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- Eric Hamrin Senorski
Eric Hamrin Senorski
Sektionen för hälsa och rehabilitering-
No difference in ACL revision rates between hamstring and patellar tendon autograft in patients with ACL-R and a concurrent meniscal injury irrespective of meniscal
Johan Högberg, Lina Petersson, Balint Zsidai, Alexandra Horvath, Riccardo Cristiani, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
The Patient-Physiotherapist Tango: a Personalized Approach to ACL Recovery - a Qualitative Interview
Ramana Piussi, Ella Brandt, Alicia Johansson, Thorkell Snaebjörnsson, Roland Thomeé, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Validity and Reliability of Finger-Strength Testing in 6 Common Grip Techniques for the Assessment of Bouldering Ability in
Karl Söderqvist, Fredrik Identeg, Jonas Zimmerman, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Mikael Sansone, Henrik Hedelin
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance - 2024 -
Questioning the rules of engagement: a critical analysis of the use of limb symmetry index for safe return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament
Rebecca Simonsson, Axel Sundberg, Ramana Piussi, Johan Högberg, Carl Senorski, Roland Thomeé, Kristian Samuelsson, Francesco Della Villa, Eric Hamrin Senorski
British Journal of Sports Medicine - 2024 -
Rehabilitation and Return to Sport After Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Rebecca Simonsson, Ramana Piussi, Johan Högberg, Axel Sundberg, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Clinics in Sports Medicine - 2024 -
Physiologic Preoperative Knee Hyperextension Is Not Associated With Postoperative Laxity, Subjective Knee Function, or Revision Surgery After ACL Reconstruction With Hamstring Tendon
Gunnar Edman, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Romain Seil, Riccardo Cristiani
Higher isokinetic quadriceps peak force is associated with a patient-acceptable symptom-state 1 and 3 years after ACL
Farshad Ashnai, Roland Thomeé, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Susanne Beischer
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy - 2024 -
Lack of association between revision ACL reconstruction and preoperative, intraoperative and post-operative factors at primary ACL reconstruction in children and
Riccardo Cristiani, Frida Hansson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Camilo P. Helito, Kristian Samuelsson, Karl Eriksson
Arthroscopic treatment for femoroacetabular impingement yields favourable patient-reported outcomes and method survivorship at 10-year
Sarantos Nikou, Joel Sturesson, Ida Lindman, Louise Karlsson, Axel Öhlin, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Mikael Sansone
Revision ACL reconstruction, but not bilateral ACL reconstruction, is associated with clinically relevant inferior subjective knee function compared with primary ACL reconstruction: A comparative analysis of 6831
Riccardo Cristiani, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Camilo P. Helito, Kristian Samuelsson, Anders Stalman
A new patient-reported outcome measure for the evaluation of ankle instability: description of the development process and validation
Pietro Spennacchio, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Caroline Mouton, Jan Cabri, Romain Seil, Jon Karlsson
Demographic and surgical characteristics in patients who do not achieve minimal important change in the KOOS Sport/Rec and QoL after ACL reconstruction: a comparative study from the Swedish National Knee Ligament
Rebecca Simonsson, Judy Bittar, Janina Kaarre, Balint Zsidai, Mikael Sansone, Ramana Piussi, Volker Musahl, James Irrgang, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
BMJ OPEN - 2024 -
Registry-based cohort study comparing percentages of patients reaching PASS for knee function outcomes after revision ACLR compared to primary
Zachary J. Herman, Janina Kaarre, Alberto Grassi, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Volker Musahl, Kristian Samuelsson
BMJ OPEN - 2024 -
Artificial intelligence-assisted ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia: An explorative scoping
Martina Marino, Rebecca Hagh, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Umile Giuseppe Longo, Jacob Oeding, Bengt Nellgård, Anita Szell, Kristian Samuelsson
Scores and sores: Exploring patient-reported outcomes for knee evaluation in orthopaedics, sports medicine and
Aleksandra Krolikowska, Pawel Reichert, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Jon Karlsson, Roland Becker, Robert Prill
Relationship between hamstring strength and hop performance at 8 and 12 months after ACL reconstruction with hamstring tendon
Johan Högberg, Jakob Lindskog, Axel Sundberg, Ramana Piussi, Rebecca Simonsson, Kristian Samuelsson, Roland Thomeé, Eric Hamrin Senorski
ChatGPT can yield valuable responses in the context of orthopaedic trauma
Janina Kaarre, Robert Feldt, Balint Zsidai, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Emilia Möller Rydberg, Olof Wolf, Sebastian Mukka, Michael Möller, Kristian Samuelsson
A practical guide to the implementation of AI in orthopaedic research, Part 6: How to evaluate the performance of AI
Felix C. Oettl, Ayoosh Pareek, Philipp W. Winkler, Balint Zsidai, James A. Pruneski, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Sebastian Kopf, Christophe Ley, Elmar Herbst, Jacob Oeding, Alberto Grassi, Michael T. Hirschmann, Volker Musahl, Kristian Samuelsson, Thomas Tischer, Robert Feldt
A practical guide to the implementation of artificial intelligence in orthopaedic research-Part 2: A technical
Balint Zsidai, Janina Kaarre, Eric Narup, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Ayoosh Pareek, Alberto Grassi, Christophe Ley, Umile Giuseppe Longo, Elmar Herbst, Michael T. Hirschmann, Sebastian Kopf, Romain Seil, Thomas Tischer, Kristian Samuelsson, Robert Feldt
Wrestling with a ghost: facing an opponent I can neither see nor clinch - the experience of professional wrestlers who have suffered an ACL
Ramana Piussi, Elin Nilsson, Hannah Karlsson, Martin Haegglund, Andreas Ivarsson, Kristian Samuelsson, Hans-Christer Holmberg, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Better safe than sorry? A systematic review and meta-analysis on time to return to sport after ACL reconstruction as a risk factor for second ACL
Ramana Piussi, Rebecca Simonson, Bálint Zsidai, Alberto Grassi, Jon Karlsson, Francesco Della Villa, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
The Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy - 2024 -
Does Playing Football (Soccer) Really Increase the Risk of Knee Osteoarthritis? A Systematic Review and
Jonas Olsson Wållgren, Alfred Ferre-aniorte, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Danny Veznaver, Thorkell Snaebjörnsson, Kristian Samuelsson, Eduard Alentorn-geli
