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- Patrik Zapata
Patrik Zapata
FörvaltningshögskolanOm Patrik Zapata
Patrik Zapata is a professor of public administration. His research focuses on urban governance and management, sustainable organizing, waste management, and the informal economy. He is particularly interested in how cities can manage resources sustainably and the role of grassroots innovations in these processes. Zapata has worked extensively on projects that explore the intersection of urban governance, social movements, and sustainability, particularly in the Global South.
His work is published in a variety of academic journals, as Accounting, Organizations and Society; Urban Studies; Cities; Urban Geography; Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space; Environment and Urbanization; Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space; Environmental Politics; Habitat International; Journal of Change Management; Journal of Cleaner Production and Public Administration and Development.
One of his key areas of expertise is in waste management and waste prevention, where he examines how global ideas of waste management are adapted to local contexts, especially in informal settlements. He also studies labour market integration through public procurement practices, with ongoing projects that investigate inclusive and sustainable transitions in urban environments.
Zapata collaborates frequently with colleagues and together, they have contributed significantly to research on how cities in both the Global North and South handle socio-ecological challenges, created, maintained and shaped in the Anthropocene and Wastocene.
Key words: City organising, informal settlements, sustainable development, waste management, local governments, scandology, organization theory, management, sociological institutional theory, wastocene, labour market integration.
Ongoing research projects (previous below)
Women 4 Integration. Co-producing an inclusive working life in Social Enterprises, Nanna Gillberg (FEK GU, head of project), Emma Ek Österberg (SPA GU), Maria Norbäck (FEK) María José Zapata Campos (FEK), and Patrik Zapata (SPA) financed by Forte, 6 mSEK 2023-2026
Circular grassroots innovations for sustainable and inclusive urban transitions, With the DUT Driving Urban Transition call, in Sweden financed by Formas, PI María José Zapata Campos (FEK GU), 4 subprojects in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Göteborg and Nantes, 16,7 mSEK.
Civil society and grassroots engagement for just plastic-free transition and climate change resilience in Mombasa County– with Richard Kiaka (PI, Cejad), María José Zapata Campos (FEK GU) financed by ICLD.
Changing roles, emerging networks. Local governments as employer, procurer and entrepreneur in labour market integration Emma Ek Österberg (SPA GU), María José Zapata Campos (FEK GU), Patrik Zapata (head of project) Financed by the Swedish Research Council: 5,9 mSEK. 2020-2023
Articles, chapters, reports and books
Stowell, Alison, Jutta Gutberlet, Fransisco Valenzuela, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos (2024) Waste Research from the Social Sciences and Humanities Perspectives: Reopening the Bin. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne.
Ek Österberg, Emma and Patrik Zapata (2023) Procuring for Labour Market Integration, in Andreas Diedrich and Barbara Czarniawska (Eds): Organizing Immigrants' Integration, Springer Nature.
Zapata Campos, María José and Patrik Zapata (2023) The Territorial Embeddedness of Novel Labour Integration Policies: Something Old, Something New and Something Borrowed, Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration 27(2): 1–21
Ek Österberg, Emma and Patrik Zapata (2023) Activation of unemployed through social procurement: From policy to practice, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research (CIEJ), Online first
Zapata Campos, María José , Sebastian Carenzo, Goodluck Charles, Jutta Gutberlet, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael O Oloko, Jessica Perez Reynosa, Patrik Zapata (2022) Grassroots innovations in 'extreme' urban environments. The inclusive recycling movement, Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, online first
Zapata Campos, María José, Patrik Zapata & Jessica Reynosa Perez (2022), (Re)gaining the urban commons: everyday, collective, and identity resistance, Urban Geography, online first
Zapata Campos, María José, Ester Barinaga, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko & Patrik Zapata (2022). Organising grassroots infrastructure: The (in)visible work of organisational (in)completeness. Urban Studies, online first
Zapata Campos MJ, J-H Kain, M Oloko, M Scheinsohn, J Stenberg, P Zapata (2022) Residents’ collective strategies of resistance in Global South cities’ informal settlements: space, scale, and knowledge, Cities, online first
Kain, J-H; P Zapata; AA Azevedo, S Carenzo; C Goodluck; J Gutberlet; M Oloko; J Pérez Reynoza, MJ Zapata Campos (2022) Characteristics, challenges and innovations of waste picker organizations: a comparative perspective between Latin American and East African countries, PLOS ONE, 17(7): e0265889. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0265889
Gutberlet Jutta, Santiago Sorroche, Angela Martins Baeder, Patrik Zapata and María José Zapata Campos (2021) Waste Pickers and Their Practices of Insurgency and Environmental Stewardship, The Journal of Environment & Development (online first)
Zapata Campos, M.J., Kain, JH., Oloko, M. et al. Urban qualities and residents’ strategies in compact global south cities: the case of Havana, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment (2021).
