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- Stefan Sjögren
Stefan Sjögren
Företagsekonomiska institutionenOm Stefan Sjögren
Stefan Sjögren is a Professor at the Department of Business Administration and is affiliated to the Centre for Finance at the School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg. He has written on valuation, capital structure, venture capital, capital budgeting, deregulation, law and finance, and efficiency measurement. He is the Director of PhD-program and Deputy head responsible for research at the Department of Business Administration. He teaches corporate finance and related fields at undergraduate, graduated and PhD-level.
Research areas
- Corporate finance
- Private equity
- Investment
- Industrial economics
- Transport Economics
Teaching areas
- Corporate finance
- Private Equity
- Company valuation
Selected publication:
Mavruk, Taylan & Stefan Sjögren, 2021, Capital Structure and Monitoring by Local Owners, Applied Economics, 53(40) 4614-463.
Lindblom, Ted & Stefan Sjögren, 2020, Investeringsbedömning och modern finansiell teori, Studentlitteratur, Lund.
Andreasson, Jens, Faber, Wolfgang, Gangopadhyay, Shubhashis, Martinson, Claes, & Stefan Sjögren, 2021, Efficient priority rules under default: the case of traditio versus contract principle, European Journal of Law and Economics, 51, 97-128
Mavruk, Taylan, Conny Overland & Stefan Sjögren, 2019, Keeping it real or keeping it simple? Ownership concentration measures compared, European Financial Management, 26 (4), 958-1005.
Lindblom, Ted, Mavruk, Taylan & Stefan Sjögren, 2018, East or West, Home is Best: The Birthplace Bias of Individual Investors, Journal of Banking and Finance, 92, 323-339.
Lindblom, Ted, Mavruk, Taylan & Stefan Sjögren, 2017, Proximity Bias in investors’ portfolio choice, Palgrave, McMillan ,Springer International Publishing.
Agmon, Tamir & Stefan Sjögren, 2016, Venture Capital and the Inventive Process - VC Funds for Ideas-Led Growth, Palgrave, MacMillan, Springer International Publishing.
Sjögren, Stefan, 2016, Modelling airline efficiency – A comparison of international airlines using data envelopment analysis, Advances in Airline Economics, Volume 5, Airline Efficiencies.
A Theoretical Analysis of Collusion Involving Technology Licensing Under Diseconomies of
Ted Lindblom, Aineas Mallios, Stefan Sjögren
The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics - 2024 -
Collusive Bidding, Competition Law, and
Shubhashis Gangopadhyay, Aineas Mallios, Stefan Sjögren
Review of Law and Economics - 2023 -
Modelling banks’ lending and deposits using the aggregate equilibrium
Ted Lindblom, Stefan Sjögren, Aineas Mallios
2023 Wolpertinger Annual Conference, August 31th - September 3rd, Finland, University of Vaasa - 2023 -
Technology Transfers, �Efficiency Gains and Surplus Thresholds:�An Aggregate Equilibrium Approach
Ted Lindblom, Aineas Mallios, Stefan Sjögren
World Finance Conference, Norway August 2nd-4th 2023, University of Agder - 2023 -
The Relation Between Patent Pledgeability and Credit
Aineas Mallios, Ted Lindblom, Stefan Sjögren
Carbó-Valverde, S., Cuadros-Solas, P.J. (eds) New Challenges for the Banking Industry - Searching for Balance Between Corporate Governance, Sustainability and Innovation - 2023 -
Capital structure and monitoring by local
Taylan Mavruk, Stefan Sjögren
Applied Economics - 2021 -
Efficient priority rules under default: the case of traditio versus contract
Jens Andreasson, W. Faber, Shubhashis Gangopadhyay, Claes Martinson, Stefan Sjögren
European Journal of Law and Economics - 2021 -
Kvantitativ forskning som underlag för
Jan Marton, Stefan Sjögren
Organisation & Samhälle - 2021 -
Keeping it real or keeping it simple? Ownership concentration measures
Taylan Mavruk, Conny Overland, Stefan Sjögren
European Financial Management - 2020 -
”Den missförstådda
Jens Andreasson, Claes Martinson, Stefan Sjögren
Dagens Juridik - 2020 -
Investeringsbedömning och modern finansiell
Collusion and Licensing in Oligopolies with Linear Marginal Operating
Ted Lindblom, Aineas Mallios, Stefan Sjögren
Paper presented at Wolpertinger 2019 meeting in Venice Italy, August 28-31, 2019 - 2019 -