Shedding light on the non-operative treatment of the forgotten side of the knee: Rehabilitation of medial collateral ligament injuries - A systematic
Jasmine Svantesson, Ramana Piussi, Elin Weissglas, Eleonor Svantesson, Alexandra Horvath, Erik Börjesson, Andy Williams, Robert Prill, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine - 2024 -
Measurement properties of the Swedish version of the anterior cruciate ligament return to sport after injury scale (ACL-RSI): A Rasch
Ramana Piussi, Sara Alenius, Kate E. Webster, Roland Thomée, Albert Westergren, Peter Hagell, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Physical symptoms among professional gamers within eSports, a survey
Staffan Ekefjard, Ramana Piussi, Eric Hamrin Senorski
The NordBord test reveals persistent knee flexor strength asymmetry when assessed two and five years after ACL reconstruction withhamstring tendon
Johan Högberg, Ramana Piussi, Rebecca Simonsson, Mathias Wernbom, Kristian Samuelsson, Roland Thomeé, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Physical Therapy in Sport - 2024 -
To achieve the unachievable-Patients' experiences of opting for delayed anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction after trying rehabilitation alone as primary treatment: A qualitative
Rebecca Simonsson, Cajsa Magnusson, Ramana Piussi, Janina Kaarre, Roland Thomeé, Andreas Ivarsson, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Comparison of knee flexor strength recovery between semitendinosus alone versus semitendinosus with gracilis autograft for ACL reconstruction: a systematic review and
Angelo Matteucci, Johan Högberg, Ramana Piussi, Mathias Wernbom, Edoardo Franceschetti, Umile Giuseppe Longo, Kristian Samuelsson, Johan Lovgren, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Metal interference screw fixation combinations show high revision rates in primary hamstring tendon ACL
Janina Kaarre, Neilen A. Benvegnu, Ian D. Engler, Ehab M. Nazzal, Balint Zsidai, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Volker Musahl, Kristian Samuelsson
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2024 -
Restoring Knee Flexor Strength Symmetry Requires 2 Years After ACL Reconstruction, But Does It Matter for Second ACL Injuries? A Systematic Review and
Johan Högberg, Ramana Piussi, Johan Loevgren, Mathias Wernbom, Rebecca Simonsson, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
No Association Between Hamstrings-to-Quadriceps Strength Ratio and Second ACL Injuries After Accounting for Prognostic Factors: A Cohort Study of 574 Patients After
Johan Högberg, Ramana Piussi, Mathias Wernbom, Francesco Della Villa, Rebecca Simonsson, Kristian Samuelsson, Roland Thomeé, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Ligament Injuries and
Jon Karlsson, Louise Karlsson, Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Textbook of Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2023 -
Lower rates of return to sport in patients with generalised joint hypermobility two years after ACL reconstruction: a prospective cohort
Jakob Lindskog, Ramana Piussi, Rebecca Simonson, Johan Högberg, Kristian Samuelsson, Roland Thomée, David Sundemo, Eric Hamrin Senorski
BMC sports science, medicine & rehabilitation - 2023 -
When ACL reconstruction does not help: risk factors associated with not achieving the minimal important change for the KOOS Sport/Rec and
Janina Kaarre, Rebecca Simonsson, Viktor Ris, Thorkell Snaebjörnsson, James Irrgang, Volker Musahl, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
British Journal of Sports Medicine - 2023 -
High-level soccer players have a low rate of return to performance after hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement
Sofie Sjövall Anari, Alexander Olsson, Axel Öhlin, Neel Desai, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Mikael Sansone, Ida Lindman
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy - 2023 -
Some, but not all, patients experience full symptom resolution and a positive rehabilitation process after ACL reconstruction: an interview
Ramana Piussi, Cajsa Magnusson, Sara Andersson, Kaisa Mannerkorpi, Roland Thomeé, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy - 2023 -
Accelerated evidence synthesis in orthopaedics-the roles of natural language processing, expert annotation and large language
Bálint Zsidai, Janina Kaarre, Ann-Sophie Hilkert, Eric Narup, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Alberto Grassi, Olufemi R Ayeni, Volker Musahl, Christophe Ley, Elmar Herbst, Michael T Hirschmann, Sebastian Kopf, Romain Seil, Thomas Tischer, Kristian Samuelsson, Robert Feldt
Journal of experimental orthopaedics - 2023 -
Differences in postoperative knee function based on concomitant treatment of lateral meniscal injury in the setting of primary ACL
Janina Kaarre, Zachary J Herman, Fabian Persson, Jonas Olsson Wållgren, Eduard Alentorn-Geli, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Volker Musahl, Kristian Samuelsson
BMC musculoskeletal disorders - 2023 -
Effect of Concomitant Lateral Meniscal Management on ACL Reconstruction Revision Rate and Secondary Meniscal and Cartilaginous
Fabian Persson, Janina Kaarre, Zachary J Herman, Jonas Olsson Wållgren, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Volker Musahl, Kristian Samuelsson
The American journal of sports medicine - 2023 -
No Effect of Return to Sport Test Batteries with and without Psychological PROs on the Risk of a Second ACL Injury: A Critical Assessment of Four Different Test
Ramana Piussi, Rebecca Simonson, Johan Högberg, Roland Thomeé, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
International journal of sports physical therapy - 2023 -
Generalised joint hypermobility leads to increased odds of sustaining a second ACL injury within 12 months of return to sport after ACL
Balint Zsidai, Ramana Piussi, Roland Thomeé, David Sundemo, Volker Musahl, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
British journal of sports medicine - 2023 -
Swedish Olympic athletes report one injury insurance claim every second year: a 22-year insurance registry-based cohort
Kalle Torvaldsson, Hanna Lindblom, Sofi Sonesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Helena Stigson, Lykke Tamm, Jörgen Sandberg, Martin Hägglund
Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA - 2023 -
Only 10% of Patients With a Concomitant MCL Injury Return to Their Preinjury Level of Sport 1 Year After ACL Reconstruction: A Matched Comparison With Isolated ACL
Eleonor Svantesson, Ramana Piussi, Susanne Beischer, Christoffer Thomeé, Kristian Samuelsson, Jon Karlsson, Roland Thomeé, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Sports health - 2023 -