Zapata Campos, María José, Sebastian Carenzo, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Jessica Reynosa Perez, Patrik Zapata (2020) Inclusive recycling movements: a green deep democracy from below, Environment and Urbanization, online first.
Zapata Campos, María José Patrik Zapata, Isabel Ordoñez (2020), Urban Commoning Practices in The Repair Movement: Frontstaging the Backstage, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 52(6):1150-1170
Kain, Jaan-Henrik, Jenny Stenberg, Marco Adelfio, Michael Oloko, Liane Thuvander, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos (2020) What Makes a Compact City? Differences Between Urban Research in the Global North and the Global South, Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration 24(4): 25-49
Zapata Campos, María José; Patrik Zapata (2019) Cities, institutional entrepreneurship and the emergence of new environmental policies: The organizing of waste prevention in the City of Gothenburg, Sweden, Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space (37)2: 339-359
Zapata Campos María José , Ester Barinaga, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko & Patrik Zapata (2019) Organising grassroots initiatives for a more inclusive governance: constructing the city from below, Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD): research report 15.
Corvellec, Hervé; Richard Ek; Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2018) Acting on distances: A topology of accounting inscriptions, Accounting, Organizations and Society, 67 (2018) 56-65.
Zapata, Patrik; María José Zapata Campos (2018) Waste tours: narratives, infrastructures and gazes in interplay Etnografia Ricerca Qualitativa, 11 (1) 97-118, DOI: 10.3240/89696
Corvellec Hervé, Richard Ek, Nils Johansson, Anette Svingstedt, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos (2018) Avfallsförebyggande handlar om effektiv produktion och genomtänkt konsumtion – inte om avfall. Sju lärdomar från forskningsprojektet från avfallshantering till avfallsförebyggande. Helsingborg, Institution för Service Management och tjänstevetenskap, Lunds Universitet.
Zapata Campos, María José ; Zapata, Patrik (2017) Infiltrating citizen-driven initiatives for sustainability, Environmental Politics, 26(6)
Gutberlet, Jutta; Jaan-Henrik Kain; Belinda Nyakinya; Michael Oloko; Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2017) Bridging Weak Links of Solid Waste Management in Informal Settlements. Journal of Environment and Development, pp. 1-26. ISSN 1070-4965
Kain, Jaan-Henrik; Belinda Nyakinda; Nicholas Odhiambo; Michael Oloko; Omolo, J; Silas Otieno; Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2016) Translating Policies into Informal Settlements' Critical Services: Reframing, Anchoring and Muddling Through, Public Administration and Development.
Álvarez de Andrés, Eva; Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos, (2016) Networked Social Movements and the Politics of Mortgage: From the Right to Housing to the Assault on Institutions In Lessons from the Great Recession: At the Crossroads of Sustainability and Recovery. 231-249.
Gutberlet, Jutta; Jaan-Henrik Kain; Belinda Nyakinda; Dickens H Ochieng; Nicholas Odhiambo; Michael Oloko; Omolo, J; Elvis Ozondi; Silas Otieno; Patrik Zapata; María José Zapata Campos (2016) Socio-environmental entrepreneurship and the provision of critical services in informal settlements, Environment & Urbanization,
Àlvarez de Andrés, Eva, Patrik Zapata and María José Zapata Campos (2015) Stop the evictions! The diffusion of networked social movements and the emergence of a hybrid space: The case of the Spanish Mortgage Victims Group, Habitat International, 46: 252-259
Zapata, Patrik & María José Zapata Campos (2015) ‘Producing, appropriating, and recreating the myth of the urban commons’, in Urban Commons: Rethinking the City, Editors: Borch, C; Barinaga, E; Kornberger, M: Routledge
Zapata Campos, María José; Patrik Zapata (2014) The travel of global ideas of waste management. The case of Managua and its informal settlements, Habitat International 41: 41-49.
Zapata, Patrik; María José Zapata Campos (2014) Unexpected translations in urban policy mobility. The case of the Acahualinca development programme in Managua, Nicaragua, Habitat International 46: 271-276
Zapata Campos, María José; Patrik Zapata; Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist (2014) 'Waste socio-technological transitions: from landfilling to waste prevention', in Design, Waste & Dignity / Maria Cecilia Loschiavo dos Santos, coordination; Maria Cecilia Loschiavo dos Santos, Stuart Walker, Sylmara Lopes Francelino Gonçalves Dias, collaboration; [translation Hedy Hofmann]. São Paulo: Editora Olhares, 2014. Vários autores. ISBN 978-85-62114-35-9 1. Design, Resíduo & Dignidade (Portuguese version
Corvellec, Hervé.; María José Zapata Campos; Patrik Zapata (2013) Infrastructures, lock-in, and sustainable urban development e the case of waste incineration in the Göteborg Metropolitan Area, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol 50: 32–39.
Zapata Campos, María José; Patrik Zapata (2013). Switching Managua on! Connecting informal settlements to the formal city through household waste collection. Environment and Urbanization, Vol 25(1): 1–18.
