt’s Autobiograåhical Works”. Recovering Memory: Irish Representations of Past and Present. Ed. Hedda Friberg, Irene Gilsenan Nordin and Lene Yding Pedersen. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007. 52-68.
  • Place and Memory in the New Ireland. Ed. Britta Olinder, Werner Huber. (Irish Studies in Europe vol 2) Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009.
  • ”Cross-Cultural Encounters and Clashes in John Hewitt’s Work”. Beyond Ireland: Encounters across Cultures, ed. Hedda Friberg-Harnesk, Gerald Porter and Joakim Wrethed. Oxford, etc.: Peter Lang, 2011. 267-89.
  • ”Det självbiografiska jaget eller det självbiografiska ögat: Berättelser ur den nordirländske poeten John Hewitts liv”. Den tvetydiga pakten: Skönlitterära texter i gränslandet mellan självbiografi och fiktion, ed. Eva Ahlstedt och Britt-Marie Karlsson. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2011. 285-95.
  • “’A Neglected Landmark of Modern Theatre’? Notes on Joyce’s Exiles in Performance”. The Binding Strength of Irish Studies. Festschrift in Honoiur of Csilla Bertha and Donald E. Morse, ed. Marianna Gula, Mária Kurdi and István D. Rácz. Debrecen University Press, 2011. 153-64.

Om indisk litteratur

  • "R.K.Narayan and his Novel The Guide", Moderna Språk LXX (1976), pp. 197-207.
  • "Aspects of R.K.Narayan's Narrative Technique", Report of Workshop on World Literatures Written in English outside Great Britain and the USA, ed. by Raoul Granqvist (Umeå Papers in English, No 2), Umeå, 1982, pp. 63-73.
  • "Reality and Myth in R.K.Narayan's Novels", Language and Literature in Multicultural Contexts, ed. by Satendra Nandan, Suva USP and the Association for Commonwealth Language and Literature Studies, 1983, pp. 286-296.
    Also published in The Literary Criterion (India) XX:2 (1985), pp. 8-22.
  • "The Price of Independence: The Partition of India in Some Indo-English Novels", Proceedings from the Second Nordic Conference for English Studies, ed. by Håkan Ringbom and Matti Rissanen. Åbo: Åbo Akademi, 1984, pp. 591-600.
  • "Om Anita Desai och rummets själ", Artes 1984:4, sid. 31-33.
  • "The World of Malgudi: Indian Society in the Work of R.K.Narayan"; Papers on Language and Literature Presented to Alvar Ellegård and Erik Frykman, ed by Sven Bäckman and Göran Kjellmer (Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, Gothenburg Studies in English 60), 1985, pp. 303-313.
  • "Narayan's Short Stories - Some Introductory Remarks", Commonwealth (Dijon, France) 8:1 (Autumn 1985), Special Issue: Images of India in Commonwealth Literature, pp. 24-30.
  • "The Endings of R.K.Narayan's Novels in the Light of Metropolitan Fiction", Studies in Commonwealth Literature, eds. Eckhard Breitinger and Reinhold Sander. Tübingen, 1985, pp 171-177.
  • "Narayan's Days: An Indian Autobiography", Proceedings from the Third Nordic Conference for English Studies. Hässelby, Sept 25-27, 1986,ed by Ishrat Lindblad and Magnus Ljung, vol II, pp. 715-725.
  • "Irony in R.K.Narayan's Short Fiction. Short Fiction in the New Literatures in English (Proceedings of the Nice Conference of the European Association for Commonwealth Literature & Language Studies); ed by Jacqueline Bardolph, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Nice, 1989, pp. 183-187.
  • "Tensions between North and South in R.K.Narayan's Fiction", Studies in Modern Commonwealth Literature and Culture, Proceedings of the Eighth Commonwealth Literature Conference, ed by Edith Mettke, Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 1990, pp. 148-153.
  • "The Power of Women in R.K.Narayan's Novels", R.K.Narayan: Critical Perspectives, ed by A.L.McLeod, New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1994, pp. 96-104.
  • "Women in Indian Literature: An Introduction", A Sense of Difference, ed Marit Berge and Anne Holden Rönning (Senter for humanistisk kvinneforskning, Skriftserien nr. 8), Universitetet i Bergen, 1995, 101-112.
  • "Gender-Power Issues in Indian Terms: Shashi Deshpande's Fiction": In A Talent(ed) Digger: Creations, Cameos, and Essays in honour of Anna Rutherford, ed. Hena Maes-Jelinek, Gordon Collier, Geoffrey V. Davis. Amsterdam/Atlanta GA, 1996 (Cross/Cultures 20), 244-253.
  • "Makt och hänsynslöshet: Könsasymmetri i indisk myt och modern litteratur". I Varför grävde man upp drottning Kristina? Kvinnobilder i olika tider och kulturer. Göteborg, 1997. 168-88.
  • ”R.K.Narayan” in A Reader’s Companion to the Short Story in English. Ed. Erin Fallon et al. Westport, Connecticut and London: Greenwood Press, 2001, 300-308.

Om kandensisk litteratur

  • "Tältpinnen - ett feministiskt vapen?", GP, 15.6.1985. (Om Aritha van Herk).
  • "Aritha van Herk's Use of the Old Testament in the Cause of Feminism", Proceedings from the Fourth Nordic Conference for English Studies: Helsingör, May 11-13, 1989, edited by Graham Caie etc., Department of English, University of Copenhagen, 1990, vol 2, pp. 641-647.
  • "Geografiction: Literary Exploration in Aritha van Herk and Janice Kulyk Keefer", Informal Empire? Cultural Relations between Canada, United States and Europe, ed. Peter Easingwood, Konrad Gross and Hartmut Lutz. (Schriftreihe des Zentrums für Kanada-Studien an der Universität Trier, Band 8). Kiel: 1 & f Verlag, 1998, 219-227.
  • ”The Role of Travelling in the Fiction of Janice Kulyk Keefer and Aritha van Herk”. Vilnius conference 2001, published 2002?
  • “Utopi och politisk verklighet i Janice Kulyk Keefer’s parafras av Det öde landet”. Vision & verklighet: Humanistdagboken 2004. 247-53.
  • Literary Environments: Canada and the Old World. Ed. Britta Olinder. Brussels: Peter Lang, 2006. Including the following:
  • “Old and New Environments in Janice Kulyk Keefer’s The Green Library”. Literary Environments. 219-26.
  • “Images of Canada in a Post-National Perspective: Janice Kulyk Keefer’s ‘The Waste Zone’”. Canada: Images of a Post/National Society, ed. Gunilla Florby, Mark Shackleton & Katri Suhonen. Bruxelles etc.: P.L.E. Peter Lang, 2009. 277-87.
  • ”The Poetic World of Janice Kulyk Keefer”. Reading Janice Kulyk Keefer, ed. Deborah Saidero. Udine: Forum, 2009. 91-103. Also published in Janice Kulyk Keefer: Essays on Her Works, ed. Deborah Saidero. Toronto, Buffalo, Lancaster (U.K.): Guernica, 2010. 162-85.

Övrig samväldeslitteratur

  • "Vit, radikal hjältedotter - osäker på sin roll", GT, 1.4.1980. (Om Nadine Gordimer).
  • "Five Australian Novels of Today", Moderna Språk LXXX:2 (1987), sid. 107-111.
  • ”African Literature in English: A Growing Richness”. Göteborg University in Africa - Africa at Göteborg university. Ed.Anders Närman and Jonas Ewald. Göteborg: Centre for African Studies, Göteborg University, 2001, 289-296.