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Många avhandlingar från senare år finns nedladdningsbara. Sök doktorsavhandlingar vid Göteborgs universitet
2020: Melander Hagborg Johan: Child maltreatment among young adolescents: Effects on mental health, academic functioning and substance use
2019: Romeo Tameka:Undermining Memory for the Experiences of Victims and Offenders: Implications for the Legal Arena
2019: Gerafi Joel: Visuospatial inattention and processing speed: Predictors of long-term outcome and patterns of change after ischemic stroke
2019: Gyberg Fanny: Identity: Understanding Aspects of Process, Content, and Structure in Context
2019: Srivatsav Meghana: Determinants of Guilty Suspects’ Behavior in Investigative Interviews: Evidence-Disclosure Tactics and Question Content
2019: Henning Georg: Change and Continuity in Psychological Health Across the Retirement Transition: Interindividual Differences and Post-Retirement Adjustment
2019: Hansson Isabelle: Retirement and Life Satisfaction: A Resource-Based Dynamic Perspective
2019: Kling Johanna: Being at home in one's body. Body image in light of identity development
2019: Ryberg Carmen: Children with Congenital Heart Defects. Intellectual Functioning and Family Impact
2019: Calderon Sofia: True and False Intentions: A Mental Representational Approach
2019: Portnoy Shiri: Memory-Based Approaches to the Examination of Alibis Provided by Innocent Suspects
2019: Izotovaz Aleksandras: Memory-based Lie Detection in Repeated Interviews: The Importance of Early Use of Mnemonics
2019: Wramsten Wilmar Maria: Managers in Human Service Organizations and their interaction with the Media – the managers´experiences
2018: Boson Karin: Psychological perspectives on alcohol use among young adolescents: Mental health and personality
2018: Ernberg Emelie, There was nothing but her story: Prosecution of alleged child sexual abuse of preschoolers
2018:Adolfsson Kerstin, Blaming victims of rape: Studies on rape myths and beliefs about rape
2018: Neequaye Amon David, Eliciting information in intelligence interviews through priming: An examination of underlying mechanisms
2018: Alfredsson Elin, Growing together: Participation in and outcomes of programs for parents of adolescents
2018: Einarsdóttir Gró, Do I have enough? On the act of assessing one’s personal resources
2018: Karlsson Peter, Birth cohort differences in cognitive aging: Secular trends in cognitive functioning and decline over 30 years in three population-based Swedish samples
2018: Triscoli Chantal, Hedonic, neural, and autonomic responses to prolonged gentle touch
2018: Ingevaldson Sara, “THE STORY ABOUT ME” Psychological perspectives on young men who sexually offended in adolescence
2018: Stålheim Jonas Stålheim, "Everybody gets a little bit loco”: Interactions between psychotic experiences and substance use as dimensional phenomena
2018: Karlsson Bodil, Judging question answerability
2018: Bergqvist Magnus, Using social norms in energy conservation interventions
2017: Norlin David, Mothers and fathers of children with developmental disabilities:Coparenting, well-being and empowerment
2017: Nowak Herawati, Parents of children with disabilities and their experiences of formal support
2017: van Veldhuizen Tanja, Where i come from and how i got here: Assessing credibility in asylum cases
2017: Geurts Renate, Interviewing to Assess and manage threats of violence
2017: Deeb Haneen, (In)Consistencies as Cues to Deception
2017: Brackmann Nathalie, Are children really the poorer eyewitnesses? An analysis of counterintuitive developmental trends in eyewitness memory
2017: Barbopoulos Isak, Seven dimensions of consumption
2017: Spjut Jansson Birgitta, Effects of Intensive Behavioural Treatment and a focused Imitation Intervention for young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder - One plus One means More
2017: Järvholm Stina, “It is better to have tried, no matter what” Psychological perspectives on pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).