A clinician-friendly test battery with a passing rate similar to a ‘gold standard’ return-to-sport test battery 1 year after ACL reconstruction: Results from a rehabilitation outcome
D. Broman, Ramana Piussi, Roland Thomeé, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Physical Therapy in Sport - 2023 -
Patients that maintain their pre-injury level of physical activity 3-5 years after ACL reconstruction are, 18 months after surgery, characterised by higher levels of readiness to return to
Susanne Beischer, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Roland Thomée
Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA - 2023 -
Sports activity and quality of life improve after isolated ACL, isolated PCL, and combined ACL/PCL
Philipp W Winkler, Balint Zsidai, Eric Narup, Janina Kaarre, Alexandra Horvath, Mikael Sansone, Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Volker Musahl, Kristian Samuelsson
Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA - 2023 -
Comparison of Improvement in Patient-Reported Knee Function After Revision and Multiple-Revision ACL Reconstruction Compared With Primary ACL
Janina Kaarre, Zachary J. Herman, Alberto Grassi, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Volker Musahl, Kristian Samuelsson
A practical guide to the implementation of AI in orthopaedic research - part 1: opportunities in clinical application and overcoming existing
Balint Zsidai, Ann-Sophie Hilkert, Janina Kaarre, Eric Narup, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Alberto Grassi, Christophe Ley, Umile Giuseppe Longo, Elmar Herbst, Michael T Hirschmann, Sebastian Kopf, Romain Seil, Thomas Tischer, Kristian Samuelsson, Robert Feldt
Journal of experimental orthopaedics - 2023 -
Greater self-efficacy, psychological readiness and return to sport amongst paediatric patients compared with adolescents and young adults, 8 and 12 months after ACL
Baldur Thorolfsson, Ramana Piussi, Thorkell Snaebjörnsson, Jon Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson, Susanne Beischer, Roland Thomée, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA - 2023 -
A comparison between physical therapy clinics with high and low rehabilitation volumes of patients with ACL
Rebecca Simonsson, Johan Högberg, Jakob Lindskog, Ramana Piussi, Axel Sundberg, Mikael Sansone, Kristian Samuelsson, Roland Thomeé, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research - 2023 -
Physical inactivity 5-8 years after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is associated with knee-related self-efficacy and psychological readiness to return to
Maja Stigert, Farshad Ashnai, Roland Thomée, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Susanne Beischer
BMJ open sport & exercise medicine - 2023 -
Psychological Factors in Sports Injury Rehabilitation: How Can a Sports Rehabilitation Practitioner Facilitate
Ramana Piussi, Andreas Ivarsson, Urban Johnson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
10.2519/josptopen.2023.0007 - 2023 -
Low occurrence of MRI spinal changes in elite climbing athletes; a cross-sectional
Fredrik Identeg, Kerstin M Lagerstrand, Henrik Hedelin, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Mikael Sansone, Hanna Hebelka
BMC sports science, medicine & rehabilitation - 2023 -
Effect of Quadriceps and Hamstring Strength Relative to Body Weight on Risk of a Second ACL Injury: A Cohort Study of 835 Patients Who Returned to Sport After ACL
Rebecca Simonson, Ramana Piussi, Johan Högberg, C. Senorski, Roland Thomée, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine - 2023 -
When context creates uncertainty: experiences of patients who choose rehabilitation as a treatment after an ACL
Ramana Piussi, Rebecca Simonson, M. Kjellander, A. Jacobsson, A. Ivarsson, J. Karlsson, K. Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
BMJ Open sport & exercise medicine - 2023 -
Is absolute or relative knee flexor strength related to patient- reported outcomes in patients treated with ACL reconstruction with a hamstring tendon autograft? An analysis of eccentric Nordic hamstring strength and seated concentric isokinetic
Johan Högberg, Ramana Piussi, Rebecca Simonson, Axel Sundberg, D. Broman, Kristian Samuelsson, Roland Thomée, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Knee - 2023 -
Arthroscopic iliopsoas tenotomy after total hip arthroplasty: safe method for the right
Sarantos Nikou, Ida Lindman, Arnar Sigurdsson, Louise Karlsson, Axel Öhlin, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Mikael Sansone
Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics - 2023 -
Return to Sport for Professional and Subelite Ice Hockey Players After Arthroscopic Surgery for Femoroacetabular Impingement
Ida Lindman, Martin Löfskog, Axel Öhlin, Josefin Abrahamsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Jón Karlsson, Olufemi R Ayeni, Mikael Sansone
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine - 2022 -
Lower rate of acceptable knee function in adolescents compared with young adults five years after acl reconstruction: results from the swedish national knee ligament
Baldur Thorolfsson, Michelle Lundgren, Thorkell Snaebjörnsson, Jon Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2022 -
Psychological Patient-reported Outcomes Cannot Predict a Second Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury in Patients who Return to Sports after an Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Ramana Piussi, Rebecca Simonsson, Johan Högberg, Roland Thomée, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
International journal of sports physical therapy - 2022 -
Massive foreign body reaction and osteolysis following primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with the ligament augmentation and reconstruction system (LARS): a case report with histopathological and physicochemical
L. Ambrosio, G. Vadalà, R. Castaldo, G. Gentile, L. Nibid, C. Rabitti, L. Ambrosio, E. Franceschetti, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, R. Papalia, V. Denaro
Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2022 -
Greater Psychological Readiness to Return to Sport, as Well as Greater Present and Future Knee-Related Self-Efficacy, Can Increase the Risk for an Anterior Cruciate Ligament Re-Rupture: A Matched Cohort
R. Piussi, Susanne Beischer, Roland Thomeé, C. Thomeé, Mikael Sansone, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Arthroscopy - Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery - 2022 -
Disappointment and frustration, but long-term satisfaction: patient experiences undergoing treatment for a chronic Achilles tendon rupture-a qualitative
Anna Nordenholm, Niklas Nilsson, Ferid Krupic, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Katarina Nilsson-Helander, Olof Westin, Jón Karlsson
Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research - 2022 -
