
Elena Leuschner


Statsvetenskapliga institutionen
Sprängkullsgatan 19
41123 Göteborg
Box 711
40530 Göteborg

Om Elena Leuschner

I am a PhD candidate at the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg since 2020. I study the political impact of protests by examining how protest dynamics enfold, how governments accommodate protests and what effects these accommodations have. Hereby, I employ quantitative and computation methods to advance the study of protests as a form of contentious action and popular political behaviour.

Further, I am also a research fellow at the University of Konstanz in the research project "The Politics of Evaluation in International Organizations" at the chair of Professor Steffen Eckhard: https://www.polver.uni-konstanz.de/eckhard/research/current-research-projects/the-politics-of-evaluation-in-international-organizations/

I hold two Master degrees from the universities of Konstanz and Gothenburg. For my Bachelor studies, I graduated from the Univeristy of Konstanz.