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- Margareta Espling
Margareta Espling
Avdelningen för kulturgeografiOm Margareta Espling
- Utvecklingsgeografi
- Landreformer och jordbruksutveckling
- Gendered access to and control over livelihood resources
- Gender and geography
- Utvecklingsgeografi
The Role of Communities in Building Urban Flood Resilience in Matola,
José Lourenço Neves, Margareta Espling
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction - 2025 -
What rural development in Mozambique?
Individual land titling and the modernisation of
Margareta Espling
Paper presented at 35th International Geographical Congress 2024, Dublin, Ireland, 24-30 August - 2024 -
Margareta Espling, Victoria Mwaka
Gender and Socio-Economic Change. Everyday lives of Women and Men in Uganda - 2021 -
Margareta Espling, Victoria Mwaka
Gender and Socio-Economic Change. Everyday lives of Women and Men in Uganda - 2021 -
Gender and Socio-Economic Change. Everyday Lives of Women and Men in
Margareta Espling, Victoria Mwaka
2021 -
Land use consolidation in Rwanda: The experiences of small-scale farmers
in Musanze District, Northern
Emmanuel Muyombano, Margareta Espling
Land Use Policy - 2020 -
Gender analysis of agricultural extension policies in Uganda: informing
David Mugambe Mpiima, Henry Manyire, Consolata Kabonesa, Margareta Espling
Gender, Technology and Development - 2019 -
Community-based land tenure reform for local development -
experiences from Nampula province,
Margareta Espling
Paper presented at the Agricultural Research for Development Conference, Agri4D, 25-26 September 2019 at SLU, Uppsala - 2019 -
Crop Production, Gender Roles and the Use of Mobile Phones and Radios for Agricultural Information by Farmers in Apac District, Northern
D. M. Mpiima, H. Manyrie, C. Kabonesa, Margareta Espling
Open Journal of Social Sciences - 2019 -
Effects of land titling and registration on tenure security and agricultural investments:
Case of Gataraga sector, Northern
Emmanuel Muyombano, Margareta Espling, Petter Pilesjö
African Journal of Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences - 2018 -
Integrerad geografisk fältkurs - ett viktigt verktyg i
Margareta Espling, Staffan Rosell
Geografiska Notiser - 2018 -
The Mozambican Community-based Land Tenure Model - experiences from Nampula
Margareta Espling
Paper presented at the Development Research Conference, University of Gothenburg, August 22-23, 2018 - 2018 -
Applying a Community-Based Approach to Tenure Formalization – cases from Northern
Margareta Espling, Lasse Krantz
X CONFERÊNCIA CIENTÍFICA 2018, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, 26-28 September. - 2018 -
Applying the theory of planned behavior to explain geospatial data sharing for urban planning and management: cases from urban centers in
Alex Lubida, Petter Pilesjö, Margareta Espling, Micael Runnström
African Geographical Review - 2015 -
Women’s land rights in the context of the land tenure reform in Rwanda – the experiences of policy
Jeannette Bayisenge, Staffan Höjer, Margareta Espling
Journal of Eastern African Studies - 2015 -
Land use consolidation in Rwanda: the experiences of small-scale farmers in Musanze
Emmanuel Muyombano, Margareta Espling
Agricultural Research for Development Conference, September 23-24, 2015, Uppsala, Sweden - 2015 -
Coping with Change - the dynamics of women's work in urban
Margareta Espling
The European Conference for African Studies, Lisbon, June 27-29 - 2013 -
Women coping with change: Urban poverty and everyday politics in northern
Margareta Espling
Schlyter, Ann (ed): Body Politics and Women Citizens. African Experiences, Sida Studies No. 24 - 2009 -
Where Money is Scarce - Trajectories of Women’s Collective Strategies for Resource Mobilisation in Northern
Margareta Espling
3rd Nordic Geographers Meeting, June 8-11 2009, Turku, Finland - 2009 -
Gendered Agency and Body Politics - Trajectories of urban women’s livelihoods in Northern
Margareta Espling
Paper presented at Gender Justice and Body Politics Research Conference, Environmental and Geographical Science Dept. & African Gender Institute, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 4-6 February, 2009 - 2009 -
Assessment of accessibility to water in a rural area with limited water resources. The case of Bugesera region in
Jean Paul Dushimumuremyi, Margareta Espling, Petter Pilesjö
Paper presented at in the 31st Geographical Congress, Tunis, August 12-15, 2008 - 2008 -
Power Together - Power to Act. Women mobilising resources through collective strategies in
Margareta Espling
Poster presented at the conference Meeting Global Challenges in Research Cooperation, Sida/Uppsala University/SLU, Uppsala May 27-29, 2008 - 2008 -
It makes a difference! Local Perceptions of Affirmative Action for Women in Local Councils in
Margareta Espling
Paper presented at Nordic Africa Days, Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala Oct. 5-7, 2007 - 2007 -
Women's organisations and groups in Iganga district,
Margareta Espling