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- John Paoli
John Paoli
Avd för dermatologi och venereologiOm John Paoli
Är professor i dermatologi och venereologi och ämnesföreträdare för ämnesområdet Dermatologi och Venereologi.
Universitetssjukhusöverläkare och ansvarig för Mohs kirurgi på verksamhetsområde Hud- och könssjukvård, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset.
Forskningsområde Forskning inom tidig diagnostik och behandling av hudcancer.
Pågående forskningsprojekt
- ”Wise vs wide”: en nationell, multicenter, randomiserad kontrollerad studie för att jämföra kirurgi i 1 vs 2 steg för tunna melanom
- Artificiell intelligens för automatiserad detektion av hudcancer
- Dermatoskopisk diagnostik av hudtumörer
- Ex vivo konfokalmikroskopi för snabbare histopatologisk diagnostik av hudtumörer
- Hyperspektral avbildning för tidig diagnostik av hudcancer
- Korttidsmonitorering av atypiska melanocytära lesioner
- Tumör- och serummarkörer för uppkomst, progression, behandlingseffekt och uppföljning av Merkelscellskarcinom
- Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry för att analysera lipider i basalcellscancer och melanom
- Nya riskfaktorer för melanomspecifik död genom befolkningsbaserade registerstudier
- Randomiserade kontrollerade studier för utvärdering av destruktiva behandlingar för icke-melanom hudcancer
- Fotodynamisk terapi med simulerat dagsljus för behandling av ytlig icke-melanom hudcancer
- Orsaken till spontan regression vid keratoakantom
- Riskfaktorer för icke-radikala excisioner av hudtumörer
- Förbättrade indikationer för Mohs kirurgi vid basalcellscancer i huvud- och halsregionen
Medarbetare i tumörforskningsgruppen
Post-docs: Eva Backman, Magdalena Claeson, Johan Dahlén Gyllencreutz, Julia Fougelberg, Noora Neittaanmäki, Sam Polesie, Helena Svensson och Oscar Zaar.
Doktorander: Sofia Berglund (huvudhandledare), Hannah Ceder (huvudhandledare), Martin Gillstedt (biträdande handledare), Michelle Marjanovic (biträdande handledare), Jan Siarov (biträdande handledare), Alexandra Sjöholm (huvudhandledare), Mimmi Tang (biträdande handledare) och Ebba Wennberg (huvudhandledare).
Forskare: Filippos Giannopoulos och Maja Modin.
ALF, FOU-VGR, Hudfonden, Vivy Svenby med familj
Böcker & bokkapitel
- Bowling J, Paoli J, Chamberlain A. Diagnostic Dermoscopy - The Illustrated Guide, 2nd Edition. 2022. Wiley. ISBN: 9781118930489.
- Wahlgren CF, Bradley M, Enerbäck C, Lindberg M, Lundqvist K, Nylander E, Paoli J, Rollman O,. Rorsmans Dermatologi Venereologi, 10th Edition. 2022. Studentlitteratur. ISBN: 9789144141602.
- Cabo H, Lallas A (Eds. Including Paoli J). Chapter “Palpable lesions on the scalp” in: Comprehensive Atlas of Dermatoscopy Cases. 2018. Springer Nature. ISBN: 9783319769325.
- Vahlquist A, Enerbäck C, Lundqvist K, Nylander E, Paoli J, Rollman O, Wahlgren CF. Rorsmans Dermatologi Venereologi, 9th Edition. 2017. Studentlitteratur. ISBN: 9789144119106.
- Vahlquist A, Enerbäck C, Lundqvist K, Nylander E, Paoli J, Rollman O, Wahlgren CF. Rorsmans Dermatologi Venereologi, 8th Edition. 2012. Studentlitteratur. ISBN: 9789144081502.
- Ericson MB, Wang D, Kantere D, Paoli J, Wennberg AM. Imaging of Photosensitizers in Skin. Chapter in: Imaging in Photodynamic Therapy. 2017. Editors: Michael R. Hamblin, Yingying Huang. Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press. ISBN: 9781498741453.
- Paoli J, Falk M. [Skin diseases] “Hudsjukdomar”. Chapter in: Läkemedelsboken. 2017. The Swedish Medical Products Agency. https://lakemedelsboken.se/kapitel/hud/hudsjukdomar.html
Priser: Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhusets Kvalitetspris Område 5 (2021), Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhusets Kvalitetspris (2018), Årets forskningshandledare "Studenter i forskning" (2016), Dagens Medicins Guldskalpellen (2013) och Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhusets Kvalitetspris (2013)
Övrigt: Administrative Coordinator International Dermoscopy Society, Treasurer European Society for Micrographic Surgery, Past President Nordic Dermatology Association, Past President European Society for Micrographic Surgery, Past President Swedish Society of Dermatology and Venereology, Past President Swedish Society for Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology, Past Board Member European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Honorary Member French Society of Dermatology.