Greater proportion of patients report an acceptable symptom state after ACL reconstruction compared with non-surgical treatment: a 10-year follow-up from the Swedish National Knee Ligament
Kajsa Persson, Emma Bergerson, Eleonor Svantesson, Alexandra Horvath, Jon Karlsson, Volker Musahl, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
British journal of sports medicine - 2022 -
Surgical treatment of chronic Achilles tendon rupture results in improved gait
Anna Nordenholm, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Olof Westin, Katarina Nilsson-Helander, Michael Möller, Jon Karlsson, Roland Zügner
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research - 2022 -
Self-Reported Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety After ACL Injury: A Systematic
R. Piussi, T. Berghdal, David Sundemo, A. Grassi, S. Zaffagnini, M. Sansone, K. Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine - 2022 -
Living evidence: a new approach to the appraisal of rapidly evolving musculoskeletal
Balint Zsidai, Janina Kaarre, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Robert Feldt, Alberto Grassi, Olufemi R. Ayeni, Volker Musahl, Mohit Bhandari, Kristian Samuelsson
British Journal of Sports Medicine - 2022 -
The Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score: shortcomings in evaluating knee function in persons undergoing ACL
Balint Zsidai, Eric Narup, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Martin Lind, Tim Spalding, Volker Musahl, Kristian Samuelsson, James J Irrgang
Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA - 2022 -
Different patient and activity-related characteristics result in different injury profiles for patients with anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament
Janina Kaarre, Balint Zsidai, P. W. Winkler, Eric Narup, Alexandra Horvath, Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, V. Musahl, Kristian Samuelsson
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy - 2022 -
'I was young, I wanted to return to sport, and re-ruptured my ACL' - young active female patients' voices on the experience of sustaining an ACL re-rupture, a qualitative
Ramana Piussi, F. Krupic, D. Sundemo, E. Svantesson, A. Ivarsson, U. Johnson, K. Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2022 -
Scoping Review on ACL Surgery and Registry
Janina Kaarre, Balint Zsidai, Eric Narup, Alexandra Horvath, Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, A. Grassi, V. Musahl, Kristian Samuelsson
Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine - 2022 -
Generalized joint hypermobility does not influence 1-year patient satisfaction or functional outcome after ACL
David Sundemo, Melker Jacobsson Svärd, Jon Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson, Susanne Beischer, Roland Thomée, Christoffer Thomeé, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy - 2022 -
Greater heel-rise endurance is related to better gait biomechanics in patients surgically treated for chronic Achilles tendon
Anna Nordenholm, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Katarina Nilsson-Helander, Michael Möller, Roland Zügner
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy - 2022 -
Protocol for a multicenter prospective cohort study evaluating arthroscopic and non-surgical treatment for microinstability of the hip
Axel Öhlin, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Mikael Sansone, G. Leff, Neel Desai, Ida Lindman, O. R. Ayeni, M. R. Safran
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2022 -
Persistent knee flexor strength deficits identified through the NordBord eccentric test not seen with "gold standard" isokinetic concentric testing during the first year after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with a hamstring tendon
Johan Högberg, Emma Bergentoft, Ramana Piussi, Mathias Wernbom, Susanne Beischer, Rebecca Simonson, Carl Senorski, Roland Thomée, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Physical therapy in sport : official journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports Medicine - 2022 -
Patients with chronic Achilles tendon rupture have persistent limitations in patient-reported function and calf muscle function one year after surgical treatment - a case
Anna Nordenholm, Niklas Nilsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Katarina Nilsson-Helander, Olof Westin, Nicklas Olsson
Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics - 2022 -
Different injury patterns exist among patients undergoing operative treatment of isolated PCL, combined PCL/ACL, and isolated ACL injuries: a study from the Swedish National Knee Ligament
Balint Zsidai, Alexandra Horvath, P. W. Winkler, Eric Narup, Janina Kaarre, Eleonor Svantesson, Volker Musahl, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Kristian Samuelsson
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy - 2022 -
Superior Outcome of Early ACL Reconstruction versus Initial Non-reconstructive Treatment With Late Crossover to Surgery A Study From the Swedish National Knee Ligament
Emma Bergerson, Kajsa Persson, Eleonor Svantesson, Alexandra Horvath, Jonas Olsson Wållgren, Jón Karlsson, V. Musahl, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
American Journal of Sports Medicine - 2022 -
Treatment of Primary Dorsal Wrist Ganglion-A Systematic
Alexandra Horvath, Balint Zsidai, S. Konaporshi, Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Kristian Samuelsson, N. Zeba
Evolving evidence in the treatment of primary and recurrent posterior cruciate ligament injuries, part 2: surgical techniques, outcomes and
P. W. Winkler, Balint Zsidai, N. N. Wagala, J. D. Hughes, Alexandra Horvath, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Kristian Samuelsson, V. Musahl
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy - 2021 -
Evolving evidence in the treatment of primary and recurrent posterior cruciate ligament injuries, part 1: anatomy, biomechanics and
P. W. Winkler, Balint Zsidai, N. N. Wagala, J. D. Hughes, Alexandra Horvath, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Kristian Samuelsson, V. Musahl
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy - 2021 -
Validation of an 18-item version of the Swedish Knee Self-Efficacy Scale for patients after ACL injury and ACL
Susanne Beischer, Eric Hamrin Senorski, P. Thomee, Roland Thomeé
Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics - 2021 -
Delayed and cancelled orthopaedic surgery; are there solutions to reduce the complex set of problems? A systematic literature
Ulla Caesar, Louise Karlsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Jón Karlsson, Elisabeth Hansson-Olofsson
International journal of clinical practice - 2021 -
Evaluation of outcome reporting trends for femoroacetabular impingement syndrome- a systematic