2016: Zöller Madeleine, Attributes Modulating Affective Profiles in Psychiatric Patients
2016: Mc Hugh Elaine, Implementing a program for parents with intellectual disability in Sweden: A feasibility study
2016: Fahsing Ivar, The Making of an Expert Detective: Thinking and Deciding in Criminal Investigations
2016: Normarker Anki, Graffiti – For Joy and Confirmation
Motivational aspects, triggering and inhibiting factors, and emotional satisfactions in graffiti:
The creative-interactive dimension of vandalism
2016: Lilja Josefine, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Primary Care: Clinical Applications and Analysis of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ)
2016: Tekin Serra, Eliciting admissions from suspects in criminal investigations
2016: Rangmar Jenny, Fetal Alcohol syndrome in adulthood - Psychological, psychosocial, and neuropsychological aspects of life in individuals who were prenatally exposed to alcohol
2016: Mac Giolla Erik, Towards a theory of true and false intentions
2016: Willén Rebecca, Counting on the details: Inquiring into past events of cooperative interviewees
2016: Alfredsson Helen, Intimate partner violence: Beliefs and psychological predictors of intervention intentions among the Swedish general public
2016: Josefsson Weman Karin, You don’t have to love it – Exploring the mechanisms of exercise motivation using Self-determination theory in a digital context
2016: Praetorius Marcus, Bio-behavioral inquiries regarding cognitive aging and distance to death: The role of gender, APOE, grip strength and subjective memory
2016:Hildebrand Karlén, Malin, Alcohol-intoxicated witnesses to intimate partner violence: Memory performance and perception of aggression and guilt
2016:Moberg Oleszkiewicz, Simon, Eliciting human intelligence: A conceptualization and empirical testing of the Scharff technique
2015:Kajonius Petri: An Inquiry into Satisfaction and Variations in User-Oriented Elderly Care
2015:Kivi Marie: Internet-based Treatment of Depression in Primary Care: Effectiveness and Feasibility
2015:Hultmann Ole: Child Psychiatric Patients Affected by Intimate Partner Violence and Child Abuse – Disclosure, Prevalence and Consequences
2015:Wrede Olof: The Role of Emotions in Judgments of Crime Victims
2015: Geisler Martin: Competence, Styles, and Quality in Everyday Decision Making
2015: Gurdal Sevtap: Children and Parents - Attributions, Attitudes and Agency
2015: Sooniste Tuule: Discriminating Between True and False Intentions: Questions to Pose and Cues to Use
2015: Carlsson Johanna: Evolving identities: Contents and processes of identity development among people in their late twenties
2015: Carlander Anders: Trust as a strategy for handling uncertainty in private savings choices
2015: Schütz Erica :The Affective Profile Model: ill-being and well-being
2015: Rudolfsson Lisa : Walk with me: Pastoral care for victims of sexual abuse viewed through existential psychology
2014: Punzi Elisabeth:"Too much is never enough" Psychological studies of substance misuse and other excessive behaviors
2014: Sonesson Ove: Measures, interventions, and outcome: exploring, inpatient psychiatric care
2014: Hallberg Jonas: Adolescents in a Digital Everyday Environment
2014: Berne Sofia: Cyberbullying in Childhood and Adolescence - Assessment, Coping, and the Role of Appearance
2014: Hagsand Angelica: Alcohol intoxicated eye witnesses´memory
2014: Trönnberg Carl-Christian: How Do Bank Officers Make Lending Decisions? An Exploration of Thinking Styles, Cognitive Bias and Lending Technologies
2014: Bjälkebring Pär:Age Differences in Experience and Regulation of Affect
2014: Strand Jennifer:Without you there is no me. An interpersonal framing of psychosis
2013: Öhman Lisa: All Ears: Adult´s and Children´s Earwitness Testimony
2013: Massoudi Pamela: Depression and distress in Swedish fathers in the postnatal period: prevalence, correlates, identification and support