Zapata Campos, María José; Patrik Zapata (2013). Translating development aid into city management: the barrio Acahualinca integrated development programme in Managua, Nicaragua. Public Administration and Development, 33: 101–112.
Zapata, Patrik (2013) Waste in Translation. Global ideas of urban waste management in local practice. In Zapata Campos and Hall, Michael (Eds) Organising waste in the city: international perspectives on narratives and practices, Cha 5. Bristol: The Policy Press.
Zapata Campos, María José, Patrik Zapata (2013) Urban waste: closing the system. In Leonie J. Pearson, Peter Newton and Peter Roberts (Eds) Resilient Sustainable Cities. London: Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
Cregård, Anna, Rolf Solli, Patrik Zapata (2012). Crisis and Organisational Innovation. Uprava/Administration, X(4), 35–49.
Zapata Campos, María José, Patrik Zapata (2012). Changing La Chureca. Organizing City Resilience through Action Nets. Journal of Change Management (12)3
Rombach, Björn and Patrik Zapata (2010). Med den skarpa fältkikaren i en rem kring halsen. Företagsekonomiska forskare ser på statsvetenskapen. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 112 (5) p. 280-300.
Zapata, Patrik; Stellan Malmer (2010). Bestäm, betala och undvik kostnaden – den kommunala finansieringsprincipen. Nordiske Organisajonsstudier 12 (4) p. 74-93.
Johansson (Zapata), Patrik (2007). Legitimacy Lost and Back to Normality. Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies. 12 (3)
Malmer, Stellan, Patrik Zapata (2009). Finansieringsprincipens tillämpning. Stockholm: Riksdagen. ISBN/ISSN: 978-91-85943-63-0
Johansson (Zapata), Patrik (2004) I skandalers spår. Minskad legitimitet i offentlig sektor, Doctoral dissertation, School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg
Previous projects
Scaling Grassroots innovations for Zero Waste Cities– A global collaboration between low, low-middle and middle- income countries, Sebastián Carenzo, Goodluck Charles, Mesia Ilomo, Michael O. Oloko, Patrik Zapata (head of project) and Maria Jose Zapata Campos, financed by Formas, 200.000SEK
Participatory innovation videos for an inclusive and sustainable waste management (with María José Zapata Campos, GU), Communicators Ulrika Naezer and John Chweya; researchers Jutta Gutberlet, Sebastián Carenzo, Michael Oloko and Goodluck Charles Financed by FORMAS, 1,75 mSEK. (2020-2022)
Organising labour market integration of immigrants: theory and practice Programme director: Andreas Diedrich (programme website) Financed by Forte
Recycling networks – grassroots resilience tackling climate, environmental and poverty challenges, Maria José Zapata (head of project, Patrik Zapata, School of Public Administration (GU), Jaan-Henrik Kain, Chalmers, Michael O. Oloko, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Uuniversity of science and technology, Kisumu, Kenya, Jessica Perez Reynosa, Universidad centroamericana de Nicaragua i Managua, Goodluck Charles, University of Dar es Salaam i Tanzania, Sebastián Carenzo, University of Buenos Aires i Argentina och Jutta Gutberlet, University of Victoria i Kanada. Financed by the Swedish Research Council: 5,4 mSEK.
Compact cities and informal settlements - Exploring qualities, drivers and strategies for promoting sustainable urban development, with María José Zapata, GRI GU (head of project), Jaan-Henrik Kain, and Jenny Stenberg, Chalmers University, and Michael Oloko, University of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga in Kisumu, Kenya, financed by Formas, 3 mSEK.
From waste management to waste prevention - Closing implementation gaps through sustainable action nets, with Hervé Corvellec (LU), Richard Ek (LU) and María José Zapata Campos (GRI), financed by Formas, 7,9 mSEK
Grassroots initiatives, institutional entrepreneurship and inclusive urban governance: transforming the city from below The project aims to examine how grassroots resilience initiatives With María José Zapata, GRI GU (head of project), Jaan-Henrik Kain, Chalmers University, and Michael Oloko, University of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga in Kisumu, Kenya, financed by ICLD.se
Combating poverty and building democracy through the co-production of participatory waste management services. The case of Kisumu, Kenya, med María José Zapata, GRI GU (head of project), Jaan-Henrik Kain, Chalmers University, and Michael Oloko, University of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga in Kisumu, Kenya . Financed by ICLD.se, 1,7 mSEK.
Improving basic urban services in informal settlements - Linking waste research in global South cities (head of project), with Jutta Gutberlet (Sao Paolo University,Brazil and Victoria University, Canada), Michael Oloko (University of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga in Kisumu, Kenya), and María José Zapata Campos (GRI, GU), 0.7 mSEK.