Ida Lindman, S. Nikou, Axel Öhlin, Eric Hamrin Senorski, O. Ayeni, Jon Karlsson, Mikael Sansone
Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics - 2021 -
Improvements After Arthroscopic Treatment for Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome in High-Level Ice Hockey Players: 2-Year Outcomes by Player
Ida Lindman, Josefin Abrahamsson, Axel Öhlin, Tobias Wörner, Frida Eek, Olufemi R Ayeni, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Mikael Sansone
Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine - 2021 -
Editorial Commentary: Diagnosis and Treatment of Generalized Joint Hypermobility in Patients With Anterior Cruciate Ligament
David Sundemo, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Kristian Samuelsson
Arthroscopy - Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery - 2021 -
Adolescents Have Twice the Revision Rate of Young Adults After ACL Reconstruction With Hamstring Tendon Autograft: A Study From the Swedish National Knee Ligament
Baldur Thorolfsson, Eleonor Svantesson, Thorkell Snaebjörnsson, Mikael Sansone, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine - 2021 -
Treatment after anterior cruciate ligament injury: Panther Symposium ACL Treatment Consensus
T. Diermeier, B. B. Rothrauff, Lars Engebretsen, A. D. Lynch, Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, T. Rauer, S. J. Meredith, O. R. Ayeni, M. V. Paterno, J. W. Xerogeanes, F. H. Fu, Jon Karlsson, V. Musahl, A. C. L. Treatment Co Panther Symposium
Journal of Isakos Joint Disorders & Orthopaedic Sports Medicine - 2021 -
Return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament injury: Panther Symposium ACL Injury Return to Sport Consensus
S. J. Meredith, T. Rauer, T. L. Chmielewski, C. Fink, T. Diermeier, B. B. Rothrauff, E. Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, T. E. Hewett, S. L. Sherman, B. P. Lesniak
Journal of Isakos Joint Disorders & Orthopaedic Sports Medicine - 2021 -
Treatment after ACL injury: Panther Symposium ACL Treatment Consensus
T. A. Diermeier, B. Rothrauff, L. Engebretsen, A. Lynch, Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, S. J. Meredith, T. Rauer, O. R. Ayeni, M. Paterno, J. W. Xerogeanes, F. H. Fu, Jón Karlsson, V. Musahl
British Journal of Sports Medicine - 2021 -
Psychological impairments after ACL injury – Do we know what we are addressing? Experiences from sports physical
Ramana Piussi, Ferid Krupic, Carl Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, David Sundemo, Urban Johnson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports - 2021 -
Treatment After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: Panther Symposium ACL Treatment Consensus
Theresa Diermeier, Benjamin B. Rothrauff, Lars Engebretsen, Andrew D. Lynch, Olufemi R. Ayeni, Mark V. Paterno, John W. Xerogeanes, Freddie H. Fu, Jon Karlsson, Volker Musahl, Charles H. Brown, Terese L. Chmielewski, Mark Clatworthy, Stefano Della Villa, Lucio Ernlund, Christian Fink, Alan Getgood, Timothy E. Hewett, Yasuyuki Ishibashi, Darren L. Johnson, Jeffrey A. Macalena, Robert G. Marx, Jacques Menetrey, Sean J. Meredith, Kentaro Onishi, Thomas Rauer, Laura C. Schmitt, Romain Seil, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Rainer Siebold, Lynn Snyder-Mackler, Tim Spalding, Eleonore Svantesson, Kevin E. Wilk
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine - 2020 -
Return to Sport After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: Panther Symposium ACL Injury Return to Sport Consensus
Sean J. Meredith, Thomas Rauer, Terese L. Chmielewski, Christian Fink, Theresa Diermeier, Benjamin B. Rothrauff, Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Timothy E. Hewett, Seth L. Sherman, Bryson P. Lesniak, Mario Bizzini, Shiyi Chen, Moises Cohen, Stefano Della Villa, Lars Engebretsen, Hua Feng, Mario Ferretti, Freddie H. Fu, Andreas B. Imhoff, Christopher C. Kaeding, Jon Karlsson, Ryosuke Kuroda, Andrew D. Lynch, Jacques Menetrey, Volker Musahl, Ronald A. Navarro, Stephen J. Rabuck, Rainer Siebold, Lynn Snyder-Mackler, Tim Spalding, Carola van Eck, Dharmesh Vyas, Kate Webster, Kevin Wilk
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine - 2020 -
Recovery of preoperative absolute knee extension and flexion strength after ACL
R. Piussi, D. Broman, E. Musslinder, Susanne Beischer, Roland Thomeé, Eric Hamrin Senorski
BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation - 2020 -
Clinical outcomes after anterior cruciate ligament injury: panther symposium ACL injury clinical outcomes consensus
Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Kate E Webster, Jón Karlsson, Theresa Diermeier, Benjamin B Rothrauff, Sean J Meredith, Thomas Rauer, James J Irrgang, Kurt P Spindler, C Benjamin Ma, Volker Musahl
Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA - 2020 -
The economic cost and patient-reported outcomes of chronic Achilles tendon
Niklas Nilsson, Katarina Nilsson-Helander, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Anna Holm, Jón Karlsson, Mikael Svensson, Olof Westin
Journal of experimental orthopaedics - 2020 -
Use of the World Health Organization Checklist-Swedish Health Care Professionals' Experience: A Mixed-Method
Ferid Krupic, Eleonor Svantesson, Nail Seffo, Olof Westin, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Journal of perianesthesia nursing : official journal of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses - 2020 -
Clinical Outcomes After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: Panther Symposium ACL Injury Clinical Outcomes Consensus
Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Kate E Webster, Jón Karlsson, Theresa Diermeier, Benjamin B Rothrauff, Sean J Meredith, Thomas Rauer, James J Irrgang, Kurt P Spindler, C Benjamin Ma, Volker Musahl, The Panther Symposium Acl Injury Clinical Outcomes Consensus Group, Freddie H Fu, Olufemi R Ayeni, Francesco Della Villa, Stefano Della Villa, Scott Dye, Mario Ferretti, Alan Getgood, Timo Järvelä, Christopher C Kaeding, Ryosuke Kuroda, Bryson Lesniak, Robert G Marx, Gregory B Maletis, Leo Pinczewski, Anil Ranawat, Bruce Reider, Romain Seil, Carola van Eck, Brian R Wolf, Patrick Yung, Stefano Zaffagnini, Ming Hao Zheng
Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine - 2020 -
Treatment after anterior cruciate ligament injury: Panther Symposium ACL Treatment Consensus
T. Diermeier, B. B. Rothrauff, L. Engebretsen, A. D. Lynch, O. R. Ayeni, M. V. Paterno, J. W. Xerogeanes, F. H. Fu, Jón Karlsson, V. Musahl, Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, T. Rauer, S. J. Meredith
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy - 2020 -
Five-Year Outcomes After Arthroscopic Surgery for Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome in Elite
