
Matti Wirehag


Institutionen för socialt arbete
Sprängkullsgatan 25
41123 Göteborg
Box 720
40530 Göteborg

Om Matti Wirehag


Employed at the department of social work as a PhD candidate the autumn of 2015. Graduated from the European program the spring of 2014. Besides my studies I have worked with homelessness and housing issues for about ten years, mostly for Göteborgs kyrkliga stadsmission in Gothenburg. Since 2011, I have also been engaged in the Rosengrenska foundations work with the right to healthcare for undocmented migrants. 

Reserach interests My reserach focuses mainly on housing, housing rights and homelessness in both a Swedish and international perspective. My ongoing PhD thesis focuses on the management of local homelessness services. The thesis is a mixed-methods project that explores and maps the organization and methods used by the social servcies to help homeless persons access housing in Sweden.


I teach at bachelor and masters level with a focus on homelessness, housing, poverty and undocumented migrants. I am currently Course coordinator for the course Substinance, poverty and housing given at the department of social work at Gothenburg University. 


Master in European studies, Göteborgs universitet

Bachelor in Social anthropology, Göteborgs universitet

Bachelor in Europan studies, Göteborgs universitet

Studies abroad during bachelor and master: 

French studies - Aix en Provence, France

Trainee period at FEANTSA -Brussels, Belgium 


FEANTSA -Youth Network. 

PICUM - Right to healthcare working group. 

CARTA fellow- Consortium for advanced research training in Africa

Fellowships and exchanges during PhD. 

CARTA reserach training - Nairobi - Feb/March 2016

Reserach visit, Tokyo and Kyoto Japan, Spring 2017 

Reserach visit Nuuk, Greenland, Atumn 2017

Commissions of trust

Vice. Chair -Rosengrenska stiftelsen.