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- Jing Wu
Jing Wu
Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskapOm Jing Wu
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I was promoted to associate professor of sociology in March, 2023. I am Program Director of International Master's Program in Strategic Human Resource Management and Labour Relations (SHRM & LR) since Summer 2020. I am Senior Lecturer (universitetslektor) at the Department of Sociology and Work Science since Autumn 2019. I had been Associate Senior Lecturer (biträdande lektor) at the department from 2015 to Summer 2019. I obtained my doctoral degree with the thesis "European Older Adults’ Well-being and Suicide in the Societal and Family Context" in April 2014 from Tallinn University, Estonia. The thesis was awarded as the best doctoral dissertation in Social Sciences, the University Student Research Competition for 2014, Tallinn University, Estonia and the first prize for doctoral dissertation in social field, the Student Research Competition for 2014, Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs, Estonia.
MSoSc in Social Work, 2007, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
BA in Social Work, 2003, National Women’s University of China, Beijing
Main research interest
Subjective and objective well-being of older people and welfare state; social in/exclusion and social protection of older people; care provision for older people; active and healthy ageing; comparative ageing research, suicide/depression prevention, mental health promotion
Current research
I am engaged in research issues and activities (including workshops, seminars and conferences) within the framework of AgeCap – Center for Ageing and Health, GU.
I have recently been involved in the Forte research project "Suicidalt beteende hos äldre och vägen tillbaka till livet (Suicidal behavior among older adults and the way back to life)" (2016-2022) which was led by Prof. Margda Waern from the Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology (the Sahlgrenska Academy). More info: https://www.gu.se/en/research/sahlgrenska-suicide-studies
I had been involved in the interdisciplinary project "What We Are and What We Do - How Genetics and Living Conditions Impact on Dementia Among Older People" (2015-2018), which was led by Prof. Björn Halleröd from the Department of Sociology and Work Science (University of Gothenburg) and Prof. Ingmar Skoog from the Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology (the Sahlgrenska Academy). The project focused on the interplay of social and genetic factors in the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
Teaching and supervision
Social (in)equality, social relations, family and welfare state, mental health and well-being, ageing issues, European studies, working conditions and human resource management, labor market from national and international perspectives, Teacher Education courses, and quantitative methods etc.; supervision of master and bachelor theses in Sociology, Work Science and HRM (human resource management).
Journal reviews
Reviewer in the following peer-reviewed journals:
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
Frontiers in Public Health
The Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
Social Inclusion
International Journal of Comparative Sociology
Archives of Suicide Research
BMC Public Health
Emotions towards welfare technology and job satisfaction among eldercare workers: The role of organisational age and ethnicity equality
Jing Wu, Mahwish Naseer, Lotta Dellve
Sustainable human resource management and working-life practices conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 17-19 June, 2024 - 2024 -
Ageism and Intergenerational Dynamics in the Workplace: A Scoping Review with Implications for Gender and Sustainable Human Resource Management
Jing Wu, Catherine Elliott O'Dare, Jo Greene
Gender and Sustainability in the Global South - 2024 -
Chapter 6: The shifting landscape of Nordic aged care: De-universalization, re-familialism, market forces, and the COVID-19
Jing Wu
Aged care in context and across disciplines: China and Nordic regions in focus (edited by Jing Wu and Chunrong Liu) - 2024 -
Introduction: Setting the stage: Aged care experiences in China and the Nordic
Jing Wu, Chunrong Liu
Aged care in context and across disciplines: China and Nordic regions in Focus (edited by Jing Wu and Chunrong Liu) - 2024 -