Ida Lindman, Axel Öhlin, Neel Desai, Kristian Samuelsson, Olufemi R Ayeni, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Mikael Sansone
American Journal of Sports Medicine - 2020 -
Graft Choice for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction With a Concomitant Non-surgically Treated Medial Collateral Ligament Injury Does Not Influence the Risk of
Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Matilda Östergaard, Alberto Grassi, Ferid Krupic, Olof Westin, Kristian Samuelsson
Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association - 2020 -
The mechanism of hamstring injuries - a systematic
Adam Danielsson, Alexandra Horvath, C. Senorski, E. Alentorn-Geli, W. E. Garrett, R. Cugat, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2020 -
Poor Associations Between Radiographic Tibiofemoral Osteoarthritis and Patient-Reported Outcomes at 16 Years After Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Fredrik Identeg, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, Kristian Samuelsson, Ninni Sernert, Jüri Kartus, David Sundemo
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine - 2020 -
Hop tests and psychological PROs provide a demanding and clinician-friendly RTS assessment of patients after ACL reconstruction, a registry
R. Piussi, Susanne Beischer, Roland Thomée, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Bmc Sports Science Medicine and Rehabilitation - 2020 -
Return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament injury: Panther Symposium ACL Injury Return to Sport Consensus
S. J. Meredith, T. Rauer, T. L. Chmielewski, C. Fink, T. Diermeier, B. B. Rothrauff, Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, T. E. Hewett, S. L. Sherman, B. P. Lesniak
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy - 2020 -
Communication and assessment of pain in hip fracture patients with dementia - experiences of healthcare professionals at an accident and emergency department in
Nail Seffo, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Olof Westin, Eleonor Svantesson, Ferid Krupic
Medicinski glasnik : official publication of the Medical Association of Zenica-Doboj Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2020 -
Experience of nurses in assessing postoperative pain in hip fracture patients suffering from dementia in nursing
Ferid Krupic, Mirza Bišćević, Emina Spahić, Amila Jašarević, Mahir Jašarević, Kemal Grbić, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, Svemir Čustović, Olof Westin
Medicinski glasnik : official publication of the Medical Association of Zenica-Doboj Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2020 -
Young Athletes Who Return to Sport Before 9 Months After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Have a Rate of New Injury 7 Times That of Those Who Delay
Susanne Beischer, L. Gustavsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Jón Karlsson, C. Thomee, Kristian Samuelsson, Roland Thomeé
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy - 2020 -
Comparison of concomitant injuries and patient-reported outcome in patients that have undergone both primary and revision ACL reconstruction-a national registry
Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Frida Kristiansson, E. Alentorn-Geli, Olof Westin, Kristian Samuelsson
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research - 2020 -
Understanding limitations in sport 1 year after an Achilles tendon rupture: a multicentre analysis of 285
Eric Hamrin Senorski, Simon Svedman, Eleonor Svantesson, Adam Danielsson, Ferid Krupic, Paul Ackermann, Olof Westin
Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA - 2020 -
Experience of Intensive Care Nurses in Assessment of Postoperative Pain in Patients with Hip Fracture and
Ferid Krupic, Kemal Grbic, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Orhan Lepara, Nabi Fatahi, Eleonor Svantesson
Materia socio-medica - 2020 -
Clinical outcomes after anterior cruciate ligament injury: Panther Symposium ACL Injury Clinical Outcomes Consensus
Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, K. E. Webster, Jón Karlsson, T. Diermeier, B. B. Rothrauff, S. J. Meredith, T. Rauer, J. J. Irrgang, K. P. Spindler, C. B. Ma, V. Musahl
Journal of ISAKOS - 2020 -
Young People’s Views of Organ Donation and Transplantation as Seen by High-School and University Students in
Ferid Krupic, Kemal Grbic, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Zahid Lepara, Amila Jasarevic, Svemir Custovic, Parvaneh Lindström
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research - 2020 -
Loss to follow-up: initial non-responders do not differ from responders in terms of 2-year outcome in a hip arthroscopy
Ida Lindman, Harald Olsson, Axel Öhlin, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Anders Stålman, Olufemi R Ayeni, Mikael Sansone
Journal of hip preservation surgery - 2020 -
Strength in numbers? The fragility index of studies from the Scandinavian knee ligament
Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Adam Danielsson, David Sundemo, Olof Westin, O. R. Ayeni, Kristian Samuelsson
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy - 2020 -
Superior knee self-efficacy and quality of life throughout the first year in patients who recover symmetrical muscle function after ACL
Ramana Piussi, Susanne Beischer, Roland Thomeé, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy - 2020 -
Experience-optimised fast track improves outcomes and decreases complications in total knee
F. Ascione, A. Braile, A. M. Romano, A. di Giunta, M. Masciangelo, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Kristian Samuelsson, N. Marzano
Knee - 2020 -
Evaluation modalities for the anatomical repair of chronic ankle
P. Spennacchio, C. Meyer, Jón Karlsson, R. Seil, C. Mouton, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy - 2020 -
Quality Assessment of Prospective Cohort Studies Evaluating Arthroscopic Treatment for Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome: A Systematic
Axel Öhlin, Louise Karlsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, P. Jonasson, Mattias Ahldén, Adad Baranto, O. R. Ayeni, Mikael Sansone
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine - 2019 -
Graft Diameter and Graft Type as Predictors of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Revision: A Cohort Study Including 18,425 Patients from the Swedish and Norwegian National Knee Ligament
Thorkell Snaebjörnsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, Louise Karlsson, L. Engebretsen, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume - 2019 -
15 years of the Scandinavian knee ligament registries: lessons, limitations and likely
Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, Lars Engebretsen, Martin Lind, Magnus Forssblad, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