Simulated daylight vs. conventional PDT for clinical superficial BCC: A randomized controlled
Alexandra Sjöholm Hylén, Eva Johansson Backman, Maja Modin, Julia Fougelberg, Magdalena Claeson, John Paoli
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV - 2025 -
Patient Preferences and Cosmetic Outcomes Following Destructive Treatments for Non-facial Basal Cell Carcinoma: A Mixed Methods
Eva Johansson Backman, Birgit Heckemann, Martin Gillstedt, Sam Polesie, John Paoli
Curettage plus one or two cycles of cryosurgery for basal cell carcinoma with clinically nodular features: A prospective randomized controlled
Eva Johansson Backman, Sam Polesie, Martin Gillstedt, Alexandra Sjöholm Hylén, Azad Nerwey, John Paoli
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology - 2025 -
Full-body skin examination in screening for cutaneous malignancy: A focus on concealed sites and the practices of international
James P. Pham, Nicholas Allen, Phoebe Star, Anne Cust, Pascale Guitera, Ashfaq A. Marghoob, John Paoli, Iris Zaludek, Annika Smith
Importance of Both Clinical and Dermoscopic Findings in Predicting High-Risk Histopathological Subtype in Facial Basal Cell
Hannah Ceder, Eva Johansson Backman, Ashfaq Marghoob, Cristian Navarrete-Dechent, Sam Polesie, Ofer Reiter, John Paoli
Pattern Analysis of Benign and Malignant Atypical Melanocytic Skin Lesions of Palms and Soles: Variations of Dermoscopic Features According to Anatomic Site and Personal
Linda Tognetti, Alessandra Cartocci, Elvira Moscarella, Aimilios Lallas, Emi Dika, Maria Concetta Fargnoli, Caterina Longo, Gianluca Nazzaro, John Paoli, Ignazio Stanganelli, Serena Magi, Francesco Lacarrubba, Paolo Broganelli, Jean-Luc Perrot, Mariano Suppa, Roberta Giuffrida, Elisa Cinotti, Lo Conte Sofia, Gennaro Cataldo, Gabriele Cevenini, Pietro Rubegni
Life - 2024 -
ToF-SIMS imaging reveals changes in tumor cell lipids during metastatic progression of
Noora Neittaanmäki, Oscar Zaar, Kevin Sjogren Cehajic, Kelly Dimovska Nilsson, Dimitrios Katsarelias, Roger Olofsson Bagge, John Paoli, John S. Fletcher
Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research - 2024 -
Deep learning model shows pathologist-level detection of sentinel node metastasis of melanoma and intra-nodal nevi on whole slide
Jan Siarov, Angelica Siarov, Darshan Kumar, John Paoli, Johan Mölne, Noora Neittaanmäki
Frontiers in medicine - 2024 -
Incomplete Excision Rate for Lentigo Maligna and Associated Risk
Maja Modin, Helena Svensson, Ylva Bergsten Wanders, Noora Neittaanmäki, Jan Siarov, John Paoli
Acta Dermato-Venereologica - 2024 -
Comparative Analysis of AI Models for Atypical Pigmented Facial Lesion
Alessandra Cartocci, Alessio Luschi, Linda Tognetti, Elisa Cinotti, Francesca Farnetani, Aimilios Lallas, John Paoli, Caterina Longo, Elvira Moscarella, Danica Tiodorovic, Ignazio Stanganelli, Mariano Suppa, Emi Dika, Iris Zalaudek, Maria Antonietta Pizzichetta, Jean Luc Perrot, Gabriele Cevenini, Ernesto Iadanza, Giovanni Rubegni, Harald Kittler, Philipp Tschandl, Pietro Rubegni
Patients' Ability to Take Dermoscopic Follow-Up Images of Atypical Melanocytic Lesions With Smartphones: A Pilot
Sofia Berglund, John Paoli, Petra Svensson, Karin Terstappen, Martin Gillstedt, Johan Dahlén Gyllencreutz
Performance of a Machine Learning Algorithm on Lesions with a High Preoperative Suspicion of Invasive
Filippos Giannopoulos, Martin Gillstedt, Sofia Lindskogen, John Paoli, Sam Polesie
Acta Dermato-Venereologica - 2024 -
Development and Validation of the Oxford Skin Cancer Treatment Scale, a Patient-Reported Outcome Measure for Health-Related Quality of Life and Treatment Satisfaction After Skin Cancer
Jonathan Kantor, Sumaira Z. Aasi, Murad Alam, John Paoli, Desiree Ratner
Evaluation of an artificial intelligence-based decision support for the detection of cutaneous melanoma in primary care: a prospective real-life clinical
Panagiotis Papachristou, My Soderholm, Jon Pallon, Marina Taloyan, Sam Polesie, John Paoli, Chris D. Anderson, Magnus Falk
Exploring Patient Pain Experiences during and after Conventional Red Light and Simulated Daylight Photodynamic Therapy for Actinic Keratosis: A Qualitative Interview
Alexandra Sjöholm Hylén, Magdalena Claeson, John Paoli, Birgit Heckemann
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2024 -
Dermatoscopic patterns of cutaneous metastases: A multicentre cross-sectional study of the International Dermoscopy
Danica Tiodorovic, Jelena Stojkovic-Filipovic, Ashfaq Marghoob, Giuseppe Argenziano, Susana Puig, Josep Malvehy, Linda Tognetti, Rubegni Pietro, Bengu Nisa Akay, Iris Zalaudek, Holger A. Haenssle, Christine Mueller-Christmann, Elisa Cinotti, Jean Luc Perrot, Pedro Zaballos, Renato Marchiori Bakos, Luc Thomas, Ketty Peris, Aimilios Lallas, Zoe Apalla, Juergen F. Kreusch, Isabelle Tromme, Alexandros J. Stratigos, Maria Antonietta Pizzichetta, Lidija Kandolf, Caterina Longo, Andreas Blum, Masaru Tanaka, Rainer Hofmann-Wellenhof, Andrija Jovic, John Paoli, Marija Buljan, Martina Espasandin-Arias, Horacio Cabo, Sonia Rodrigiez Saa, Gabriel Salerni, Gianluca Nazzaro, Grazyna Kaminska-Winciorek, Giovanni Damiani, Franciska Geszti, Harald Kittler
A European Multicentric Investigation of Atypical Melanocytic Skin Lesions of Palms and Soles: The iDScore-PalmoPlantar
Linda Tognetti, Alessandra Cartocci, Aimilios Lallas, Elvira Moscarella, Ignazio Stanganelli, Gianluca Nazzaro, John Paoli, Maria Concetta Fargnoli, Paolo Broganelli, Harald Kittler, Jean-Luc Perrot, Gennaro Cataldo, Gabriele Cevenini, Sofia Lo Conte, Leonardelli Simone, Elisa Cinotti, Pietro Rubegni
Ahmed Sadek, Emilia Noemi Cohen Sabban, Horacio Cabo, Enzo Errichetti, Dominga Peirano, Sebastian Vargas, Alvaro Abarzua, Cristian Navarrete Dechent, Pablo Uribe, Verche Todorovska, Pedro Zaballos, John Paoli, Elvira Moscarella, Juan Sebastian Andreani Figueroa, Jelena Stojkovic Filipovic, Dusan Skiljevic, Guiseppe Micali, Ana Elisa Verzi, Livia Liguori, Roger Gonzalez Ramirez, Maria Sofia Nicoletti Russi, Ricardo Quiñones Venegas, Deyamira Gabriela Quiñones Hernandez