Aged care in context and across disciplines: China and Nordic regions in
Jing Wu, Chunrong Liu
2024 -
Care provision for older people across cultures: Through a China-Nordic comparative
Jing Wu
Grand challenges in and responses to the ageing in China and Nordic countries and beyond in the 21st century: A two-day workshop, November 28-29, Oslo, Norway - 2024 -
Care provisions for older people in urban settings: A cross-cultural comparison between China and the Nordic
Jing Wu
The Nordic Centre workshop: Sated cities? Probing sufficiency in digitalization, land-use and consumption in China's urban centres, October 25, 2024, Shanghai, China - 2024 -
In transition: Care provisions for older people in Nordic
Jing Wu
The Nordic Aging Society presents: Symposium on Aging, October 21-22, 2024, Nobel Forum, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden - 2024 -
Aging in place in rural Northeast China: A mixed methods examination of the influence of social capital on mental well-being in middle and late
Yunfei Gao, Jing Wu
Frontiers In Public Health - 2024 -
Ageism and intergenerational dynamics in the workplace: A scoping
Catherine Elliott O'Dare, Jo Greene, Jing Wu
the 27th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Stockholm, Sweden, 12-14 June, 2024 - 2024 -
Technostress in the ageing workforce: Factors, consequences, and perspectives. Insights
from a scoping
Jing Wu
Sociologidagarna: the biannual conference of the Swedish Sociological Association, Gothenburg, Sweden, 13-15 March, 2024 - 2024 -
Eldercare in Europe and China: What can we learn
Jing Wu
The Nordic Centre Biennial Meeting: Global ageing and related healthcare challenges, Oslo, Norway, 24-25 October, 2022 - 2022 -
The micro-macro interplay of economic factors in late-life loneliness: Evidence from Europe and
Jing Wu, Jing Zhang, Tineke Fokkema
Frontiers In Public Health - 2022 -
Suicide among Older People in Different European Welfare Regimes: Does Economic (in)Security Have Implications for Suicide
Jing Wu, Ying Li, Margda Waern
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) - 2022 -
Book Review for 'Ageing Identities and Women's Everyday Talk in a Hair Salon' by Rachel Heinrichsmeier, Routledge, New
Jing Wu
Ageing & Society - 2021 -
Suicide among older people in different European welfare regimes: Does economic (in)security have implications for suicide
Jing Wu, Ying Li, Margda Waern
SWEAH (National Graduate School on Ageing and Health) Milestone Conference (virtual), Lund University, Sweden, 19-20 October, 2021 - 2021 -
Listening to children’s voices in child protection practices: Child protection workers' perspectives on child
Karmen Toros, Asgeir Falch-Eriksen, Jing Wu
In: Baikady R., Sajid S., Przeperski J., Nadesan V., Rezaul I., Gao J. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham - 2021 -
A systematic review of older adults’ request for or attitude toward euthanasia or
Dolores Angela Castelli Dransart, Sylvie Lapierre, Annette Erlangsen, Silvia Sara Canetto, Marnin Heisel, Brian Draper, Reinhard Lindner, Stephane Richard-Devantoy, Gary Cheung, Paolo Scocco, Ricardo Gusmao, Diego De Leo, Ken Inoue, Vincent De Techterman, Amy Fiske, Jin Pyo Hong, Marjolaine Landry, Andrée-Anne Lepage, Isabelle Marcoux, Peter Jongho Na, Eva Neufeld, Deborah Ummel, Jan-Henrik Winslov, Christine Wong, Jing Wu, Marilyn Wyart
Aging & Mental Health - 2021 -
A research agenda for ageing in China in the 21st century (2nd edition): Focusing on basic and translational research, long-term care, policy and social
Evandro F. Fang, Chenglong Xie, Joseph A. Schenkel, Chenkai Wu, Qian Long, Honghua Cui, Yahyah Aman, Johannes Frank, Jing Liao, Huachun Zou, Ninie Y. Wang, Jing Wu, Xiaoting Liu, Tao Li, Yuan Fang, Zhangming Niu, Guang Yang, Jiangshui Hong, Qian Wang, Guobing Chen, Jun Li, Hou-Zao Chen, Lin Kang, Huanxing Su, Brian C. Gilmour, Xinqiang Zhu, Hong Jiang, Na He, Jun Tao, Sean Xiao Leng, Tanjun Tong, Jean Woo
Ageing Research Reviews - 2020 -
The impact of social networks and APOE ε4 on dementia among older adults: Tests of possible
Jing Wu, Caroline Hasselgren, Anna Zettergren, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Ingmar Skoog, Björn Halleröd
Aging & Mental Health - 2020 -
Relationships with adult children and depression of older parents in China, Estonia, the Netherlands and
Jing Wu, Tineke Fokkema