Governing in Action Nets. Swedish Municipalities and their Waste Responsibility, with Hervé Corvellec (LU), Katja Lindqvist (LU), and María José Zapata (GRI), financed by Cefos, 0,9 mSEK
Alison Stowell, Jutta Gutberlet, Fransisco Valenzuela, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
Waste Research from the Social Sciences and Humanities Perspectives: Reopening the Bin - 2024 -
Waste Research from the Social Sciences and Humanities Perspectives: Reopening the
Alison Stowell, Jutta Gutberlet, Francisco Valenzuela, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
2024 -
Pathways from research to sustainable development: Insights from ten research projects in sustainability and
Anna Scaini, Joseph Mulligan, Hakan Berg, Albert Brangari, Vera Bukachi, Sebastian Carenzo, Da Chau Thi, Colin Courtney-Mustaphi, Anneli Ekblom, Hanne Fjelde, Mathias Fridahl, Anders Hansson, Lettice Hicks, Mattias Hoejer, Benard Juma, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Rebecca W. Kariuki, Soben Kim, Paul Lane, Ainara Leizeaga, Regina Lindborg, John Livsey, Steve W. Lyon, Rob Marchant, Jennifer R. McConville, Linus Munishi, David Nilsson, Luke Olang, Stefan Olin, Lennart Olsson, Peter Msumali Rogers, Johannes Rousk, Hans Sanden, Nophea Sasaki, Anna Shoemaker, Benjamin Smith, Lan Thai Huynh Phuong, Ana Varela Varela, Manjunatha Venkatappa, Giulia Vico, Nina Von Uexkull, Christine Wamsler, Menale Wondie, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos, Stefano Manzoni, Anna Tompsett
AMBIO - 2024 -
The Territorial Embeddedness of Novel Labour
Integration Policy: Something Old, Something New and Something
Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration - 2023 -
Activation of unemployed through social procurement: from policy to
Emma Ek Österberg, Patrik Zapata
Innovation. The European Journal of Social Sciences - 2023 -
Grassroots innovations in 'extreme' urban environments. The inclusive recycling
María José Zapata Campos, Sebastián Carenzo, Goodluck Charles, Jutta Gutberlet, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Jessica Peréz Reynosa, Patrik Zapata
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space - 2023 -
Organising grassroots infrastructure: The (in)visible work of organisational
María José Zapata Campos, Ester Barinaga, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Patrik Zapata
Urban Studies - 2023 -
Local integration practices in a changing policy
Emma Ek Österberg, Amelia Olsson, Patrik Zapata
Swedish Research Council, NFP-MI conference - Uppsala Multidisciplinary Conference on Migration and Integration, September 28–29, - 2023 -
Waste as commons, towards a sustainable and just society within planetary
Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
Opening the Bin 3 – Waste, economy, culture and society: ‘One World, one Bin?’ - 2023 -
Vinnovas beslut försvagar kampen mot
Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos, Ester Barinaga
Dagens Samhälle - 2023 -
Procuring for Labour Market
Emma Ek Österberg, Patrik Zapata
Organising Immigrants' Integration Practices and Consequences in Labour Markets and Societies - 2023 -
Characteristics, challenges and innovations of waste picker organizations: A comparative perspective between Latin American and East African
Jaan-Henrik Kain, Patrik Zapata, Adalberto Mantovani Martiniano de Azevedo, Sebastián Carenzo, Goodluck Charles, Jutta Gutberlet, Michael Oloko, Jessica Pérez Reynosa, María José Zapata Campos
PLOS ONE - 2022 -
(Re)gaining the urban commons: everyday, collective, and identity
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata, Jessica Pérez Reynosa
Urban Geography - 2022 -
Urban qualities and residents’ strategies in compact global south cities: the case of
María José Zapata Campos, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Jenny Stenberg, Patrik Zapata
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment - 2022 -
Residents' collective strategies of resistance in Global South cities' informal settlements: Space, scale and
María José Zapata Campos, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Mariano Scheinshohn, Jenny Stenberg, Patrik Zapata
Cities - 2022 -
Local government as employer, procurer, and entrepreneur in labour market
Utbildningspliktens praktik – Västra Götaland (Förvaltningshögskolans rapporter
Svenska män måste gå i täten mot SD:s
Patrik Zapata
Aftonbladet - 2022 -
Waste Pickers and Their Practices of Insurgency and Environmental
Jutta Gutberlet, Santiago Sorroche, Angela Martins Baeder, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
Journal of Environment and Development - 2021 -
Inclusive recycling movements:
a green deep democracy from
María José Zapata Campos, Sebastían Carenzo, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Jessica Pérez Reynosa, Patrik Zapata
Environment & Urbanization - 2021 -
Kommunen som upphandlare, entreprenör och arbetsgivare i arbetsmarknadsintegration av
Ideella krafter måste vara en del av staden – inte bara i
Bruno Chies, Carl Thorshag, Robin Biddulph, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
Göteborgs-Posten - 2021 -
Inclusive and sustainable waste governance: Strengthening innovative linkages between local governments and waste picker
What Makes a Compact City? Differences Between Urban Research in the Global North and the
Jaan-Henrik Kain, Jenny Stenberg, Marco Adelfio, Michael Oloko, Liane Thuvander, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
Offentlig förvaltning. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration - 2020 -