Dermatoscopic Atlas of Non-Pigmented Lesions: Case-based Analysis and Management Options - 2023 -
Expert agreement on the presence and spatial localization of melanocytic features in
Konstantinos Liopyris, Cristian Navarrete-Dechent, Michael A Marchetti, Veronica Rotemberg, Zoe Apalla, Giuseppe Argenziano, Andreas Blum, Ralph P Braun, Cristina Carrera, Noel C F Codella, Marc Combalia, Stephen W Dusza, David A Gutman, Brian Helba, Rainer Hofmann-Wellenhof, Natalia Jaimes, Harald Kittler, Kivanc Kose, Aimilios Lallas, Caterina Longo, Josep Malvehy, Scott Menzies, Kelly C Nelson, John Paoli, Susana Puig, Harold S Rabinovitz, Ayelet Rishpon, Teresa Russo, Alon Scope, H Peter Soyer, Jennifer A Stein, Willhelm Stolz, Dimitrios Sgouros, Alexander J Stratigos, David L Swanson, Luc Thomas, Philipp Tschandl, Iris Zalaudek, Jochen Weber, Allan C Halpern, Ashfaq A Marghoob
The Journal of investigative dermatology - 2023 -
A risk-scoring model for the differential diagnosis of lentigo maligna and other atypical pigmented facial lesions of the face: The facial
L. Tognetti, A. Cartocci, M. Zychowska, I. Savarese, E. Cinotti, M. A. Pizzichetta, E. Moscarella, C. Longo, F. Farnetani, S. Guida, John Paoli, A. Lallas, D. Tiodorovic, I. Stanganelli, S. Magi, E. Dika, I. Zalaudek, M. Suppa, G. Argenziano, G. Pellacani, J. L. Perrot, C. Miracapillo, G. Rubegni, G. Cevenini, P. Rubegni
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology - 2023 -
Cryosurgery versus curettage for intraepidermal carcinoma: A randomized controlled
Julia Fougelberg, Eva Johansson Backman, E. Hasselquist, Alexandra Sjöholm Hylén, Magdalena Claeson, John Paoli
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology - 2023 -
Folliculitis decalvans has a heterogeneous microbiological signature and impaired immunological
O. M. Moreno-Arrones, C. Garcia-Hoz, R. del Campo, G. Roy, D. Saceda-Corralo, J. Jimenez-Cauhe, M. Ponce-Alonso, S. Serrano-Villar, P. Jaen, John Paoli, S. Vano-Galvan
Dermatology - 2023 -
A Non-Interventional Study on Vismodegib for Basal Cell Carcinoma in Swedish
N. Bendsoe, John Paoli, K. Soderkvist, B. Persson, Christina Halldin, L. Ihrlund, M. Wolodarski
Dermatology Practical & Conceptual - 2023 -
Rapid regression of multiple melanocytic nevi in an individual with history of melanoma with the CDKN2A
Nor Fazil Jaber, John Paoli, Sandra Gulin Jerkovic
JAAD case reports - 2023 -
Dermoscopic features of trichoepithelioma: A multicentre observational case-control study conducted by the International Dermoscopy
Caterina Longo, Nicola Lippolis, Michela Lai, Marco Spadafora, Shaniko Kaleci, Alessandra Grazia Condorelli, Mara Lombardi, Riccardo Pampena, Giuseppe Argenziano, Gianluca Nazzaro, Massimiliano Scalvenzi, Bengü Nisa Akay, Paolo Broganelli, Maria Concetta Fargnoli, John Paoli, Oriol Yélamos, Giovanni Pellacani, Stefania Borsari, Aimilios Lallas
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV - 2023 -
Attitudes Towards Artificial Intelligence Among Dermatologists Working in Saudi
Fatima Al-Ali, Sam Polesie, John Paoli, Mohammed Aljasser, Louai A Salah
Dermatology practical & conceptual - 2023 -
How Does a Convolutional Neural Network Trained to Differentiate between Invasive Melanoma and Melanoma In situ Generalize when Assessing Dysplastic
Martin Gillstedt, Klara Segerholm, Ludwig Mannius, John Paoli, Sam Polesie
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2023 -
Basal cell carcinoma: Epidemiological impact of clinical versus histopathological
Eva Johansson Backman, Maria Oxelblom, Martin Gillstedt, Johan Dahlén Gyllencreutz, John Paoli
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV - 2023 -
Repair of Defects of the Nasal Tip After Mohs
Sasia Jv Pedersen, John Paoli, Robert Gniadecki, Martin Glud
Dermatology practical & conceptual - 2023 -
Dermoscopy of atypical pigmented lesions of the face: Variation according to facial
Linda Tognetti, Alessandra Cartocci, Elisa Cinotti, Martina D'Onghia, Magdalena Żychowska, Elvira Moscarella, Emi Dika, Francesca Farnetani, Stefania Guida, John Paoli, Aimilios Lallas, Danica Tiodorovic, Ignazio Stanganelli, Caterina Longo, Mariano Suppa, Iris Zalaudek, Giuseppe Argenziano, Jean Luc Perrot, Giovanni Rubegni, Gennaro Cataldo, Pietro Rubegni
Experimental dermatology - 2023 -
Delphi Consensus Among International Experts on the Diagnosis, Management, and Surveillance for Lentigo
C. Longo, C. Navarrete-Dechent, P. Tschandl, Z. Apalla, G. Argenziano, R. P. Braun, V. Bataille, H. Cabo, R. Hoffmann-Wellhenhof, A. M. Forsea, C. Garbe, P. Guitera, K. Raimond, A. A. Marghoob, J. Malvehy, V. Del Marmol, D. Moreno, K. S. Nehal, E. Nagore, John Paoli, G. Pellacani, K. Peris, S. Puig, H. P. Soyer, S. Swetter, A. Stratigos, W. Stolz, L. Thomas, D. Tiodorovic, I. Zalaudek, H. Kittler, A. Lallas
Dermatology Practical & Conceptual - 2023 -
Dermoscopic Findings in Intraepidermal Carcinoma: an Interobserver Agreement
Julia Fougelberg, Alfred Luong, J. Bowling, A. Chamberlain, A. Lallas, A. Marghoob, Sam Polesie, G. Salerni, M. Tanaka, Oscar Zaar, I. Zalaudek, Magdalena Claeson, John Paoli
Dermatology Practical & Conceptual - 2023 -
Measurements of illuminance in simulated daylight photodynamic
Alexandra Sjöholm Hylén, Magdalena Claeson, John Paoli
Photodermatology Photoimmunology & Photomedicine - 2022 -
Evaluation of Melanoma Thickness with Clinical Close-up and Dermoscopic Images Using a Convolutional Neural
Martin Gillstedt, Ludwig Mannius, John Paoli, Johan Dahlén Gyllencreutz, Julia Fougelberg, Eva Johansson Backman, Jenna Pakka, Oscar Zaar, Sam Polesie
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2022 -
Indications for Digital Monitoring of Patients With Multiple Nevi: Recommendations from the International Dermoscopy