2013: Wängqvist Maria: That´s how people grow up: Identity formation emerging, adulthood
2013: Elf Mikael: User involvement in designing a web-based support system for young carers – inspiring views and systemic barriers
2013: Clemens Franziska: Detecting lies about past and future actions: The strategic use of evidence (SUE) technique and suspects´strategies
2013: Josefsson Torbjörn: Mindfulness:Relations to attention regulation, decentering and psychological well-being
2013: Buratti Sandra: Meta-metacognition: The regulation of confidence realsm in episodic and semantic memory
2013: Denti Leif: Leadership and innovation in R&D teams
2013: Guldberg-Kjär Taina: ADHD in Old Age: Self-rated Symptoms and Clinical Information from a Population-Based Swedish Sample Aged 65 to 80
2013: Viken Jo Inge: Visouspatial neglect and processing speed: importance of lateralized and non-lateralized symptoms as predictors of functional outcome after stroke
2013: Gattario Holmqvist Kristina: Body image in adolescence – trough the lens of culture and positive psychology
2013: Knieps Melanie: True and false intentions: Mental images of the future
2013: Staf Georgsson Anna:
2012: Helsing Marie: Everyday music listening: The importance of individual and situational factors for musical emotions and stress reduction
2012: Gunnarsson Mattias: Psychological factors associated with substance use in adolescents
2012: Grip Karin: The Damage Done Children Exposed to Initimate Partner Violence and their Mothers: Towards empirically based interventions in order to reduce negative health effects in children
2012: Boström Petra: Experiences of Parenthood and the Child with an Intellectual Disability
2012: Olsson Lisa: Leaderchip and Creativity in Research: Investigations of Leadership and Leader – Member Exchange (LMX) in Research Groups
2011: Wallgren Lars Göran: Motivation requested - Work motivation and the work environment of IT consultants
2011: Garcia Danilo: Adolescents ´Happiness: The Role of Affective Temperament Model on Memory and Apprehension of Events, Subjective Well-Being, and Psychological Well-Being
2011: Bohlin Margareta: Music and Risk in an existential and gendered world
2011: Hansla André: Value Orientation Awareness of Consequences and Environmental Concern
2011: Dewrang Petra: Asperger Syndrome: Social functioning in relation to behavioural and cognitive traits from infancy to young adulthood.
2011: Montgomery William: Human Value Structure and Emotions
2011: Jansson Magnus: Psychological Influences on Adoption of Socially Responsible
2011: Karilampi Ulla: Neurocognition in schizophrenia spectrum disorders
2011: Lindvall Johan: Aeronautical decision.making in context: influence of affect and experience on procedure violations
2010: Roos af Hjelmsäter, Emma: Children´s memory reports: The effect of co-witness influence
2010: Larsson, Billy: Therapists and their patients: Similarities and differences in attitudes between four psychotherapy oriantations in Sweden
2009: Berglund, Kristina: Socially stable alcoholics: What characterises them? Drinking patterns, personality and health aspects ofa psycosocial and clinical importance
2009: Lunde, Carolina: What people tell you gets to you. Body satisfaction and peer victimization in early adolescence
2009: Roos, John Magnus: Quality of personal assistance. Shaped by gorvernments, markets and corporations
2009: Andersson Arntén, Ann Christine: Partnership Relation Quality modulates the effects of work-stress on health
2009: Andersson, Maria: Social Infuence in Stock Markets
2009: Åsberg, Jakob: Literacy and comprehension in school-aged children: Studies on autism and other developmental disabilities
2008: Larsson, Maria: Reading, spelling and silent speech: Exploring literacy in children with severe speech and physical impairment
2008: Thorvaldsson, Valgeir: Change in variability in cognitive performance in old age. Effects of retest, terminal decline, and pre-clinical dementia
