
Nicholas Sorak


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Sprängkullsgatan 19
41123 Göteborg
Box 711
40530 Göteborg

Om Nicholas Sorak

Presentation Nicholas Sorak is a Doctoral Student at The Quality of Government Institute (QoG Institute), University of Gothenburg. He has master's degrees in Applied Ethics from Linköping University and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and in International Administration and Global Governance from the University of Gothenburg.

Areas of Interest His past research has examined issues around deliberative democracy, transparency, campaign financing, and ethical codes for public administrations. His current work investigates the effect of internet access and technologies on corruption, and how censorship and information manipulation online impact this relationship.

Working Papers Sorak, N. (2016). Internet, Censorship, and Corruption: The impact of online censorship on the internet’s potential to reduce corruption. QoG Working Paper Series, 2016:17.

Rothstein, B., & Sorak, N. (2017). Ethical Codes for the Public Administration: A comparative study. QoG Working Paper Series, 2017:12.