Teresa Russo, Vincenzo Piccolo, Elvira Moscarella, Philipp Tschandl, Harald Kittler, John Paoli, Aimilios Lallas, Ralph P. Braun, Luc Thomas, H. Peter Soyer, Josep Malvehy, Susana Puig, Ashfaq Marghoob, Alon Scope, Andreas Blum, Allan C. Halpern, Horacio Cabo, Scott Menzies, Wilhelm Stolz, Masaru Tanaka, Harold Rabinovitz, Rainer Hofmann-Wellenhof, Renato Marchiori Bakos, Iris Zalaudek, Giovanni Pellacani, Ana Varela Veiga, Laura Rosende Maceiras, Cristina de las Heras-Sotos, Giuseppe Argenziano
Dermatology Practical and Conceptual - 2022 -
Discrimination between invasive and in situ melanomas using a convolutional neural
Martin Gillstedt, John Paoli, Sam Polesie
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology - 2022 -
Iridescent Changes Observed During Dynamic Cross-polarized
John Paoli, Lykke Barck, Eva Johansson Backman, Ashfaq Marghoob, Sam Polesie
Dermatology practical & conceptual - 2022 -
Curettage vs. cryosurgery for superficial basal cell carcinoma: a prospective, randomised and controlled
Eva Johansson Backman, Sam Polesie, Sofia Berglund, Martin Gillstedt, Alexandra Sjöholm Hylén, Maja Modin, John Paoli
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV - 2022 -
Clinical and Dermoscopic Approaches to Diagnosis of Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia: Results From a Multicenter Study of the International Dermoscopy
Michela Starace, Gloria Orlando, Matilde Iorizzo, Aurora Alessandrini, Francesca Bruni, Victor Desmond Mandel, Kelati Awatef, Horacio Cabo, Gabriella Fabbrocini, Baybay Hanane, Sven Lanssens, Alejandro Lobato-Berezo, Fatima Zahra Mernissi, John Paoli, Angela Patrí, Emilia Noemi Cohen Sabban, Martyna Sławińska, Michał Sobjanek, Oscar Zaar, Giovanni Pellacani, Bianca Maria Piraccini
Dermatology practical & conceptual - 2022 -
Assessment of melanoma thickness based on dermoscopy images: an open, web-based, international, diagnostic
Sam Polesie, Martin Gillstedt, H. Kittler, C. Rinner, P. Tschandl, John Paoli
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology - 2022 -
Hyperspectral Imaging for Non-invasive Diagnostics of Melanocytic
John Paoli, Ilkka Pölönen, Mari Salmivuori, Janne Räsänen, Oscar Zaar, Sam Polesie, Sari Koskenmies, Sari Pitkänen, Meri Övermark, Kirsi Isoherranen, Susanna Juteau, Annamari Ranki, Mari Grönroos, Noora Neittaanmäki
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2022 -
Vascular Diameter as Clue for the Diagnosis of Clinically and/or Dermoscopically Equivocal Pigmented and Non-Pigmented Basal Cell Carcinomas and Nodular
R. Giuffrida, C. Conforti, A. Blum, M. Buljan, F. Guarneri, R. Hofmann-Wellenhof, C. Longo, John Paoli, C. Rosendahl, H. P. Soyer, R. J. Toncic, R. Vezzoni, I. Zalaudek
Medicina-Lithuania - 2022 -
Sun protection behaviour in organ transplant recipients and non-transplant patients attending a dermatology outpatient clinic in Sweden: A questionnaire
Caroline Stenman, Martin Gillstedt, Lykke Barck, Helena Gonzalez, Christina Halldin, Andreas Wallinder, John Paoli, Amra Osmancevic, Magdalena Claeson
Photodermatology Photoimmunology & Photomedicine - 2022 -
Clinicopathological Factors Associated with Incomplete Excision of High-risk Basal Cell
Hannah Ceder, Annie Ekström, Lajla Hadzic, John Paoli
Acta Dermato-Venereologica - 2021 -
Incomplete Excisions of Melanocytic Lesions: Rates and Risk
Sofia Berglund, Eva Johansson Backman, Zahra Baldawi, Linda Horn, Rebecca Arbin Borsiin, Michelle Marjanovic, Thea Christoffersson, Martin Gillstedt, John Paoli
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2021 -
Dermoscopy of porokeratosis: results from a multicentre study of the International Dermoscopy
Oscar Zaar, Sam Polesie, C. Navarrete-Dechent, E. Errichetti, B. N. Akay, J. Jaimes, H. Cabo, E. C. Sabban, John Paoli
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology - 2021 -
Surgery for Bowen Disease: Clinicopathological Factors Associated With Incomplete
Julia Fougelberg, Hampus Ek, Magdalena Claeson, John Paoli
Dermatology Practical & Conceptual - 2021 -
Difference in Sun Exposure Habits Between Individuals with High and Low Risk of Skin
Oskar Karlsson, Oskar Hagberg, Kari Nielsen, John Paoli, Åsa Ingvar
Dermatology practical & conceptual - 2021 -
Folliculitis decalvans microbiological signature is specific for disease clinical
O M Moreno-Arrones, R Del Campo, D Saceda-Corralo, J Jimenez-Cauhe, M Ponce-Alonso, S Serrano-Villar, P Jaén, John Paoli, S Vañó-Galván
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology - 2021 -
Merkel cell carcinoma is still an unexpected
Helene Svensson, John Paoli
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV - 2021 -
Mohs Micrographic Surgery for Primary Versus Recurrent or Incompletely Excised Facial High-risk Basal Cell
Hannah Ceder, Malin Grönberg, John Paoli
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2021 -
Which medical disciplines diagnose and treat melanoma in Europe in 2019? A survey of experts from melanoma centres in 27 European
L Kandolf-Sekulovic, K Peris, A Stratigos, A Hauschild, A-M Forsea, C Lebbe, A Lallas, J-J Grob, C Harwood, H Gogas, P Rutkowski, J Olah, N W J Kelleners-Smeets, John Paoli, R Dummer, D Moreno-Ramirez, L Bastholt, K Putnik, R Karls, C Hoeller, V Vandersleyen, R Vieira, P Arenberger, M Bylaite-Buckinskiene, J Ocvirk, M Situm, G Weinlich, M Banjin, V Todorovic, A Ymeri, A Zhukavets, C Garbe
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV - 2021 -
Discrimination Between Invasive and In Situ Melanomas Using Clinical Close-Up Images and a De Novo Convolutional Neural
Sam Polesie, Martin Gillstedt, Gustav Ahlgren, Hannah Ceder, Johan Dahlén Gyllencreutz, Julia Fougelberg, Eva Johansson Backman, Jenna Pakka, Oscar Zaar, John Paoli
Frontiers in Medicine - 2021 -
Digital Quantification of Melanocytic Density in Resection Margins of Lentigo Maligna Using SOX10 Versus Hematoxylin-Eosin
Jan Siarov, Noora Neittaanmäki, Johan Mölne, Martin Gillstedt, John Paoli
The American Journal of dermatopathology - 2021 -
Interobserver Agreement on Dermoscopic Features and their Associations with In Situ and Invasive Cutaneous