2008: Landström, Sara: CCTV, live and videotapes. How presentation mode affects the evaluation of witnesses
2008: Sundblad, Eva-Lotta: Peopes´knowledge about climate change: Uncertainty as a guide to future commitments
2008: Berg, Anne Ingeborg: Life satisfaction in late life. Markers and predictors of level and change among 80 year olds
2008: Olausson, Solveig: Kvinnor med substansmissbruk och psykisk ohälsa
2007: Kazemi, Ali: Distrubutive Preferences in Social Dilemmas
2007: Wästlund, Erik: Experimental studies of Human-computer interaction: Working memory and mental workload in complex cognition
2007: Johansson, Jan: Residential Care for Young People in Sweden
2007: Andersson, Bengt: Diversity in residektial care and treatment for young people in Sweden
2007: Axberg, Ulf: Assessing and Treating Three to twelve-Year-olds displaying Disruptive Behaviour problems
2007: Olsson, Lars: Effects of Certainty on Decision Making under Uncertainty: using Subsidies to Reduce Production of Environmentally Harmful Products
2007: Nilsson, Andreas: Psychological perspectives on environmental policy measures: The role of avalues, norms, and attitudes
2007: Leander, Lina: What sexually abused children remember and report: Minding the gap
2007: Meristo, Marek: Mental representation and language access: evidence from deaf children with different language backrounds
2007: Strid, Karin: Memory, attention and interaction in early development. Exploring individual differences among typical children and children with autism
2007: Allard, Karin: Toward a Working Life. Solving the work-family dilemma
2006: Hedesström, M. Ted: The psychology of diversification: novice investors´ ability to spread risks
2006: Larsman, Pernilla: On the relation between psychosocial work environment and musculoskeletal symptoms: A structural equation modeling approach.
2006: Ray, Jeremy: Temperament - a psychobiological approach to Harm Avoidance and Novelty Seeking
2006: Ask, Karl: Criminal Investigation: Motivation, Emotion and Cognition in the Processing of Evidence
2006: Widén E. Stephen: Noise and Music – A Matter of Risk Perception?
2006: Horneman, Göran: Head Injury in Childhood. Cognitive Outcome and health-related Quality of Life
2006: Winblad, Stefan: Myotonic dystrophy type 1. Cognitive, personality and emotion
2005: Goulding, Anneli: Mental Health Aspects of Paranormal and Psi Related Experiences
2005: Falkman, W. Kerstin: Communicating Your Way to a Theory of Mind:
2005: Wentz, Kerstin: Fibromyalgia and self-regulatory patterns. Development, maintenance or recovery in women
2005: Larsson, Anneli: Interviewing child witnesses
2005: Loukopoulos, Peter: Future urban sustainable mobility: Implementing and understanding the impacts of policies designed to reduce private automobile usage
2005: Nonås, Kathe: Vision versus reality in organizational change
2005: Ekeroth, Kerstin: Psychological problems in adolescents a young women with eating disturbances
2005: Sorbring, Emma: Girls’ and Boys’ Views of Conflicts with Parents
2005: Gamble, Amelie: Perception of Value of Money in Unfamiliar Currencies
2005: Marmendal, Maarit: Maternal Separation in the Rat. Long-term Effects of Early Life Events on Emotionality, drug Response and Neurobiology
2005: Hartwig, Maria: Interrogating to detect deception and truth: Effects of strategic use of evidence
2004: Wigren Margareta: Psychiatric problems in Prader-Willi syndrome: Symptom development and clinical management
2004: Adelbratt, Thomas: Everyday notions of good decision making: Theoretical and practical implications
2004: Jacobsson, Cecilia: Motivational and Volitional Control of Private Automobile Use
2004: Oburu, Paul: Social Adjustment of Kenyan Orphaned Grandchildren, Perceived Caregiving Stresses and Discipline Strategies used by their Fostering Grandmothers
2004: B Olsson, Malin: Parents of Children with Intellectual Disabilities
2004: Lundén, Karin: Att identifiera omsorgssvikt hos förskolebarn
