Göteborgs universitet
Black Lives Matter
Foto: Unsplash (Gayatri Malhotra)

Seminarier om civilsamhälle, sociala rörelser och motstånd

Forskningsgruppen anordnar öppna seminarier och workshops med syfte att utveckla och fördjupa förståelsen av sociala rörelser, motstånd och social förändring. I över tio år har vi bjudit in nationella och internationella forskare att presentera sina arbeten.


Forum for civil society and social movement research (CSM) and The Resistance Studies research group (RESIST).

When and where

All seminars will be held in room F417, Skanstorget 18, at 13.15-15 unless otherwise noted.

Most seminars are also hybrid, unless otherwise stated. If you intend to join us via zoom, please notify us via e-mail

Seminars will be held in English unless otherwise noted.

For participation via zoom, write to hakan.thorn@gu.se or Mattias.wahlstrom@gu.se

Thursday 8 February

PM-seminar: Motherhood and Anti-Gender Movements in Germany and Sweden
Presenter: Isabel Köhler, University of Gothenburg
Discussants: Lotte Schack and Oksana Shmulyar Gréen

Isabel Köhler is a PhD student in Sociology at the Department for Sociology and Work Science. In her PhD thesis, she is going to study motherhood as a discourse and political identity in Germany’s and Sweden’s anti-gender movements.

Thursday 7 March

Title: The Battle for Climate Change: Morality, Nature and the Visual Politics of Environmental Conflict
Presenter: Maria Langa, University of Copenhagen

María Langa is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Sociology Department of Copenhagen University since 2023. She got her PhD in Sociology at Uppsala University (Sweden) in 2020 and her Master’s degree in Media and Communication at Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina) in 2015. She works in the fields of environmental sociology, sociology of morality and social movement studies. Her research focuses on environmental politics, visual and digital communication, nature and moral values.

Wednesday 3 April

Title: Rage Against the Machine
Presenter: Dominique Routhier, University of Southern Denmark

Dominique Routhier is an art theorist and postdoctoral researcher currently employed at the University of Southern Denmark, and an affiliate of Danish Institute of Advanced Studies. His writings have appeared in Scandinavian and international journals such as K&K, Paletten, Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, Historical Materialism and New Left Review. His recent book With and Against: the Situationist International in the Age of Automation (Verso: October 2023) reexamines the history of the mid-century avantgarde as it intersects with the cultural history of cybernetics and automation.  

Wednesday 24 April

Title: Why Does Anonymous Persist? (And Why Does That Matter?)
Philip K. Creswell, University of Gothenburg

Philip K. Creswell is a newly minted Senior Lecturer at the University of Gothenburg’s Department for Sociology and Work Science. His dissertation was an interrogation of theoretical approaches to understanding digital collective action grounded in a three-year ethnography of the hacktivist scene that calls itself Anonymous. He’s interested in the study of social movements and microstructural theories of social movement activity (digitally mediated and otherwise), but if left alone with any sociological topic long enough, he will write a paper about it.

Wednesday 8 May

Book release seminar: Pathways to violence against migrants: time, space and far-right violence in Sweden 2012–2017
Presenter: Måns Lundstedt, University of Gothenburg
Discussant: Mattias Wahlström, University of Gothenburg
Room: K002

Lundstedt presents his new book, Pathways to violence against migrants: time, space and far-right violence in Sweden 2012–2017. For more info see https://www.routledge.com/Pathways-to-Violence-Against-Migrants-Space-Time-and-Far-Right-Violence/Lundstedt/p/book/9781032436418 

Måns Lundstedt is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Sociology and Work Science at the University of Gothenburg. His research concerns contentious politics, migration, and political violence. In his book, Lundstedt interprets violent protest against the accommodation and settlement of humanitarian refugees as the result of complex and diverse trajectories at the intersection of local grievances and national-level far-right campaigns. Looking at how violence emerges from processes of mostly nonviolent interactions among neighbours, friends, activists, and their opponents among anti-racists and public authorities, he identifies six distinct pathways to violence.

Thursday 23 May

Mid-Seminar:Autonomous Space: Squatting, Urban Movements, and Creative Urban Governance in Contemporary Ljubljana
Presenter: Nathan Siegrist, University of Gothenburg

Discussants: Miguel Martinez Lopes, Uppsala University, Sarah Philipson Isaac, University of Gothenburg

Nathan Siegrist is a PhD student in sociology at the Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg. In his research, Nathan seeks to investigate how urban movements, squats and autonomous spaces influence urban development in contemporary Europe. For these purposes, he has a particular interest in current developments in Central and Eastern Europe.

Miguel A. Martínez (BA-MA Sociology and Political Science, University Complutense of Madrid, Spain; PhD Political Science, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain) is Professor of Housing and Urban Sociology at the IBF (Institute for Housing and Urban Research), Uppsala University (Sweden). He is the author of Squatters in the Capitalist City (Routledge, 2020), editor of The Urban Politics of Squatters' Movements (Palgrave, 2018), and co-editor of Contested Cities and Urban Activism (Palgrave, 2019). Most of his publications are freely available at: www.miguelangelmartinez.net

Sarah Philipson is a PhD student in sociology at the Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg. In May 2024 she defends her PhD thesis, which examines how time and temporalities of migration are expressed and experienced among people who have sought asylum under the temporary law.

Thursday 13 June

Title: Radical Rhetoric: How the Police and Mass Media Shape Perceptions of Climate Activism.
Presenter: Jessica Lang, European University Institute

Jessica Lang is a PhD researcher at the European University Institute in Florence. She tries to limit herself to studying dynamics between climate justice grassroots, mass media, and public opinion. World is yet an exciting place that calls for being explored, so she occasionally touches upon other topics such as police repression, voting and electoral behaviour, discourse and narratology, and intersectionality.