Sam Polesie, Lisa Sundback, Martin Gillstedt, Hannah Ceder, Johan Dahlén Gyllencreutz, Julia Fougelberg, Eva Johansson Backman, Jenna Pakka, Oscar Zaar, John Paoli
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2021 -
Can Dermoscopy Be Used to Predict if a Melanoma Is In Situ or
Sam Polesie, Edvin Jergéus, Martin Gillstedt, Hannah Ceder, Johan Dahlén Gyllencreutz, Julia Fougelberg, Eva Johansson Backman, Jenna Pakka, Oscar Zaar, John Paoli
Dermatology Practical & Conceptual - 2021 -
TOF-SIMS imaging reveals tumor heterogeneity and inflammatory response markers in the microenvironment of basal cell
Kelly Dimovska Nilsson, Noora Neittaanmäki, Oscar Zaar, Tina B. Angerer, John Paoli, John S. Fletcher
Biointerphases - 2020 -
Incidence of Kaposi Sarcoma in Sweden is
Giedre Bieliauskiene, Oscar Zaar, Isabel Kolmodin, Martin Gillstedt, John Paoli
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2020 -
Diagnostic accuracy and safety of short-term teledermoscopic monitoring of atypical melanocytic
Sofia Berglund, L. Bogren, John Paoli
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology - 2020 -
Attitudes towards artificial intelligence within dermatology: an international online
Sam Polesie, Martin Gillstedt, H Kittler, A Lallas, P Tschandl, I Zalaudek, John Paoli
The British journal of dermatology - 2020 -
Attitudes Toward Artificial Intelligence Within Dermatopathology: An International Online
Sam Polesie, Phillip H McKee, Jerad M Gardner, Martin Gillstedt, Jan Siarov, Noora Neittaanmäki, John Paoli
Frontiers in medicine - 2020 -
Dermatoscopic features of thin (<= 2 mm Breslow thickness) vs. thick (>2 mm Breslow thickness) nodular melanoma and predictors of nodular melanoma versus nodular non-melanoma tumours: a multicentric collaborative study by the International Dermoscopy
D. Sgouros, A. Lallas, H. Kittler, A. Zarras, A. Kyrgidis, C. Papageorgiou, S. Puig, A. Scope, G. Argenziano, I. Zalaudek, M. A. Pizzichetta, A. Marghoob, K. Liopyris, J. Malvehy, C. Oikonomou, A. Florez, R. Braun, H. Cabo, G. Nazzaro, S. Lanssens, S. Menzies, John Paoli, G. Kaminska-Winciorek, C. Longo, A. Katoulis, Z. Apalla, D. Ioannides, L. Thomas, I. Tromme, D. Ogata, C. Desinioti, A. Geller, A. Stratigos
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology - 2020 -
Clinicopathological Factors Associated with Incomplete Excision of Cutaneous Squamous Cell
Helena Svensson, John Paoli
Acta Dermato-Venereologica - 2020 -
Human-computer collaboration for skin cancer
P. Tschandl, C. Rinner, Z. Apalla, G. Argenziano, N. Codella, A. Halpern, M. Janda, A. Lallas, C. Longo, J. Malvehy, John Paoli, S. Puig, C. Rosendahl, H. P. Soyer, I. Zalaudek, H. Kittler
Nature Medicine - 2020 -
Methotrexate treatment for patients with psoriasis and risk of cutaneous melanoma: a nested case-control
Sam Polesie, Martin Gillstedt, John Paoli, Amra Osmancevic
British Journal of Dermatology - 2020 -
Short-term monitoring of single or a few atypical melanocytic lesions in low-risk patients should not be confused with long-term monitoring of multiple melanocytic lesions in high-risk
John Paoli, Sofia Berglund
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV - 2020 -
Standardization of dermoscopic terminology and basic dermoscopic parameters to evaluate in general dermatology (non-neoplastic dermatoses): an expert consensus on behalf of the International Dermoscopy
E. Errichetti, I. Zalaudek, H. Kittler, Z. Apalla, G. Argenziano, R. Bakos, A. Blum, R. P. Braun, D. Ioannides, F. Lacarrubba, E. Lazaridou, C. Longo, G. Micali, E. Moscarella, John Paoli, C. Papageorgiou, T. Russo, A. Scope, G. Stinco, L. Thomas, R. J. Toncic, P. Tschandl, H. Cabo, A. Hallpern, R. Hofmann-Wellenhof, J. Malvehy, A. Marghoob, S. Menzies, G. Pellacani, S. Puig, H. Rabinovitz, L. Rudnicka, E. Vakirlis, P. Soyer, W. Stolz, M. Tanaka, A. Lallas
British Journal of Dermatology - 2020 -
Neglected Basal Cell Carcinoma With Fatal
Jenna Pakka, Joanna Holm, Annika M Börjesson, Christina Halldin, John Paoli
Dermatology practical & conceptual - 2019 -
Comparison of the accuracy of human readers versus machine-learning algorithms for pigmented skin lesion classification: an open, web-based, international, diagnostic
P. Tschandl, N. Codella, B. N. Akay, G. Argenziano, R. P. Braun, H. Cabo, D. Gutman, A. Halpern, B. Helba, R. Hofmann-Wellenhof, A. Lallas, J. Lapins, C. Longo, J. Malvehy, M. A. Marchetti, A. Marghoob, S. Menzies, A. Oakley, John Paoli, S. Puig, C. Rinner, C. Rosendahl, A. Scope, C. Sinz, H. P. Soyer, L. Thomas, I. Zalaudek, H. Kittler
The Lancet Oncology - 2019 -
Effects of a 1-Day Training Course in Dermoscopy Among General
Anna Augustsson, John Paoli
Dermatology practical & conceptual - 2019 -
Data and basic statistics for surveillance of sociodemographic inequalities in early detection of
Ulf Strömberg, Magdalena Claeson, John Paoli
Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden) - 2019 -
Variability in the Diagnosis of Surgical Site Infections After Full-Thickness Skin Grafting: An International
Johan Palmgren, John Paoli, Artur Schmidtchen, Karim Saleh
The British Journal of Dermatology - 2019 -
Methotrexate and melanoma-specific
Sam Polesie, Martin Gillstedt, John Paoli, Amra Osmancevic
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV - 2019 -
Nonsurgical Options for the Treatment of Basal Cell
John Paoli, Johan Dahlén Gyllencreutz, Julia Fougelberg, Eva Johansson Backman, Maja Modin, Sam Polesie, Oscar Zaar
Dermatology practical & conceptual - 2019 -
Expert-Level Diagnosis of Nonpigmented Skin Cancer by Combined Convolutional Neural
Philipp Tschandl, Cliff Rosendahl, Bengu Nisa Akay, Giuseppe Argenziano, Andreas Blum, Ralph P Braun, Horacio Cabo, Jean-Yves Gourhant, Jürgen Kreusch, Aimilios Lallas, Jan Lapins, Ashfaq Marghoob, Scott Menzies, Nina Maria Neuber, John Paoli, Harold S Rabinovitz, Christoph Rinner, Alon Scope, H Peter Soyer, Christoph Sinz, Luc Thomas, Iris Zalaudek, Harald Kittler
JAMA dermatology - 2019 -
Dermoscopic Features of Melanomas in Organ Transplant