2004: Jutengren, Göran: Dealing with Intergenerational Disagreements: Parental Authority in Swedish Families
2004: Johansson, Lars-Olof: Goal Conflicts in Decisions to Allocate Resources
2004: Lindqvist, Ann-Sophie: Nandrolone Decanoate, Behaviour and Brain: Animal Experimental Studies
2004: Arvidsson, Hans: After the 1995 Swedish Mental Health Care Reform- a follow-up study of a group of severely mentally ill
2003: Lundblad, Suzanna: Aspects of psychotherapy emotional experiences and personal development
2003: Widenberg, Lennart: Psykosocial forskningsmiljö och vetenskaplig produktivitet
2003: Brink, Eva: To be stricken with first-time myocardial infarction: From acute symptoms to early readjustment in women and men
2003: Lundgren, Jesper: Dental Fear. Psychophysiology, cognition and behaviour
2003: Kristensson, Per: Creativity in Applied enterprise: Bringing Impetus to Innovation
2003: Svensson, Idor: Phonological dyslexia cognitive, behavioural and Hereditary aspects
2003: Juliusson, Asgeir: Studies in Escalation of Investment Decisions
2003: Möller, Kristiina: Partner relationships During the Life-Course
2003: Kjellgren Anette: The Experience of flotation –REST (restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique): Consciousness, Creativity, Subjective Stress and Pain
2002: von Borgstede, Chris: The impact of norms in social dilemmas
2002: Tidefors Andersson, Inga: Från barndom till brott. Om 20 män dömda för sexuella övergrepp mot 38 barn
2002: Dahlgren, SvenOlof: Why does the bus stop when I am not getting off?
2002: Thunberg, Kerstin: Practical pain management: Professional an organisational perspectives
2002: Västfjäll, Daniel: Mood and preference for anticipated emotions
2002: Stadler, Karin: Psychological assessment of candidates to the catholic priesthood
2002: Miller Guron, Louise: Aspects of cross-linguistic influence in phonological processing
2002: Grankvist, Gunne: Determinants of choice of eco-labeled products
2001: Jacobsson, Christian: Managing human service organizations
2001: Johansson, Åsa: Neuropsychological studies on alcohol consumption, effective behavior and impulsivity
2001: Rapp Ricciardi, Max: Projektpsykologi. Produktutveckling ur människans perspektiv.
2001: Swerlander, Agneta: Imitation in early childhood
2001: Pousette, Anders: Feedback and stress in human service organizations
2001: Strömwall, Leif: Deception Detection: Moderating factors and accuracy
2000: Söderpalm, Anna: Taste hedonics and the intake of alcohol and food
2000: Friman, Margareta: Effects of critical incidents on consumer satisfaction
2000: Kulich, Károly: Interpersonal skills in the dentist-patient relationship. The art of dentistry.
2000: Veisson, Marika: Disabled children. The psychological status of parents and the social network of siblings.
2000: Boe, Ole: Factors affecting integration of outcomes of concurrent decisions.
2000: Nevonen, Lauri: Emergence, assessment and treatment of eating disorders
2000: Wide Boman, Ulla: Turner Syndrome. Psychological and social aspects of a sex-chromosome disorders.
1999: Kylén, Sven: Interaktionsmönster i arbetsgrupper – offensiva och defensiva handlingsrutiner
1999: Eek, Daniel: Distributive justice and cooperation in real-life social dilemmas
1999: Gustafsson, Mathias: Explanations of effects of resource uncertainty in social dilemmas
1998: Ullstadius, Eva: Exploring early imitation
1998: Hellström, Christina: Subjective time and temporality in conditions of pain
1998: Ingelgård, Anders: On macroergonomics and learning strategies in improving working conditions
1998: Nilsson, Sven-Erik: Barns beslutsfattande under säkerhet och risk
1998: Karlsson, Niklas: Influences of prior outcomes on intertemporal choices
1998: Lindahl B, Lisbeth: Gender and age related developmenal processes during infancy
1998: Hassing, Linda: Episodic memory functioning in nonagenarians. Effects of demographic factors, vitamin status, depression and dementia.