Urban commoning practices in the repair movement: Frontstaging the
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata, Maria Isabel Ordonez
Environment and planning A - 2020 -
Cities, institutional entrepreneurship and the emergence of new environmental policies: The organizing of waste prevention in the City of Gothenburg,
Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space - 2019 -
Sustainable Waste Collection and Recycling for Inclusive Cities: Report on Updated Research Outcomes of the Project Recycling Networks & Waste
Goodluck Charles, Adalberto de Azevado, Carenzo Sebastían, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Jessica Pérez Reynosa, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
2019 -
Organizing local labor markets through procurement. From policy to
Emma Ek Österberg, Patrik Zapata
Organizig Migration in Contemporary Societies Conference - 2019 -
Procurement practices in collaborative spaces. Supporting labor market
Emma Ek Österberg, Patrik Zapata
Organizing Migration In Contemporary Societies, Conference - 2019 -
Waste pickers resistance and the urban commons. Stories from the resilient community of La
Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
European Sociology Association Conference, 20-23th August 2019 Manchester - 2019 -
Fearless city suburbs: collaboration, distance work, and the shaping of the local integration policy
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
European Sociology Conference 20-23th August 2019, Manchester - 2019 -
Recycling networks movement. A green deep democracy or the politics of
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
European Group for Organisation Studies 35th Colloquium, EGOS, Edinburgh 4-7th July - 2019 -
Organising grassroots initiatives for a more inclusive governance: constructing the city from
María José Zapata Campos, Ester Barinaga, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Patrik Zapata
2019 -
Acting on distances: A topology of accounting
Hervé Corvellec, Richard Ek, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
Accounting, Organizations and Society - 2018 -
Waste tours. Narratives, infrastructures and gazes in
Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa - 2018 -
Vi måste minska mängden
Nils Johansson, Richard Ek, Anette Svingstedt, Patrik Zapata
Göteborgs-Posten - 2018 -
Grassroots resilience tackling climate, environmental and poverty
Patrik Zapata, Jutta Gutberlet, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Goodluck Charles, Sebastian Carenzo, Jessica Pérez, María José Zapata Campos
Latin American European Organisation Studies Conference, Buenos Aires, 22-24th March 2018. - 2018 -
Inclusive Waste governance and Grassroots Innovations for Social, Environmental and Economic Change. REPORT ON FIRST RESEARCH OUTCOMES OF THE PROJECT RECYCLING NETWORKS & WASTE
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata, Adalberto de Azevedo, Sebastian Carenzo, Goodluck Charles, Jutta Gutberlet, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Oloko Michael, Jessica Pérez Reynosa
2018 -
Governing grassroots infrastructure – Resident associations and infrastructure provisioning in informal
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Ester Barinaga
www.laemos2018.net - 2018 -
Avfallsförebyggande handlar om effektiv produktion och genomtänkt konsumtion – inte om avfall. Sju lärdomar från forskningsprojektet från avfallshantering till
Hervé Corvellec, Richard Ek, Nils Johansson, Anette Svingstedt, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
2018 -
Synen på avfall måste förändras för att få bukt med
Hervé Corvellec, Patrik Zapata
Dagens samhälle - 2018 -
Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Jenny Stenberg, María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
19th N-AERUS Conference, HOUSING AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS IN A WORLD OF CHANGE, Stuttgart, Germany - 2018 -
Recycling networks. Grassroots initiatives tackling climate, environmental and poverty challenges in informal
Charles Goodluck, Jutta Gutberlet, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Jessica Pérez Reynosa, María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
Devres 2018, Development Research Conference 2018 – ‘Rethinking Development’ - 2018 -
Citizen-driven strategies in global South cities’ informal settlements. Critical narratives from Buenos Aires, Havana and
María José Zapata Campos, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Jenny Stenberg, Patrik Zapata
Devres 2018, Development Research Conference 2018 - 2018 -
From governing at distance, to governing on distances. Drawing immigrants closer to the labour
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
19th Nordic Migration Research Conference, New (Im)mobilities: Migration and Race in the Era of Authoritarianism, 15-17 August 2018, Norrköping - 2018 -
Cities and the new local integration governance: stories about something new, something borrowed and something old in
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata, Daniela Ölmunger
A World of Flows: Labour Mobility, Capital and Knowledge in an Age of Global Reversal and Regional Revival RSA Annual Conference 2018, Lugano, Switzerland - 2018 -
Vi måste minska mängden
Nils Johansson, Richard Ek, Anette Svingstedt, Patrik Zapata
Göteborgs-Posten - 2018 -
Infiltrating citizen-driven initiatives for
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
Environmental Politics - 2017 -
Bridging Weak Links of Solid Waste Management in Informal