Sam Polesie, Martin Gillstedt, Oscar Zaar, Amra Osmancevic, John Paoli
Acta Dermato-Venereologica - 2019 -
Teledermatology and teledermoscopy: Old technology just waiting to be
John Paoli
Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venerology - 2019 -
Facial Reconstruction after Mohs
John Paoli
Acta Dermato-Venereologica - 2019 -
Chemical imaging of aggressive basal cell carcinoma using time-of-flight secondary ion mass
Marwa Munem, Oscar Zaar, Kelly Dimovska Nilsson, Noora Neittaanmäki, John Paoli, John S. Fletcher
Biointerphases - 2018 -
Teledermoscopy images acquired in primary health care and hospital settings - a comparative study of image
Johan Dahlén Gyllencreutz, Eva Johansson Backman, Karin Terstappen, John Paoli
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV - 2018 -
A prospective, randomized, within-subject study of ALA-PDT for actinic keratoses using different irradiation
Oscar Zaar, Alexandra Sjöholm Hylén, Martin Gillstedt, John Paoli
Photodermatology Photoimmunology & Photomedicine - 2018 -
Methotrexate Exposure and Risk of Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma: No Evidence of a Dose-response
Sam Polesie, Martin Gillstedt, John Paoli, Amra Osmancevic
Acta Dermato-Venereologica - 2018 -
Man against machine: diagnostic performance of a deep learning convolutional neural network for dermoscopic melanoma recognition in comparison to 58
H A Haenssle, C Fink, R Schneiderbauer, F Toberer, T Buhl, A Blum, A Kalloo, A Ben Hadj Hassen, L Thomas, A Enk, L Uhlmann, Christina Alt, Monika Arenbergerova, Renato Bakos, Anne Baltzer, Ines Bertlich, Andreas Blum, Therezia Bokor-Billmann, Jonathan Bowling, Naira Braghiroli, Ralph Braun, Kristina Buder-Bakhaya, Timo Buhl, Horacio Cabo, Leo Cabrijan, Naciye Cevic, Anna Classen, David Deltgen, Christine Fink, Ivelina Georgieva, Lara-Elena Hakim-Meibodi, Susanne Hanner, Franziska Hartmann, Julia Hartmann, Georg Haus, Elti Hoxha, Raimonds Karls, Hiroshi Koga, Jürgen Kreusch, Aimilios Lallas, Pawel Majenka, Ash Marghoob, Cesare Massone, Lali Mekokishvili, Dominik Mestel, Volker Meyer, Anna Neuberger, Kari Nielsen, Margaret Oliviero, Riccardo Pampena, John Paoli, Erika Pawlik, Barbar Rao, Adriana Rendon, Teresa Russo, Ahmed Sadek, Kinga Samhaber, Roland Schneiderbauer, Anissa Schweizer, Ferdinand Toberer, Lukas Trennheuser, Lyobomira Vlahova, Alexander Wald, Julia Winkler, Priscila Wölbing, Iris Zalaudek
Annals of Oncology - 2018 -
Degree of differentiation of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: a comparison between a Swedish cohort of organ transplant recipients and immunocompetent
Caroline Stenman, Helena Gonzalez, Martin Gillstedt, Göran Dellgren, Bengt Hasséus, Erik Holmberg, Helena Rexius, Jenny Öhman, John Paoli
Dermatology practical & conceptual - 2018 -
Dermoscopic rainbow pattern: A clue to diagnosing aneurysmal atypical
Michael Kunz, Helena Svensson, John Paoli
JAAD case reports - 2018 -
Methotrexate treatment in patients with a history of cutaneous melanoma and the risk of a consecutive primary melanoma: A national retrospective registry-based cohort
Sam Polesie, Martin Gillstedt, John Paoli, Amra Osmancevic
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology - 2017 -
Accuracy of dermatoscopy for the diagnosis of nonpigmented cancers of the
Christoph Sinz, Philipp Tschandl, Cliff Rosendahl, Bengu Nisa Akay, Giuseppe Argenziano, Andreas Blum, Ralph P Braun, Horacio Cabo, Jean-Yves Gourhant, Juergen Kreusch, Aimilios Lallas, Jan Lapins, Ashfaq A Marghoob, Scott W Menzies, John Paoli, Harold S Rabinovitz, Christoph Rinner, Alon Scope, H Peter Soyer, Luc Thomas, Iris Zalaudek, Harald Kittler
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology - 2017 -
Methotrexate Treatment and Risk for Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma - a Retrospective Comparative Registry-based Cohort
Sam Polesie, Martin Gillstedt, Henrik H. Sönnergren, Amra Osmancevic, John Paoli
The British journal of dermatology - 2017 -
Diagnostic agreement and interobserver concordance with teledermoscopy
Johan Dahlén Gyllencreutz, John Paoli, M. Bjellerup, Z. Bucharbajeva, Helena Gonzalez, K. Nielsen, Carin Sandberg, I. Synnerstad, K. Terstappen, Ann-Marie Wennberg Larkö
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology - 2017 -
Multiple Primary Melanomas: A Common Occurrence in Western
Magdalena Claeson, Paul Holmström, Stefan Hallberg, Martin Gillstedt, Helena Gonzalez, Ann-Marie Wennberg, John Paoli
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2017 -
Lethal Melanomas: A Population-based Registry Study in Western Sweden from 1990 to
Magdalena Claeson, Martin Gillstedt, David C Whiteman, John Paoli
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2017 -
Clinical assessment of skin phototypes: watch your
Myrto Trakatelli, Matilda Bylaite-Bucinskiene, Osvaldo Correia, Antonio Cozzio, Esther De Vries, Ljiljana Medenica, Eduardo Nagore, John Paoli, Alexander J Stratigos, Véronique Del Marmol, Jean-Luc Bulliard
European journal of dermatology : EJD - 2017 -
Rorsmans Dermatologi
Anders Vahlquist, Charlotta Enerbäck, Magnus Lindberg, Katarina Lundqvist, Elisabet Nylander, John Paoli, Ola Rollman, Carl-Fredrik Wahlgren
2017 -
Mohs surgery for basal cell
Martin Glud, Silje Haukali Omland, John Paoli, Robert Gniadecki
Ugeskrift for laeger - 2017 -
Imaging of Photosensitizers in
Marica B Ericson, Danni Wang, Despoina Kantere, John Paoli, Ann-Marie Wennberg
Imaging in Photodynamic Therapy. Eds: Michael R. Hamblin, Yingying Huang - 2017 -
Effectiveness of photodynamic therapy in Bowen's disease: a retrospective observational study in 423
Oscar Zaar, J. Fougleberg, A. Hermansson, Martin Gillstedt, Ann-Marie Wennberg Larkö, John Paoli
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology - 2017 -
Alopecia areata totalis and universalis: a multicenter review of 132 patients in
S. Vano-Galvan, P. Fernandez-Crehuet, R. Grimalt, M. J. Garcia-Hernandez, R. Rodrigues-Barata, S. Arias-Santiago, A. Molina-Ruiz, E. Garcia-Lora, J. Dominguez-Cruz, A. Brugues, J. Ferrando, C. Serrano-Falcon, S. Serrano, John Paoli, F. Camacho