East or West, Home Is Best: The Birthplace Bias of Individual
Ted Lindblom, Taylan Mavruk, Stefan Sjögren
Journal of Banking & Finance - 2018 -
Proximity Bias in Investors’ Portfolio
Paths for sustainable economic
Robert Lensink, Stefan Sjögren, Clas Wihlborg
2017 -
Venture Capital and the Inventive Process - VC Funds for Ideas-Led
Stefan Sjögren, Tamir Agmon
2016 -
Modeling Airline Efficiency – A Comparison of International Airlines Using Data Envelopment
Stefan Sjögren
Airline Efficiency (Advances in Airline Economics, Volume 5), John D. Bitzan , James H. Peoples , Wesley W. Wilson (ed.) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.103 - 129 - 2016 -
Keeping it real or keeping it simple? Ownership concentration measures
Taylan Mavruk, Conny Overland, Stefan Sjögren
World Finance Conference - New York (July, 29 to 31, 2016) - 2016 -
Prioritet för köpare - en fråga om tradition eller
Jens Andreasson, Wolfgang Faber, Shubhashis Gangopadhyay, Claes Martinson, Stefan Sjögren
Svensk Juristtidning - 2015 -
The Birthplace Bias of Individual
Ted Lindblom, Taylan Mavruk, Stefan Sjögren
Institutional and Individual Investors: Saving for Old Age Conference, 22-23 June 2015, School of Management, University of Bath, UK - 2015 -
Savings and innovation in the United States capital market: Defined benefit plans and venture capital
Tamir Agmon, Shubhashis Gangopadhyay, Stefan Sjögren
Perspectives on Financing Innovation - 2014 -
Financial Systems, Markets and Institutional
Governance, Regulation and Bank
How do Intellectual property law regimes within the EU affect innovation
Claes Martinson, Taylan Mavruk, Stefan Sjögren
Europeisk integration i svensk ekonomisk forskning. 21-24 maj 2013, Mölle - 2013 -
Individual Investors’ Portfolio Choice and Birthplace Bias Evidence from portfolios of European investors – the case of
Ted Lindblom, Taylan Mavruk, Stefan Sjögren
Mölle 2013, The 15h Annual SNEE European Integration Conference - 2013 -
The Management of Foreign Exchange
Göran Bergendahl, Stefan Sjögren
Bank Stability, Sovereign Debt and Derivatives. Editor: Josef Falzon - 2013 -
Investment allocation decisions, home bias and the mandatory IFRS
M. Hamberg, Taylan Mavruk, Stefan Sjögren
Journal of International Money and Finance - 2013 -
Individual Investors’ Portfolio Choice and Birthplace
Ted Lindblom, Taylan Mavruk, Stefan Sjögren
SSRN - 2012 -
Keeping it real or keeping it simple? Ownership concentration measures
Conny Overland, Taylan Mavruk, Stefan Sjögren
The 4th workshop of the Nordic Corporate Governance Network, Reykjavik University June 15, 2012 - 2012 -
Productivity for Airline Carriers and its Relation to Deregulation, Privatisation and Membership in Strategic
Stefan Sjögren, Magnus Söderberg
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review - 2011 -
The Management of Foreign Exchange
Stefan Sjögren
Presented at 9th INFINITI Conference on International Finance 13-14 June 2011, Dublin, Ireland. - 2011 -
Managers’ Capital Structure Decisions - The Pecking Order
Ted Lindblom, Gert Sandahl, Stefan Sjögren
Bank Performance, Risk and Firm Financing - 2011 -
Capital structure
Ted Lindblom, Gert Sandahl, Stefan Sjögren
International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance - 2011 -
The Odd Couple: Markets' Integration and National
Stefan Sjögren, Tamir Agmon
Review of Market Integration - 2010 -
The Thousand Ways to Market
Stefan Sjögren, Tamir Agmon
Review of Market Integration - 2010 -
Investment allocation decisions, home bias and the mandatory IFRS
Mattias Hamberg, Taylan Mavruk, Stefan Sjögren
The European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Istanbul, Turkey May, (2010) - 2010 -
Financial decisions in large Swedish firms – an analysis of capital structure
Stefan Sjögren
Paper presented at the Portugal finance network 2010 Conference, Ponta Delgado, Azores, 1-3 July 2010 - 2010 -
Financial decisions in large Swedish firms – an analysis of capital structure
Ted Lindblom, Gert Sandahl, Stefan Sjögren
6th Finance Conference, The Portuguese Finance Network (PFN), Azores, Portugal, July 1-3, 2010 - 2010 -