British journal of sports medicine - 2019 -
Increased risk of ACL revision with non-surgical treatment of a concomitant medial collateral ligament injury: a study on 19,457 patients from the Swedish National Knee Ligament
Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eduard Alentorn-Geli, Olof Westin, David Sundemo, Alberto Grassi, Svemir Čustović, Kristian Samuelsson
Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA - 2019 -
Factors that affect patient reported outcome after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction-a systematic review of the Scandinavian knee ligament
Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, Angelo Baldari, Olufemi R Ayeni, Lars Engebretsen, Francesco Franceschi, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
British journal of sports medicine - 2019 -
Factors associated with additional anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and register comparison: a systematic review on the Scandinavian knee ligament
Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Angelo Baldari, Olufemi R Ayeni, Lars Engebretsen, Francesco Franceschi, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
British journal of sports medicine - 2019 -
Generalised joint hypermobility increases ACL injury risk and is associated with inferior outcome after ACL reconstruction: A systematic
David Sundemo, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Louise Karlsson, Alexandra Horvath, B. Juul-Kristensen, Jón Karlsson, Olufemi R Ayeni, Kristian Samuelsson
BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine - 2019 -
How Is Psychological Outcome Related to Knee Function and Return to Sport Among Adolescent Athletes After Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Susanne Beischer, Eric Hamrin Senorski, C. Thomee, Kristian Samuelsson, Roland Thomeé
American Journal of Sports Medicine - 2019 -
Knee strength, hop performance and self-efficacy at 4 months are associated with symmetrical knee muscle function in young athletes 1 year after an anterior cruciate ligament
Susanne Beischer, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Christoffer Thomeé, Kristian Samuelsson, Roland Thomeé
BMJ open sport & exercise medicine - 2019 -
Immigrant patients in brief meetings with anaesthetist nurses - experiences from perioperative meetings in the orthopaedic
Ferid Krupic, Kemal Grbić, Svemir Čustović, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Kristian Samuelsson
Medicinski glasnik : official publication of the Medical Association of Zenica-Doboj Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2019 -
Preoperative and Intraoperative Predictors of Long-Term Acceptable Knee Function and Osteoarthritis After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: An Analysis Based on 2 Randomized Controlled
Eric Hamrin Senorski, David Sundemo, Eleonor Svantesson, Ninni Sernert, Jüri Kartus, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association - 2019 -
Outcome After Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Alexandra Horvath, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Olof Westin, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson, Eleonor Svantesson
Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine - 2019 -
Graft Fixation and Timing of Surgery Are Predictors of Early Anterior Cruciate Ligament Revision: A Cohort Study from the Swedish and Norwegian Knee Ligament Registries Based on 18,425
Thorkell Snaebjörnsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, Olof Westin, Andreas Persson, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
JB & JS open access - 2019 -
No correlation between femoral tunnel orientation and clinical outcome at long-term follow-up after non-anatomic anterior cruciate ligament
David Sundemo, Julia Mårtensson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, Jüri Kartus, Ninni Sernert, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy - 2019 -
Young age and high BMI are predictors of early revision surgery after primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a cohort study from the Swedish and Norwegian knee ligament registries based on 30,747
Thorkell Snaebjörnsson, Eleonor Svantesson, David Sundemo, Olof Westin, Mikael Sansone, Lars Engebretsen, Eric Hamrin Senorski
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy - 2019 -
Medial collateral ligament injuries of the knee in male professional football players: a prospective three-season study of 130 cases from the UEFA Elite Club Injury
Matilda Lundblad, M. Hägglund, C. Thomeé, Eric Hamrin Senorski, J. Ekstrand, Jón Karlsson, M. Waldén
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy - 2019 -
Older Age Predicts Worse Function 1 Year After an Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture: A Prognostic Multicenter Study on 391
Olof Westin, S. Svedman, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, Katarina Nilsson-Helander, Jón Karlsson, P. Ackerman, Kristian Samuelsson
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine - 2018 -
Ten-Year Risk Factors for Inferior Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction A Study of 874 Patients From the Swedish National Knee Ligament
Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, K. P. Spindler, E. Alentorn-Geli, David Sundemo, Olof Westin, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
American Journal of Sports Medicine - 2018 -
Contralateral knee hyperextension is associated with increased anterior tibial translation and fewer meniscal injuries in the anterior cruciate ligament-injured
David Sundemo, C. Mikkelsen, R. Cristiani, M. F. Bullet, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, Kristian Samuelsson, A. Stalman
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy - 2018 -
Mapping functions in health-related quality of life: mapping from the Achilles Tendon Rupture Score to the
Ay-Yen Hua, Olof Westin, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, Alberto Grassi, Stefano Zaffagnini, Kristian Samuelsson, Mikael Svensson
Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA - 2018 -
Low 1-Year Return-to-Sport Rate After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Regardless of Patient and Surgical Factors A Prospective Cohort Study of 272
Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, Susanne Beischer, Christoffer Thomeé, Roland Thomeé, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
American Journal of Sports Medicine - 2018 -
Factors Affecting the Achievement of a Patient-Acceptable Symptom State 1 Year After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Cohort Study of 343 Patients From 2
Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, Susanne Beischer, Alberto Grassi, Ferid Krupic, Roland Thomeé, Kristian Samuelsson
Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine - 2018 -
