
Alkohol- och narkotikaproblem 1

Substance use and misuse 1

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Om litteraturlistan

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Hösttermin 2024 (2024-09-02)

Litteraturlistan är fastställd vid Institutionen för socialt arbete av proprefekt 2020-06-29, med ändring 2022-05-31, 2024-05-13 att gälla från höstterminen 2024.

* Observera! Nedanstående kurslitteratur kan ha utkommit i senare upplagor/år. Vid kursstart gäller senaste upplaga.

Bacchi, Carol (2018) Drug problematizations and politics: Deploying a poststructural analytic strategy. Contemporary Drug Problems, 45(1): 3–14. 12 s.

Bacon, Matthew (2024). From criminalisation to harm reduction? The forms and functions of police drug diversion in England and Wales. Policing and Society34(3), 105–123. 18 s.

Berg, Karin, Petersson, Frida, & Skårner, Anette. (2021). Keeping significant concerned others at distance in compulsory treatment for people with substance use in Sweden. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy 8 s.

Bourgois, Philippe (2000) Disciplining addictions: The bio-politics of methadone and heroin in the United States. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 24:165–195. 30 s.

Bruland Selseng, Lillian (2015): Focus on the young ones: Discourses on substance abuse and age. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 32 (3): 277-293.17s.

Finsrud, Ingvild, Nissen-Lie, Helena A., Vrabel, Karianne, Hostmaelingen, Andreas, Wampold, Bruce E., & Ulevenes, Pål G. (2021). It’s the therapist and the treatment: The structure of common therapeutic relationship factors. Psychotherapy Research, 12 s.

Fuchs Ebaugh, Helen Rose (1988) Becoming an Ex: The process of role exit. Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press. (ca 100 valfria sidor).

Harris, Shana (2016). To Be Free and Normal: Addiction, Governance, and the Therapeutics of Buprenorphine. Medical Anthropology, 29(4): 512–530 18 s.

Järvinen, Margaretha & Bloch, Charlotte (2017) Sympathy and misery in families with drinking problems. Acta Sociologica, 60(1): 75–88.
14 s.

Järvinen, Margaretha (2001): ”Accounting for Trouble: Identity Negotiations in Qualitative Interviews with Alcoholics” i Symbolic Interaction 24 (3). ss. 263-284. 22 s.

Karlsen, Mads Peter, & Villadsen, Kaspar (2008). Who should do the talking? The proliferation of dialogue as governmental technology, Culture and Organization, 14:4, 345-363 18 s.

Kolind, Torsten, Betsy Thom & Geoffrey Hunt (2017) The SAGE Handbook of Drug and Alcohol Studies. Valda delar. 200 s.

Lindgren, Sven-Åke (1993) Den hotfulla njutningen. Att etablera narkotika som samhällsproblem 1890- 1970. Stockholm: Symposion graduale. Ca 100 valfria sidor (fri nedladdning via Gupea).

Ljungberg, Amanda, Anne Denhov & Alain Topor (2015) Non-helpful relationships with professionals – a literature review of the perspective of persons with severe mental illness. Journal of Mental Health, 25, 3: 267-277. DOI: 10.3109/09638237.2015.1101427 11 s.

Magill, Molly, Martino, Steve, & Wampold, Bruce E. (2022). Goal setting and monitoring with alcohol and other drug use disorders:Principles and practices. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 132, 10 s.

McKenna, Stacey (2011) Maintaining class, producing gender: Enhancement discourses about amphetamine in entertainment media. International Journal of Drug Policy, 22(6): 455–462. 8 s.

Miller, Jody & Carbone-Lopez, Kristin (2015): ”Beyond ’Doing Gender’: Incorporating Race, Class, Place, and Life Transitions into Feminist Drug Research” i Substance Use & Misuse 50 (6). ss. 693707. 15 s.

Nettleton, Sarah, Neale, Joanne, Pickering, Lucy (2012) ‘I just want to be normal’: An analysis of discourses of normality among recovering heroin users. Health 17(2):174-190. 16 s.

Orford, Jim, Velleman, Richard, Copello, Alex, Templeton, Lorna & Ibanga, Akandiomo (2010): “The experiences of affected family members: A summary of two decades of qualitative research” i Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 17 (1). ss. 44-62. 19 s.

Paik, Leslie (2006): “Are You Truly a Recovering Dope Fiend? Local Interpretive Practices at a Therapeutic Community Drug Treatment Program” i Symbolic Interaction 29 (2). ss. 213-234. 22 s.

Petersson, Frida (2013) Excusing exclusion. Accounting for rule-breaking and sanctions in a Swedish methadone clinic. International Journal of Drug Policy, 24(6): 99–104. 5s.

Skårner, Anette & Billquist, Leila (2016): ”A two-way process: the client-keyworker relationship and its dynamics in coercive drug treatment” i Nordic Social Work Research 6 (1). 12 s.

Skårner, Anette, & Svensson, Bengt (2022) Women’s and men’s stories about sex and intimate relationships in long-term recovery from problematic drug use. In Galvani,S, Alastair,R, Clayson, A (ed) Long term recovery from substance use: European perspectives. Bristol: Policy Press University of Bristol 13 s.

Snertingdal, Mette Irmgard (2013). Brief alcohol interventions in Norwegian natal care: a neoliberal mode of governing and social consequences. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 13:1, 36-43 7 s.

Storbjörk, Jessica, Garfield, Joshua B. B. & Larner, Andrew (2017) Implications of Eligibility Criteria on the Generalizability of Alcohol and Drug Treatment Outcome Research: A Study of Real-World Treatment Seekers in Sweden and in Australia, Substance Use & Misuse, 52:4, 439-450, DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2016.1240695. 12 s.

Svensson, Johan & Hanna Enefalk (2012) Totalkonsumtionsmodellen – en kort beskrivning. I Storbjörk, Jessica (red.) Samhället, alkoholen och drogerna. Politik, konstruktioner och dilemman. Stockholm: Stockholms universitets förlag. s. 63-70. 8 s. Fri nedladdning via:

Topor, Alain, Skogens, Lisa & von Greiff, Ninive (2018) "Building trust and recovery capital: the professionals’ helpful practice". Advances in Dual Diagnosis, 0022 12 s.

Valentine, Kylie & Fraser, Suzanne (2008): “Trauma, damage and pleasure: Rethinking problematic drug use” i International Journal of Drug Policy 19 (5). ss. 410-416. 7 s.

Waquant, Loïc (1990) Review: Exiting Roles or Exiting Role Theory? Critical Notes on Ebaugh's "Becoming an Ex". Act Sociologica, 33(4): 397-404. 8 s.

Winter, Katarina & Edman, Johan. (2022) Förnuft och känsla: Kunskapsbruk hos gårdagens förbudskritiker och dagens alkoholliberaler. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 39(3), s. 240-261. 21 s.