1998: Tjus, Tomas: Language and literacy acquisition in children with developmental and learning disabilities
1998: degl´Innocenti, Alessio: Source memory and executive functioning. Influences of normal aging, depression and serotonergic activity.
1998: Johansson-Hidén, Birgitta: Analyzing talk in the workplace group: Dynamics, dominance and coherence
1998: Erling, Ann: Psychological development in children of short stature
1997: Kalén, Tomas: Usability in context. A psychological and social pragmatic perspective.
1997: Taft, Charles: Generality aspects of color naming and color meaning.
1997: Bergman, Bodil: Women among men. Gender-related stress and health hazard affecting women in a male-dominated industry.
1997: Norlander, Torsten: Alcohol and the creative process. Frameworks of influence by alcohol upon creative performance.
1997: Fransson, Niklas: The experience of immoral events.
1997: Romanus, Joakim: Principles for integration of prior outcomes in risky decisions.
1997: Kristensen, Henrik: Anchor points and reference points in negotiations.
1997: Samuelsson, Hans: Visuospatial neglect: Attentional deficits and anatomical correlates.
1997: Almquist, Kjerstin: Refugee children. Effects of organised violence and forced migration on young children´s psychological health and development.
1996: Nordström-Erlandsson, Berit: Risk and resilience during the neonatal period.
1996: Nilzon, Kjell R.: Childhood depressive disorders: Social withdrawal, anxiety and familiar aspects.
1996: Jansson, Bengt: Behavioural aspects of computer based assistive technology for the visually impaired.
1996: H. Bergvall, Åsa: Aggressive behaviour in the rat: Neuroendocrine determinants and relationship to voluntary alcohol consumption.
1996: Tunsäter, Alf: Psychosocial factors in newly diagnosed bronchial asthma.
1996: Granhag, Pär Anders: Realism in confidence judgements of semantic and episodic knowledge.
1996: Dahlgren Sandberg, Annika: Literacy abilities in nonvocal children with celebral palsy.
1996: Wickberg, Birgitta: Postnatal depression. Prevalence, identification and treatment.
1995: Innala, Sune: Structure and development of homophobia.
1995: Ernulf, Kurt: Sexual attraction and its variants.
1994: Fahlke, Claudia: Alcohol consumption in the rat: modulation by adrenal steroids and mesotelencephalic dopamine.
1994: Johansson, Jan Å: Psychological factors at work and their relation to musculoskeletal symptoms.
1994: Willén, Helena: The child-bearing decision: Motivational aspects, process characteristics and consequences of the decision.
1994: Selart, Marcus: Preference reversals in judgement and choice: The prominence effect.
1993: Fors, Zelma: Obalans i makt. Fallstudier av barn-mobbning.
1993: Vega Matuszczyk, Josefa: The differentiation of sexual behaviour and partner preferences of the male rat.
1992: Hallberg, Lillemor: Hearing impairment, coping and perceived handicap in middle-aged individuals with acquired hearing loss: An interactional perspective.
1991: Thorslund, Christer: A dimensional model of family functioning and dysfunctioning.
1991: Eriksson-Mangold, Maud: Adaptation to acquired hearing loss. The handicap experience and its determinants.
1991: Persson, Olle: Att leva som småföretagare. En studie om företagande, livssituation och stress
1991: Hemlin, Sven: Quality in Science. Researchers' conceptions and judgements.
1990: Torell, Gunilla: Children's conception of large-scale environments.
1990: Erlandsson, Soly: Tinnitus: Tolerance or threat? Psychological and psychophysiological perspectives.
1989: Broberg, Anders: Child care and early development; A longitudinal study of child care, and its effects on child development.