Concomitant injuries may not reduce the likelihood of achieving symmetrical muscle function one year after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a prospective observational study based on 263
Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, Susanne Beischer, Christoffer Thomeé, Alberto Grassi, Ferid Krupic, Roland Thomeé, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA - 2018 -
Increased odds of patient-reported success at 2 years after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in patients without cartilage lesions: a cohort study from the Swedish National Knee Ligament
Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eduard Alentorn-Geli, Volker Musahl, Freddie Fu, Ferid Krupic, Neel Desai, Olof Westin, Kristian Samuelsson
Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy - 2018 -
Younger age and greater preoperative function predict compliance with 2-year follow-up visits after ACL reconstruction: an analysis of the PIVOT multicentre
Jayson Lian, João Victor Novaretti, Neel Patel, Adam C Popchak, Ryosuke Kuroda, Stefano Zaffagnini, Kristian Samuelsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Volker Musahl
Journal of ISAKOS - 2018 -
Static anteroposterior knee laxity tests are poorly correlated to quantitative pivot shift in the ACL-deficient knee: a prospective multicentre
Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Julia Mårtensson, Stefano Zaffagnini, Ryosuke Kuroda, Volker Musahl, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
Journal of ISAKOS: Joint Disorders & Orthopaedic Sports Medicine - 2018 -
Anatomic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Using Hamstring Tendons Restores Quantitative Pivot
Stefano Zaffagnini, Cecilia Signorelli, Alberto Grassi, Yuichi Hoshino, Ryosuke Kuroda, Darren de Sa, David Sundemo, Kristian Samuelsson, Volker Musahl, Jón Karlsson, Andrew Sheean, Jeremy M Burnham, Jayson Lian, Clair Smith, Adam Popchak, Elmar Herbst, Thomas Pfeiffer, Paulo Araujo, Alicia Oostdyk, Daniel Guenther, Bruno Ohashi, James J Irrgang, Freddie H Fu, Kouki Nagamune, Masahiro Kurosaka, Giulio Maria Marcheggiani Muccioli, Nicola Lopomo, Federico Raggi, Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Haukur Bjoernsson, Mattias Ahldén, Neel Desai
Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine - 2018 -
Young athletes return too early to knee-strenuous sport, without acceptable knee function after anterior cruciate ligament
Susanne Beischer, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Christoffer Thomeé, Kristian Samuelsson, Roland Thomeé
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy - 2018 -
Increased Postoperative Manual Knee Laxity at 2 Years Results in Inferior Long-term Subjective Outcome After Anterior Cruciate Ligament
David Sundemo, Ninni Sernert, Jüri Kartus, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
The American journal of sports medicine - 2018 -
Predictors of Outcome after Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Eric Hamrin Senorski
2018 -
Meniscal repair results in inferior short-term outcomes compared with meniscal resection: a cohort study of 6398 patients with primary anterior cruciate ligament
Eleonor Svantesson, Riccardo Cristiani, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Magnus Forssblad, Kristian Samuelsson, Anders Stålman
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy - 2018 -
“I never made it to the pros…” Return to sport and becoming an elite athlete after pediatric and adolescent anterior cruciate ligament injury - Current evidence and future
Eric Hamrin Senorski, Romain Seil, Eleonor Svantesson, Julian A. Feller, Kate E. Webster, Lars Engebretsen, Kurt Spindler, Rainer Siebold, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy - 2018 -
Unique simultaneous avulsion fracture of both the proximal and distal insertion sites of the anterior cruciate
Kristian Samuelsson, Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, B. Östman
BMJ Case Reports - 2018 -
Double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is superior to single-bundle reconstruction in terms of revision frequency: a study of 22,460 patients from the Swedish National Knee Ligament
Eleonor Svantesson, David Sundemo, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eduard Alentorn-Geli, Volker Musahl, Freddie H. Fu, Neel Desai, Anders Stålman, Kristian Samuelsson
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy - 2017 -
Graft Diameter as a Predictor for Revision Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction and KOOS and EQ-5D Values: A Cohort Study From the Swedish National Knee Ligament Register Based on 2240
Thorkell Snaebjörnsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Olufemi R Ayeni, Eduard Alentorn-Geli, Ferid Krupic, Fredrik Norberg, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
The American journal of sports medicine - 2017 -
No differences in subjective knee function between surgical techniques of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction at 2-year follow-up: a cohort study from the Swedish National Knee Ligament
Eric Hamrin Senorski, David Sundemo, C. D. Murawski, E. Alentorn-Geli, V. Musahl, F. Fu, Neel Desai, A. Stalman, Kristian Samuelsson
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy - 2017 -
Return to knee-strenuous sport after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a report from a rehabilitation outcome registry of patient
Eric Hamrin Senorski, Kristian Samuelsson, Christoffer Thomeé, Susanne Beischer, Jón Karlsson, Roland Thomeé
Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA - 2017 -
Preoperative knee laxity measurements predict the achievement of a patient-acceptable symptom state after ACL reconstruction: a prospective multicenter
Eric Hamrin Senorski, Eleonor Svantesson, David Sundemo, Volker Musahl, Stefano Zaffagnini, Ryosuke Kuroda, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
Journal of ISAKOS Joint Disorders & Orthopaedic Sports Medicine - 2017 -
Adolescents and female patients are at increased risk for contralateral anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a cohort study from the Swedish National Knee Ligament Register based on 17,682
Thorkell Snaebjörnsson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, David Sundemo, Eleonor Svantesson, Olof Westin, Volker Musahl, Eduard Alentorn-Geli, Kristian Samuelsson
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy - 2017 -
While modern medicine evolves continuously, evidence-based research methodology remains: how register studies should be interpreted and
Eleonor Svantesson, Eric Hamrin Senorski, Kurt P. Spindler, Olufemi R. Ayeni, Freddie H. Fu, Jón Karlsson, Kristian Samuelsson
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy - 2017