Financial structure decisions in large business
Ted Lindblom, Gert Sandahl, Stefan Sjögren
Wolpertinger 2010 Conference, European Association of University Teachers of Banking and Finance, Sept 8-12, Bangor, Wales - 2010 -
Investment Appraisal Techniques and the Adoption of Quantitative Risk Measures – Evidence from Swedish 500 Largest
Ted Lindblom, Gert Sandahl, Stefan Sjögren
The Sixteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, proceedings, March 1-5, 2010 - 2010 -
Investment allocation decisions, home bias and the mandatory IFRS
Mattias Hamberg, Taylan Mavruk, Stefan Sjögren
The Swedish Network for European Studies in Economics and Business, Mölle 2009 - 2009 -
Capital Structure Choices in Swedish
Ted Lindblom, Gert Sandahl, Stefan Sjögren
the 44th Euro Working Group on Financial Modeling conference in San Jose, Costa Rica, May 4-6, 2009 and December 5-8, 2009 - 2009 -
Increasing Goal Congruence in Project Evaluation by Introducing a Strict Market Depreciation
Ted Lindblom, Stefan Sjögren
International Journal of Production Economics - 2009 -
Modelling airline efficiency – A comparison of efficiency in the
Stefan Sjögren
Presented at the 15th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, 3-7 mars, 2008 - 2008 -
The Use of Incentive Pay in Divisionalised Firms: A case Study of Two Global Manufacturing
Ted Lindblom, Gert Sandahl, Stefan Sjögren
Markets and Compensation for Executives in Europe. Ed: L Oxelheim & C Wihlborg - 2008 -
Modelling airline efficiency - A comparison of effiency in the
Stefan Sjögren
Presented at the 15th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, 3-7 mars, 2008 - 2008 -
The Effects of Market Deregulation – a financial structure
Ted Lindblom, Stefan Sjögren
AIB insights - 2008 -
The use of incentive pay in divisonalised firms and the role of the finance function - A behavioural corporate finance study with experiences from the automotive and software industries in Sweden, France and
Ted Lindblom, Gert Sandahl, Stefan Sjögren
Markets and Compensation for Executives in Europe; Workshop at Trolleholm Castle, March 15-17, 2007 - 2007 -
Modelling the Effects of Deregulation under
Shubhashis Gangopadhyay, Ted Lindblom, Stefan Sjögren
The 6th Annual SNEE European integration conference, Mölle, 2006 - 2006 -
Increasing Goal Congruence in Project Evaluation by Introduction Strict Market Depreciation
Stefan Sjögren
Presented at the 14th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, 19-23 feb, 2006 - 2006 -
Market Deregulation and the Cost of
Ted Lindblom, Stefan Sjögren
The European Integration in Swedish Economic Research Conference, Mölle May 24-27, 2005 - 2005 -
Investeringsbeslut : en spegling av teori och
Risk and flexibilitet vid
Gert Sandahl, Stefan Sjögren
Investeringsbeslut - En spegling av praxis och normer - 2005 -
Svenska koncerners investeringskalkylering - förhållandet mellan teori och
Gert Sandahl, Stefan Sjögren
Investeringsbeslut - En spegling av praxis och normer - 2005 -
Market Oriented Depreciation - linking managerial incentives to firm
Ted Lindblom, Stefan Sjögren
Working paper, presented at FIBE, Bergen, January 2004 - 2004 -
Market Oriented Depreciation - linking managerial incentives to firm
Ted Lindblom, Stefan Sjögren
17th Nordic conference on Business Studies, Reykjavik, Iceland 14th - 16th of August 2003 - 2003 -
Risk in Capital Budgeting– Evidence from the Swedish
Gert Sandahl, Stefan Sjögren
the 17th Nordic conference on Business Studies, Reykjavik, 2003 - 2003 -
Capital Budgeting Methods Among Sweden's Largest Groups of
Stefan Sjögren, Gert Sandahl
International Journal of Production Economics - 2003 -
The Relation Between Technological Innovations, Firm Value and Accounting Reports in the Airline
Jan Marton, Stefan Sjögren
EAA conference, Copenhagen, Denmark - 2002 -
Benchmarking och
Stefan Sjögren
Utan handledning, redaktörer: Ted Lindblom och Esbjörn Segelod - 2000 -
Using DEA for Decision Support at Combined Transport
Stefan Sjögren
Information Systems in Logistics and Transportation, redaktör: Bernard Tillanus - 1997 -
Effektiva kombiterminaler - en tillämpning av
Stefan Sjögren