Jutta Gutberlet, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Belinda Nyakinya, Michael Oloko, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
Journal of Environment and Development - 2017 -
IOR collaboration, municipalities and labour integration - �The case of One Stop Future
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
International Conference on Immigration and Labour Market Integration November 13–15, 2017, Gothenburg - 2017 -
Infiltrating commoning practices in local environmental
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
International Sociological Association Research Committee 21 on Urban and Regional Development -- Rethinking Global Urban Justice September 11-13 2017 | Leeds - 2017 -
Creating new institutions for sustainable transitions�. The history of the upcycling station in
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
13th Conference of the European Sociology Association, Athens 29.08.2017 – 01.09.2017 - 2017 -
Urban informality and networks of livelihood and solidarity in compact
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata Johansson, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Jenny Stenberg
International Sociological Association Research Committee 21 on Urban and Regional Development -- Rethinking Global Urban Justice September 11-13 2017 | Leeds - 2017 -
Repair Movements’ Commoning Practices. The Case of the Bike-Kitchen in
María José Zapata Campos, Maria Isabel Ordonez, Patrik Zapata
Opening the Bin – Helsingborg, Sweden, April 27 – 29, 2017 - 2017 -
Co-production of Services in Informal Settlements: Waste management in Kisumu,
Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
2017 -
Scandals and performance auditing – exploring notions and practices of
Emma Ek, Patrik Zapata
21st International Research Society on Public Management (IRSPM) Conference. Budapest: 19-21 April - 2017 -
Networked Social Movements and the Politics of Mortgage: From the Right to Housing to the Assault on
Eva Álvarez de Andrés, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
Lessons from the Great Recession: At the Crossroads of Sustainability and Recovery (Advances in Sustainability and Environmental Justice, Volume 18) - 2016 -
Translating Policies into Informal Settlements' Critical Services: Reframing, Anchoring and Muddling
Jaan-Henrik Kain, Belinda Nyakinya, Nicholas Odhiambo, Oloko Michael, John Omolo, Silas Otieno, María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
Public Administration and Development - 2016 -
Where the skip used to be. Informal settlements, the city, and waste management in Kisumu,
Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos, Jutta Gutberlet, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko
Panel 33: Serendipitous infrastructures: Intended and unintended outcomes, Nordic Africa Days 2016, "Gender and change: global challenges for Africa?", Uppsala 23-24 September - 2016 -
The power of commoning. Citizen-driven environmental initiatives and social
Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
32nd EGOS Colloquium, Sub-theme 58: Organizational Practices of Social Movements: The Power of Organizing from Below, July 7–9, 2016, Naples, Italy - 2016 -
Waste tours – waste prevention narratives, infrastructures and audience in
Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
6th ETHNOGRAPHY AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH CONFERENCE, Session 15. Ethnographies of waste politicsBergamo (Italy) – June 8-11, 2016. - 2016 -
Translating policies into informal settlements’ practices: Reframing, anchoring and muddling
Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
Cutting Edge Research, Reality Changing Policies. A workshop arranged by ICLD, Visby, SwedenMay 22-24, 2016 - 2016 -
Socio-environmental entrepreneurship and the provision of critical services in informal
Jutta Gutberlet, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Belinda Nyakinya, Dickens Ochieng, Nicholas Odhiambo, Michael Oloko, John Omolo, Elvis Ozondi, Silas Otieno, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
Environment & Urbanization - 2016 -
Tre av fyra jobbar med
Hervé Corvellec, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
Avfall och Miljö - 2016 -
Unexpected translations in urban policy mobility. The case of the Acahualinca development programme in Managua,
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
Habitat International - 2015 -
Stop the evictions! The diffusion of networked social movements and the emergence of a hybrid space: The case of the Spanish Mortgage Victims
Eva Àlvarez de Andrés, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
Habitat International - 2015 -
Translating city development projects in informal settlements: reframing, anchoring and muddling
Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Belinda Nyakinya, Nicholas Odhiambo, Michael Oloko, John Omolo, Silas Otieno
16th NAERUS Conference 20th November 2015, Dortmund, Germany - 2015 -
Obunga Clean
Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael M. Oloko, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
2015 -
From community-based organization to socio-environmental entrepreneur. The case of household waste collection in Kisumu’s informal
Jutta Gutberlet, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
5th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy 15–18 July 2015, Lisbon, Portugal - 2015 -
Combating poverty and building democracy through the coproduction of participatory waste management services The case of Kisumu City,
Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael O. Oloko, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
2015 -
Challenging the throw-away society-Environmental movements and waste prevention practices in Gothenburg,
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
ESA 2015, Prague - 2015 -
Cities in the lead of sustainable transitions. The structuration of an emergent field of waste prevention policies in
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata, Maria Jylkkä
NESS 2015 - 2015 -
Producing, Appropriating, and Recreating the Myth of the Urban
Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
In: Borch,Christian & Kornberger, Martin (eds.) Urban Commons - Rethinking the City - 2015 -
Forskningsprojektet Från avfallshantering till avfallsförebyggande - Rapport från seminarium I: Offentliga planer för
Maria Jylkkä, Hervé Corvellec, Richard Ek, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
2014 -
Networked social movements – fuelling resistance and change through hybrid public
María José Zapata Campos, Alvarez de Andres Eva, Patrik Zapata
Laemos 2014, Havanna, Cuba, 2-5 April 2014. - 2014 -
Waste socio-technological transitions: from landfilling to waste
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata, Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist
Loschiavo dos Santos, M.C. Walker, S. Lopes Francelino S. (Eds) Design, Waste & Dignity - 2014 -
Urban waste: closing the
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
Pearson, Leonie J. Newton Peter W. and Roberts, P. (Eds) 2014 Resilient Sustainable Cities. A future. Editors: Leonie Pearson, Peter Newton, Peter Roberts - 2014 -
The multiplex Chureca. Relational sites and the organizing of socio-spatial
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
Laemos 2014, Havanna, Cuba, 2-5 April 2014. - 2014 -
The travel of global ideas of waste management. The case of Managua and its informal
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
Habitat International - 2014 -
The travel of global ideas of waste management The case of Managua and its informal
Translating development aid into city management: the barrio Acahualinca integrated development programme in Managua,
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
Public Administration and Development - 2013 -
Extending the realm of accounting inscriptions: Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) solid waste collection invoicing and the moral enrolment of residents in environmental
Hervé Corvellec, María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
AOS conference on “Performing business and social innovation through accounting inscriptions”, Galway, Ireland, 22–24 September 2013 - 2013 -
Leder mer granskning till färre skandaler - varför eller varför inte eller hänger det ens
Emma Ek, Patrik Zapata
The Göteborg Public Management Seminar 2013 - 2013 -
Urban policy mobilities and local translations of compliance and contestation within development-aid regeneration programs. The case of the Acahualinca Integrated Development Programme in Managua,
Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
Paper presented at the International RC21 Conference 2013 Session: Making up cities: urban policy mobilities, assemblages and urban politics in a global age. 29-31 August 2013. - 2013 -
Switching Managua on! Connecting informal settlements to the formal city through household waste
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
Environment & Urbanization - 2013 -
Stop the evictions! The diffusion of networked social movements and the emergence of a new hybrid public space. The case of the Spanish Mortgage Victims
Eva Álvarez de Andrés, Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
14th N-AERUS Conference 2013, Enschede, The Netherlands September 12-14 URBAN FUTURES. Multiple visions, paths and constructions? - 2013 -
When visions for better urban futures development are turned into practice. The case of the Acahualinca Development Programme in Managua,
Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
14th N-AERUS Conference 2013, Enschede, The Netherlands September 12-14 URBAN FUTURES. Multiple visions, paths and constructions? - 2013 -
Infrastructures, lock-in, and sustainable urban development. The case of waste incineration in the Göteborg Metropolitan
Hervé Corvellec, María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
Journal of Cleaner Production - 2013 -
Waste in translation: global ideas of urban waste management in local
Patrik Zapata
Organising waste in the city. International perspective on narratives and practices - 2013 -
Changing La Chureca: Organizing City Resilience Through Action
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
Journal of Change Management - 2012 -
Crisis and organizational innovation: Icelandic local government
Anna Cregård, Rolf Solli, Patrik Zapata
Uprava/Administration - 2012 -
The travel of the 'waste transfer station' idea to Managua. Local translations of compliance and
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
Network-Association of European Researchers on Urbanization in the South. 22-24 November, Paris - 2012 -
Every Heaven requires its Hell: the consume & discard society and the invisible
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
Nordic Conference on Consumer Research, Gothenburg, May 30-June 1, 2012 - 2012 -
Kris och organisatorisk innovation – isländska kommuners
Anna Cregård, Rolf Solli, Patrik Zapata
2012 -
Avfall i
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
