Anden och den kristna gemenskapen: pneumatologi och ecklesiologi
Spirit and Community: Pneumatology and the Theology of the Church
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Vårtermin 2025 (2025-01-20)
RT2322 Spirit and Community: Pneumatology and the Theology of the Church Spring 2025
Simeon Zahl
The Holy Spirit and Christian Experience, Oxford University Press, 2020, 272 pp.
St. Basil the Great
On the Holy Spirit, St. Vladimir’s Seminary
Press, 2011, 128 pp; or in Swedish,
Om den heliga Anden, Artos, 2018, 124 pp.
St. Athanasius and Didymus the Blind
Works on the Spirit, St Vladimir’s
Seminary Press, 2011, 240 pp.
Vladimir Lossky
The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church, James Clarke & Co, 1991, 252
pp; or in Swedish, Östkyrkans mystiska teologi, Artos, 2011, 225 pp. (in selection)
Further articles, chapters and extracts will be posted online.