
Olle Essvik


Enheten för pedagogik: Bild och slöjd
Kristinelundsgatan 6-8
41137 Göteborg
Box 131
40530 Göteborg

Om Olle Essvik

I am an artist and teacher working and living in Gothenburg. My works with themes relating to the digital and technology in a human context, touching on notions of everyday life, repetition, and time. The outcome could be a book, a publication, or a sculpture in which traditional materials and techniques like wood and bookbinding converge with programming and code.

I have written books about the history of media art in relation to utopias within the research project Virtual utopias. Since 2014 I have been working with the art and research project The Enemies of Books, a project about bookbinding in relation to digital media, time and code. My research has been focused on materials, craft, social based art, pedagogy in relation to digital media and open source. I have also been involved as an artist and writer in research projects about computer games and algorithms as an artform.

I am working as a senior lectur at the art education department (BVK) and teach in media-theory, semiotics and courses in animation, bookbinding and art. My main interest is in media-archeology and social based art forms in relation to pedagogy and open source.

(Keywords: Code, Material, Pedagogy, Open-Source, Media art )