Andreas Ivarsson (red): Nordisk kommunforskning. En forskningsövesikt med 113 projekt. - 2011 -
3.3.8 Den kommunala
Stellan Malmer, Patrik Zapata
Andreas Ivarsson (red): Nordisk kommunforskning. En forskningsövesikt med 113 projekt. - 2011 -
2.1.10 Skandaler i svensk offentlig
Patrik Zapata
Andreas Ivarsson (red): Nordisk kommunforskning. En forskningsövesikt med 113 projekt. - 2011 -
The Governance of Waste-to-Energy Infrastructures: Locking in “Sustainable Urban
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
Gothenburg Public Management Seminar 2011 - 2011 -
Global narratives of sustainable waste governance in Managua,
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
Globalization and Development: Rethinking Interventions and Governance - 2011 -
How development ideas travel. Civil society organisations as intercultural
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
The 27th EGOS Colloquium - 2011 -
Narratives of sustainable waste management in international aid
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
The 7th International Critical Management Studies (CMS) - 2011 -
Switching Managua on! Connecting forgotten wastescapes to the
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference, 14-16th June 2011, Stockholm - 2011 -
The hybridisation of city
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
6th Organization Studies Work Shop, Paris, 2011 - 2011 -
Crisis and organisational innovation – Icelandic local governments
Anna Cregård, Rolf Solli, Patrik Zapata
IRSPM XV (International Research Symposium on Public Management) - 2011 -
Bestäm, betala och undvik kostnaden – den kommunala
Patrik Zapata, Stellan Malmer
Nordiske Organisajonsstudier - 2010 -
Ideas travelling through development aid
María José Zapata Campos, Patrik Zapata
European Sociology Association, Sociology of Culture. Culture and the making of the worlds, Milan, 2010 - 2010 -
Med den skarpa fältkikaren i en rem kring halsen. Företagsekonomiska forskare ser på
Björn Rombach, Patrik Zapata
Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift - 2010 -
What Management-Speak
Patrik Zapata
ISA World 2010 - 2010 -
Organising La Chureca. A journey through Hell, Earth and Heaven - Global and Local actors in
Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos
EGOS 2010 - 2010 -
What Management-Speak
Patrik Zapata
The Rise of Management-Speak - 2010 -
Patrik Zapata, Björn Rombach
The Rise of Management-Speak - 2010 -
The Rise of
Finansierat - i
Stellan Malmer, Patrik Zapata
Kommunal ekonomi - 2009 -
Making the decision, taking the bill, escaping the cost – as
Patrik Zapata, Stellan Malmer
NFF 2009, Nordic Academy of Management conference, Åbo Akademi augusti 2009 - 2009 -
Bestäm, betala och undvik
Patrik Zapata, Stellan Malmer
FEKIS, Företagskonomiska ämneskonferensen 2009, Handelshögskolan i Stockholm - 2009 -
Stellan Malmer, Patrik Zapata
2009 -
Patrik Zapata, Stellan Malmer
GPMS, Gothenburg Public Sector Seminar - 2009 -
Legitimacy Lost and Back to
Patrik Johansson
Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies - 2007 -
V som i
Patrik Johansson
Tidens tecken, redaktörer Anders Björnsson och Björn Rombach - 2007 -
Ö som i
Patrik Johansson
Tidens tecken, redaktörer Anders Björnsson och Björn Rombach - 2007 -
Legitimacy lost and back to
Skandal! Att förlora och återfå andras
Patrik Johansson
Värdet av förtroende. Redaktörer Inga-Lill Johansson, Sten Jönsson och Rolf Solli - 2006 -
The influence of genre on power relationships – based on the examples of quality reports and grades in the Swedish educational
Malgorzata Erikson, Patrik Zapata Johansson
APROS 11, Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies, 11th International Colloquium, Melbourne, Australia, 4-7 December 2005 - 2005 -
Data collection as legitimizing practice in schools' evaluation and development
Malgorzata Erikson, Patrik Johansson
APROS 11 Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies 11th International Colloqium, Melbourne - 2005 -
Legitimacy Lost and the way back to
Patrik Johansson
APROS 11 Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies 11th International Colloqium, Melbourne - 2005 -
Ekonomiskan. Ett framgångsrikt
Patrik Johansson, Björn Rombach
Den framgångsrika ekonomiskan, redaktör Björn Rombach - 2005 -
Vad ekonomiskan
Patrik Johansson
Den framgångsrika ekonomiskan, redaktör Björn Rombach - 2005 -
I skandalers spår. Minskad legitimitet i svensk offentlig
Patrik Johansson
2004 -
I skandalernas
Patrik Johansson
Kommunal Ekonomi - 2004 -
Breaches of norm as organisational
Theresa Larsen, Patrik Johansson
17th NFF conference in Business Studies, Reykjavik - 2003 -
Den svarta listan och metoder för att tvinga bort
Patrik Johansson, Björn Rombach
Personal & Ledarskap - 2003 -
Karlssonaffären bekräftar att eliter skapar egna
Patrik Johansson
KommunAktuellt - 2002 -
Scandals in Local Government - The Swedish
Patrik Johansson
Nordiska kommunforskarkonferensen 2002, Odense - 2002 -
Företagets internationaliseringsprocess - lärande i nätverk av Jan Johansson, Anders Blomstermo och Cecilia Pahlberg recenseras av Patrik
Patrik Johansson
Kommunal Ekonomi och Politik, KEOP - 2002 -
Vem tar notan? Skandaler i svensk offentlig
Patrik Johansson
2002 -
Skandaler är
Patrik Johansson
KommunAktuellt - 1998 -
Arbete åt alla, men
Patrik Johansson
Arbetet - 1997 -
Scandals in the Public
Patrik Johansson
17th NFF conference in Business Studies, Bodö - 1997 -
KommunAktuellt nummer 5 1997 - sju
Patrik Johansson, Jonas Persson
1997 -
89 % män — Vem skriver
Anna Cregård, Patrik Johansson