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology - 2017 -
The European Status Quo in legal recognition and patient-care services of occupational skin
C Ulrich, C Salavastru, T Agner, A Bauer, R Brans, M N Crepy, K Ettler, F Gobba, M Goncalo, B Imko-Walczuk, J Lear, J Macan, A Modenese, John Paoli, P Sartorelli, K Stageland, P Weinert, N Wroblewski, H C Wulf, S M John
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV - 2016 -
Modelling the Future: System Dynamics in the Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma Care
Magdalena Claeson, Stefan Hallberg, Paul Holmström, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Helena Gonzalez, John Paoli
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2016 -
Evaluation of electrical impedance spectroscopy as an adjunct to dermoscopy in short-term monitoring of atypical melanocytic
Hannah Ceder, Alexandra Sjöholm Hylén, Ann-Marie Wennberg Larkö, John Paoli
Dermatology practical & conceptual - 2016 -
Merkel cell carcinoma incidence is increasing in
Oscar Zaar, Martin Gillstedt, B Lindelöf, Ann-Marie Wennberg Larkö, John Paoli
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV - 2016 -
Aminolevulinic acid and methyl aminolevulinate equally effective in topical photodynamic therapy for non-melanoma skin
M Tarstedt, Martin Gillstedt, Ann-Marie Wennberg Larkö, John Paoli
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV - 2016 -
Diagnostic Dermoscopy: The Illustrated Guide, SECOND
Jonathan Bowling, John Paoli, Alex Chamberlain
2015 -
Developing a simulation model for the patient pathway of cutaneous malignant
Stefan Hallberg, Magdalena Claeson, Paul Holmström, John Paoli, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Helena Gonzalez
Operations Research for Health Care - 2015 -
Response to the letter by Leitch et
John Paoli, Alexander Börve, Johan Dahlén Gyllencreutz, Karin Terstappen, Eva Johansson Backman, Anette Aldenbratt, Markus Danielsson, Martin Gillstedt, Carin Sandberg
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2015 -
Smartphone Teledermoscopy Referrals: A Novel Process for Improved Triage of Skin Cancer
Alexander Börve, Johan Dahlén Gyllencreutz, Karin Terstappen, Eva Johansson Backman, Anette Aldenbratt, Markus Danielsson, Martin Gillstedt, Carin Sandberg, John Paoli
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2015 -
Histochemical Evaluation of the Vessel Wall Destruction and Selectivity After Treatment with Intense Pulsed Light in Capillary
E Grillo, A Rita Travassos, P Boixeda, A Cuevas, B Pérez, John Paoli, P Jaén
Actas dermo-sifiliograficas - 2015 -
Depression of the frontal veins: A new clinical sign of frontal fibrosing
Sergio Vañó-Galván, Ana Rita Rodrigues-Barata, Marta Urech, Natalia Jiménez-Gómez, David Saceda-Corralo, John Paoli, Jesús Cuevas, Pedro Jaén
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology - 2015 -
Skin Self-examination Using Smartphone Photography to Improve the Early Diagnosis of
S Vañó-Galván, John Paoli, L Ríos-Buceta, P Jaén
Actas dermo-sifiliograficas - 2015 -
The effect of pulsed dye laser on high-risk basal cell carcinomas with response control by Mohs micrographic
Leticia Alonso-Castro, Luis Ríos-Buceta, Pablo Boixeda, John Paoli, Carmen Moreno, Pedro Jaén
Lasers in medical science - 2015 -
Classic Kaposi's sarcoma treated with topical
Blanca Díaz-Ley, Emiliano Grillo, Luis Ríos-Buceta, John Paoli, Carmen Moreno, Sergio Vano-Galván, Pedro Jaén-Olasolo
Dermatologic therapy - 2015 -
Folliculitis decalvans: a multicentre review of 82
S Vañó-Galván, A M Molina-Ruiz, P Fernández-Crehuet, A R Rodrigues-Barata, S Arias-Santiago, C Serrano-Falcón, A Martorell-Calatayud, D Barco, B Pérez, S Serrano, L Requena, R Grimalt, John Paoli, P Jaén, F M Camacho
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV - 2015 -
Predicting adequate surgical margins for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma with
John Paoli
The British journal of dermatology - 2015 -
Future Prospects in Dermatologic Applications of Lasers, Nanotechnology, and Other New
P Boixeda, F Feltes, J L Santiago, John Paoli
Actas dermo-sifiliograficas - 2015 -
Clinical performance of the Nevisense system in cutaneous melanoma detection: an international, multi-centre, prospective and blinded clinical trial on efficacy and
Joseph Malvehy, Axel Hauschild, Clara Curiel-Lewandrowski, Peter Mohr, Rainer Hofmann-Wellenhof, Richard Motley, Carola Berking, Douglas Grossman, John Paoli, Carmen Loquai, Judit Olah, Uwe Reinhold, Helena Wenger, Thomas Dirschka, Steven Davis, Catriona Henderson, Harold Rabinovitz, Julia Welzel, Dirk Schadendorf, Ulrik Birgersson
The British journal of dermatology - 2014 -
Erythematous nodular lesion on the chest of an
E Grillo, B Pérez, John Paoli, Rosario Carrillo, P Jaén
Dermatology online journal - 2014 -
Dynamic skin changes of acute radiation dermatitis revealed by in vivo reflectance confocal
S Vano-Galvan, E Fernandez-Lizarbe, M Truchuelo, B Diaz-Ley, E Grillo, V Sanchez, L Ríos-Buceta, John Paoli, S Sancho, A Montero, R Hernanz, A Ramos, P Jaen, S Gonzalez
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV - 2013 -
Anti-Stokes fluorescence from endogenously formed protoporphyrin IX - Implications for clinical multiphoton
Despoina Kantere, Stina Guldbrand, John Paoli, Mattias Goksör, Dag Hanstorp, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Maria Smedh, Marica B Ericson
Journal of biophotonics - 2013 -
Electrical impedance spectroscopy as a potential adjunct diagnostic tool for cutaneous
Peter Mohr, Ulrik Birgersson, Carola Berking, Catriona Henderson, Uwe Trefzer, Lajos Kemeny, Cord Sunderkötter, Thomas Dirschka, Richard Motley, Margareta Frohm-Nilsson, Uwe Reinhold, Carmen Loquai, Ralph Braun, Filippa Nyberg, John Paoli
Skin research and technology - 2013 -
Diversity of human papillomaviruses in skin