1989: Dahlgren, Lena: Effects of perinatal alcohol exposure on reproductive behaviours and behavioral development in rats.
1988: Adrianson, Lillemor: Psychological studies of attitudes to and use of computer-mediated communication.
1988: Persson, Lars-Olof: Mood and expectation.
1988: Olsson, Gudrun: The patient-therapist relation with emphasis on transference and counter-transference.
1988: Hedelin, Lisbeth: The form/content distinction in preschoolers' spoken communication, with some observations on its relevance to literacy.
1988: Währborg, Peter: After stroke. Behavioural changes and therapeutic interventions in aphasics and their relatives following stroke.
1985: Möller, Anders: Psykologiska aspekter på infertilitet.
1985: Johansson, Boo: Memory and memory measurement in old age. Memory structure, context and metamemory.
1984: Aronson, Marita: Children of alcoholic mothers.
1984: Esbjörnsson, Eva: Personlighet och smärta. Psykologiska faktorers betydelse för arbetsåtergång hos patienter med kroniska ländryggsbesvär.
1984: Svensson, Lennart: Monoaminergic neurotransmission and behaviour. Serotonergic and dopaminergic mechanisms in the mediation of sexual behaviour and an acoustic startle response in the male rat as evaluated by means of ergot and ergotlike drugs.
1983: Biel, Anders: Children's spatial knowledge of their home environment.
1983: Larsson, Gerry: Labelling and identity: The case of public labelling in late adolescence and self-labelling processes. (Consequence of public labelling in late adolescence on identity.)
1983: Hjelmquist, Elisabeth: Psychological aspects of classification and abstraction in aphasics.
1982: Norrgren, Flemming: Managements attitudes towards participation.
1982: Allwood, Carl-Martin: Knowledge, technique and detection of errors in statistical problem solving.
1982: Sökjer-Petersen, Marianne: Den primärkommunala socialvårdens organisation.
1982: Palmérus, Kerstin: Psychological aspects of infants with low rate of weight gain.
1982: Herloff, Birgitta: Orsaker bakom en sjukfrånvaroökning.
1982: Blomkvist, Anna-Christina: Undersökning rörande effekten av grafisk resp. Numerisk presentation av sannolikhet.
1981: Rödholm, Margareta: Early mother-infant and father-infant interaction.
1981: Ekberg, Per Håkan: A model of natural reasoning with syllogisms.
1981: Hwang, Carl-Philip: Parent-infant interaction during the first eight months of life.
1980: Appel, Claus-Peter: On individual differences in diurnal rhythm: Assessment and practical significance.
1980: Frankenberg, Ken: Fritid i en kommun. Studie av motiv för val av fritids- och friluftsaktiviteter.
1980: Fasth, Bengt-Göran: En jämförelse mellan Bromazepam och Thioridazin i samband med terapeutisk behandling av neuroser. Psykofarmakologisk effektevaluering.
1980: Hansen, Stefan: The neuroendocrine control of lordosis behaviour in the rat.
1980: Lindberg, Dick: Management of schizophrenia. Long-term clinical studies with special reference to the combination of psychotherapy with depot neuroleptics.
1979: Dahlöf, Lars-Gösta: Sensory stimulation and masculine sexual behaviour of the male rat.
1979: Berg, Stig: Psychological functioning in 70- and 75-year-old-people.
1978: Ben-Menachem, Michael: Relaxation and its clinical application.
1978: Gerdner, Mattias: Psykologiska reaktioner vid datorisering.
1978: Svensson, Erland: Mood: its structure and measurements.
1977: Eriksson, Carl-Gunnar: On the psychophysiology of heart rhythms.
1977: Salay, Ferenc: Measurements of cathectic energies in normal and neurotic personalities.
1977: Carlsson, Sven G: Biofeedback in the treatment of tension. Applications in dentistry.
