Emotion Seminar at Gothenburg University (EMOGU)
Här hittar du seminarier som anordnas av forskargruppen inom Emotionssociologi. Seminarierna är öppna för alla med intresse för emotioners roll i sociala interaktioner, beteenden och handlande, i såväl små grupper som i större kollektiva sammanhang och på samhällsnivå.
EMOGU Seminarier 2024
Alla seminarier hålls på engelska om inte annat anges. Om du planerar att delta online, kontakta arrangören.
October 18
Title: Sustainability and inclusion? Affective resistance to accessible open space planning
Presenter: Yvonne Weichuli, PhD in Disability Studies, University of Kassel
When: 13:15-15:00
Where: Department of Sociology and Work Science, Room F417 & online
November 29
Title: Far-Right Ecology and Geopolitical Resentment at Europe’s Periphery
Presenter: Mihaela Mihai, Professor of Political Theory, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh & Camil Ungureanu, Sara Hunter Associate Professor of Political Philosophy, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)
When: 13:15-15:00
Where: Department of Sociology and Work Science, Room F417 & online
December 6
Title: What does it feel to be an ethnic performer, and how can performers’ emotions reveal the politics of inequality in contemporary China?
Presenter: Jingyu Mao, PhD and Lecturer in Sociology, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh
When: 13:15-15:00
Where: Department of Sociology and Work Science, Room F417 & online