9th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics – European Region (IAGG-ER) Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden, 23th – 25th May, 2019 - 2019 -
Suicide among older people in different European welfare regimes: Does financial security have implications for suicide
Jing Wu, Ying Li
(oral presentation in the symposium ‘New research on suicidal behavior in older adults: Interpersonal problems, social factors, cognitive function, and financial security’). 9th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics – European Region (IAGG-ER) Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden, 23th – 25th May, 2019 - 2019 -
Relationships with adult children and depression of older parents in China, Estonia, the Netherlands and
Jing Wu, Tineke Fokkema
21st Nordic Demographic Symposium, Reykjavík, Iceland, 13th-15th June, 2019 - 2019 -
The interplay of individual socioeconomic status, income inequality and welfare generosity in late-life loneliness: Evidence from Europe and
Jing Wu, Jing Zhang, Tineke Fokkema
The Joint SHARE User Conference and Budapest Pension Seminar, Budapest, Hungary, 19th-20th September, 2019 - 2019 -
Suicide prevention in old age in China 2002-2017: The linkage to the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing
Jing Wu, Xianyun Li, Shengming Yan
The International Journal of Ageing in Developing Countries - 2018 -
Suicide among older people in different European welfare regimes: Does the Active Ageing Index (AAI) have implications for suicide
Jing Wu, Ying Li
2th International Seminar on Active Ageing Index (AAI), Bilbao, Spain, 27th – 28th September, 2018 - 2018 -
The impact of social networks and APOE ɛ4 on dementia among older adults: Tests of possible
Jing Wu, Caroline Hasselgren, Björn Halleröd
13th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA): (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities, 29th August - 1st September 2017, Athens, Greece - 2017 -
European older adults’ suicide and well-being in the context of welfare state and family: Revisiting relevant
Jing Wu
Injury Medicine(Electronic Edition) - 2017 -
A brief overview of Swedish social
Jing Wu
2017 -
A systematic review of physical illness, functional disability, and suicidal behaviour among older
Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Gary Cheung, Silvia Sara Canetto, Annette Erlangsen, Sylvie Lapierre, Reinhard Lindner, Brian Draper, Joseph J. Gallo, Christine Wong, Jing Wu, Paul Duberstein, Margda Waern
Aging & Mental Health - 2016 -
Social networks may decrease the risk of genes on dementia among older
Jing Wu, Björn Halleröd
The paper was orally presented at the conference "18TH EPA SECTION MEETING IN EPIDEMIOLOGY & SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY: Social Psychiatry and Epidemiology in a changing world", 30th November – 3rd December 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2016 -
Promising community-based practices to postpone the need for institutional elderly care: A descriptive study of community developers in
Taimi Tulva, Jing Wu, Marju Medar, Zsolt Bugarszki, Koidu Saia, Kersti Kriisk, Jean-Pierre Wilken, Helen Tabur
East-West Studies. Journal of Social Sciences of Tallinn University School of Governance, Law and Society - 2016 -
Associations between quality of relationships and life satisfaction of older mothers in Estonia, Germany, Russia and
Jing Wu, Kairi Kasearu, Airi Värnik, Liina-Mai Tooding, Gisela Trommsdorff
Ageing & Society - 2016 -
European Older Adults' Suicide Patterns, Methods and Prevention
Jing Wu
Injury Medicine(Electronic Edition) - 2015 -
Suicide among older people in relation to their subjective and objective well-being in different European
Jing Wu, Airi Värnik, Liina-Mai Tooding, Peeter Värnik, Kairi Kasearu
European Journal of Ageing - 2014 -
European Older Adults’ Well-being and Suicide in the Societal and Family
Jing Wu
2014 -
Drug suicide: A sex-equal cause of death in 16 European
Airi Värnik, Merike Sisask, Peeter Värnik, Jing Wu, Kairi Kõlves, Ella Arensman, Margareth Maxwell, Thomas Reisch, Ricardo Gusmão, Chantal van Audenhove, Gert Scheerder, Christina M van der Feltz-Cornelis, Claire Coffey, Maria Kopp, Andras Szekely, Saska Roskar, Ulrich Hegerl
BMC Public Health - 2011 -
Social inclusion affects elderly suicide
Andriy Yur'vey, Lauri Leppik, Liina-Mai Tooding, Merike Sisask, Peeter Värnik, Jing Wu, Airi Värnik
International psychogeriatrics - 2010