1976: Andersson, Gösta: Towards a unifying theory of assertiveness. Empirical studies of the construct of assertiveness with theoretical implications for treatment of neurotic disorders.
1976: Werthén, Hans-Erik: Sjömannen och hans yrke - en socialpsykologisk under-sökning av trivsel och arbetsförhållanden på svenska handelsfartyg.
1975: Wallin, Torbjörn: Beteendemodifikation och studieaktivitet på låg- och mellanstadiet.
1975: Johansson, Marianne: Influence of treatment and change of climate in women with rheumatic arthritis. A controlled prospective study of psychological, medical and social effects.
1975: Örtendahl, Monica: Studies in delay processes.
1975: Montgomery, Henry: Direct scaling: Category scales, magnitude scales and their relation.
1975: Brenner, Sten-Olof: Formal structure of messages and discourse related to personality.
1975: Hjelmquist, Erland: Functions of messages and discourses related to personality in dyadic communication
1974: Södersten, Per: Studies on the hormonal regulation of masculine sexual behaviour patterns in female and male rats.
1974: Frodi, Ann: On the elicitation and control of aggressive behavior.
1974: Sivik, Lars: Studies of color-meaning.
1974: Fällström, Kerstin: On the personality structure of diabetic school-children. Aged 7-15 years.
1974: Ahlenius, Sven: Neurochemical control of behaviours. On the functional significance of druginduced changes in central catecholomine receptor activation.
1974: Hård, Ernest: Drickningsmönstret hos råtta och dess modulering genom smak och tidigare erfarenhet.
1974: Schaller, Joseph: The relation between geographic mobility and school behaviour.
1973: Gordan, Kurt: Behandlingsforskning på en ungdomsvårdsinstitution.
1972: Fhanér, Stig: Item sampling models for achievement testing.
1970: Löwenhard, Percy: Beiträge zur Filteranalyse des menschlichen Enzephalogramms.
1967: Jerkdal, Åke: Top management education
1967: Adolfson, John: Human performance and behaviour in hyperbaric environments.
1967: Helander, Jan: On age and mental test behaviour.
1966: Holley, Jasper W: Studies related to Q-R factoring.
1964: Alin, Lars H.: Experimental studies in verbal versus figural learning and retention.
1963: Rubenowitz, Sigvard: Emotional flexibility-rigidity as a comprehensive dimension of mind. An empirical study of a construct, and its psychological and social implications.
1958: Stukat, Karl-Gustaf: Suggestibility. A factorial and experimental analysis.
1956: Sandels, Stina: Utvecklingspsykologiska beteendestudier hos barn i åldern 1 1/2 - 8 1/2 år.
1956: Franklin, Erik: Tonality a basis for the study of musical talent.
1956: Larsson, Knut: Conditioning and sexual behaviour in the male albino rat.
1953: Ögren, Gustaf: Trends in English teachers´ training from 1800. A survey and an investigation.
1952: Magne, Olof: Perception and learning. Experimental studies in the similarities and dissimilarities between perception and learning tests.
1952: Wictorin, Mauritz: Bidrag till räknefärdighetens psykologi. En tvillingundersökning.
1951: Björsjö, Märta: Om spatial, teknisk och praktisk begåvning. Bidrag till en kvalitativ och kvantitativ analys.
1950: Trankell, Arne: Vänsterhänthet hos barn i skolåldern.
1949: Källén, Elov: Uppmärksamhetsförloppens psykologi. En översikt och experimentella bidrag.
1949: Ulin, Carin: Handaktivitetens utveckling under förskoleåldern.
1947: Dahlgren, Olov: Bidrag till språkfaktorernas psykologi.
1946: Norinder, Yngve: Twin differences in writing performance. A study of heredity and school training.
1946: Lindahl, Rikard: Inlärningsprocesser. En kritisk översikt och psykologisk analys.
1934: Elmgren, John: Minnets funktion, struktur och utveckling.