J. Ekstrom, L. S. A. Muhr, D. Bzhalava, A. Soderlund-Strand, E. Hultin, P. Nordin, Bo Stenquist, John Paoli, O. Forslund, J. Dillner
Virology - 2013 -
Unbiased approach for virus detection in skin
Davit Bzhalava, Hanna Johansson, Johanna Ekström, Helena Faust, Birgitta Möller, Carina Eklund, Peter Nordin, Bo Stenquist, John Paoli, Bengt Persson, Ola Forslund, Joakim Dillner
PloS one - 2013 -
Congenital plaque-like glomangioma treated successfully with dual wavelength pulsed-dye and neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet
Emiliano Grillo, Pablo Boixeda, John Paoli, Sergio Vano-Galván, Rosario Carrillo, Pedro Jaén
Photodermatology, photoimmunology & photomedicine - 2013 -
Mobile teledermoscopy-there`s an app for
Alexander Börve, Karin Terstappen, Carin Sandberg, John Paoli
Dermatology practical & conceptual - 2013 -
Teaching peripheral nerve blocks for the head and neck area to
John Paoli, Christina Halldin, Carin Sandberg
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV - 2012 -
Rorsmans Dermatologi,
Anders Vahlquist, Charlotta Enerbäck, Magnus Lindberg, Katarina Lundqvist, Elisabeth Nylander, John Paoli, Ola Rollman, Carl Wahlgren
2012 -
Use of the mobile phone multimedia messaging service for
Alexander Börve, Anna Holst, Anette Gente-Lidholm, Raquel Molina-Martinez, John Paoli
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare - 2012 -
Euromelanoma: a dermatology-led European campaign against nonmelanoma skin cancer and cutaneous melanoma. Past, present and
A J Stratigos, A M Forsea, R J T van der Leest, E de Vries, E Nagore, J-L Bulliard, M Trakatelli, John Paoli, K Peris, J Hercogova, M Bylaite, T Maselis, O Correia, V del Marmol
The British journal of dermatology - 2012 -
Incidence of cutaneous melanoma in Western Sweden,
Magdalena Claeson, Eva M. Andersson, Maria Wallin, Gunilla Wastensson, Ann-Marie Wennberg, John Paoli, Helena Gonzalez
Melanoma research - 2012 -
[Unequal follow-up of Swedish patients with malignant melanoma. The place of residence decisive for the patient's follow
John Paoli, Magdalena Claeson
Läkartidningen - 2011 -
Fluorescence Diagnostics of Basal Cell Carcinomas Comparing Methyl-aminolaevulinate and Aminolaevulinic Acid and Correlation with Visual Clinical Tumour
Carin Sandberg, John Paoli, Martin Gillstedt, Christina Halldin, Olle Larkö, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Marica B Ericson
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2011 -
5-year Recurrence Rates of Mohs Micrographic Surgery for Aggressive and Recurrent Facial Basal Cell
John Paoli, Samuel Daryoni, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Lena Mölne, Martin Gillstedt, Marinko Miocic, Bo Stenquist
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2011 -
Incidence of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in coastal and inland areas of Western
Eva M. Andersson, John Paoli, Gunilla Wastensson
Cancer epidemiology - 2011 -
The Euromelanoma skin cancer prevention campaign in Europe: characteristics and results of 2009 and
R J T van der Leest, E de Vries, J-L Bulliard, John Paoli, K Peris, A J Stratigos, M Trakatelli, T J E M L Maselis, M Situm, A C Pallouras, J Hercogova, Z Zafirovik, M Reusch, J Olah, M Bylaite, H C Dittmar, L Scerri, O Correia, L Medenica, I Bartenjev, C Guillen, A Cozzio, O V Bogomolets, V del Marmol
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV - 2011 -
Predictors of Pain Associated with Photodynamic Therapy: A Retrospective Study of 658
Christina Halldin, Martin Gillstedt, John Paoli, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Helena Gonzalez
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2011 -
Nerve blocks enable adequate pain relief during topical photodynamic therapy of field cancerization on the forehead and
Christina Halldin, John Paoli, Carin Sandberg, Helena Gonzalez, Ann-Marie Wennberg
British Journal of Dermatology - 2009 -
Clinical guidelines for actinic keratosis, squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carinoma in
John Paoli, Olle Larkö
Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology - 2009 -
Multiphoton laser scanning microscopy-a novel diagnostic method for superficial skin
John Paoli, Maria Smedh, Marica B Ericson
Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery - 2009 -
Results of the 'Euromelanoma Day' screening campaign in Sweden
John Paoli, M. Danielsson, Ann-Marie Wennberg
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology - 2009 -
Selected aspects on improving the management of skin
John Paoli
2009 -
Two-photon laser-scanning fluorescence microscopy applied for studies of human
Marica B Ericson, Carl Simonsson, Stina Guldbrand, C. Ljungblad, John Paoli, Maria Smedh
Journal of Biophotonics - 2008 -
Multiphoton laser scanning microscopy on non-melanoma skin cancer: morphologic features for future non-invasive
John Paoli, Maria Smedh, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Marica B Ericson
The Journal of investigative dermatology - 2008 -
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for pain relief during photodynamic therapy of actinic
Christina Halldin, John Paoli, Carin Sandberg, Marica B Ericson, Ann-Marie Wennberg
Acta Dermato-Venereologica - 2008 -
Nerve blocks provide effective pain relief during topical photodynamic therapy for extensive facial actinic
John Paoli, Christina Halldin, Marica B Ericson, Ann-Marie Wennberg
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology - 2008 -
Two-photon microscopy of non-melanoma skin cancer: initial experience and diagnostic criteria ex
Marica B Ericson, John Paoli, Carl Ljungblad, Adaocha Odu, Maria Smedh, Ann-Marie Wennberg
Proc. SPIE - 2007 -
Penile intraepithelial neoplasia: results of photodynamic
John Paoli, A. Ternesten Bratel, Gun-Britt Löwhagen, Bo Stenquist, O. Forslund, Ann-Marie Wennberg
Acta Derm Venereol - 2006 -
[Secondary syphilis with ocular involvement in a 77-year-old
John Paoli, Gun-Britt Löwhagen, K. Norrsell, L. Sjodell
Lakartidningen - 2005