
Arbete - i ekonomiskt och historiskt perspektiv

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Arbete och klass i ekonomisk teori och idéhistoria

Erik Olin Wright: “Understanding Class: Towards an Integrated Analytical Approach”, New Left Review 60 (2009):

Klasskamp och arbetarrörelsens uppkomst

Marcel Van der Linden: Workers of the World: Essays toward a Global Labor History – kapitel 3, 9 & 11:

Anne Berg: “The market and the making: The economics of the first workers’ associations in nineteenth-century Sweden”, Social History 45 (2020):

Arbetarrörelsen och klasskampens nya former

Marissa Brookes & Jamie McCallum (2017): "The New Global Labour Studies: A Critical Review" Global Labour Journal 8(3):

D. Fleming & H. Søborg (2014). "The debate on globalization and international revitalization of labour". Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 4(1), 53-68:

Steffen Lehndorff, Heiner Dribbusch and Thorsten Schulten (2018) "European trade unions in a time of crises — an overview" i Rough waters: European trade unions in a time of crises, s 7-38:

Guy Standing: “Att definiera prekariatet”, Fronesis tema-nummer om Klass tillgänglig online:


Marcel Van der Linden, Workers of the World: Essays toward a Global Labor History – kapitel 4: https://ebookcentral-proquest-

Sven Beckert & Seth Rockman: “Introduction” till Slavery’s Capitalism: A New Economic History of American Economic Development: https://www-jstor-

David Eltis & Stanley Engerman: Cambridge World History of Slavery, vol. 3, kapitel 1: slavery/dependence-servility-and-coerced-labor-in-time-and- space/440CA1AC25ACB143B9AE8C42B28792EF

Klas Rönnbäck: "Were slaves cheap laborers? A comparative study of labor costs in the antebellum US South", Labor History 62 (2021)

Klass, arbete och alienation

Melanie Archer and Judith R. Blau (1993) "Class Formation in Nineteenth-Century America: The Case of the Middle Class". Annual Review of Sociology , 1993, Vol. 19 (1993), pp. 17-41:

John Krinsky (2007) "Constructing Workers: Working-Class Formation under Neoliberalism". Qual Sociology 30: 343-360:

Marco van Leeuwen & Ineke Maas (2010): ”Historical Studies of Social Mobility and Stratification”, Annual Review of Sociology, 36 (2010): 429-451:

Flemming Mikkelsen (2005) "Working-class formation in Europe and forms of integration: history and theory", Labor History, 46:3, 277-306:

Arbete, maskiner och automatisering

Carl Benedikt Frey: The Technology Trap: Capital, Labor and Power in the Age of Automation (Princeton UP, 2019), kap. 5 samt kap. 8-11.

Genusarbetsdelning & reproduktivt arbete

Burnette, J., 2021. “Why we shouldn’t measure women’s labour force participation in pre-industrial countries”. Economic History of Developing Regions, 36(3), pp.422-427:

Jane Whittle, “A Critique of Approaches to ‘Domestic Work’: Women, Work and the Pre- Industrial Economy”, Past & Present 243(1): 35-70, https://doi-

Arbete och välfärdsstat

Esping‐Andersen, G., 1989. ”The three political economies of the welfare state”. International Journal of Sociology, Fall, 1990, Vol. 20, No. 3.

Lindert, P.H., 2004. Growing public: Volume 1, the story: Social spending and economic growth since the eighteenth century (Vol. 1). Cambridge University Press. Chapters 1 and 2

Lundberg, U. and Åmark, K., 2001. “Social rights and social security: The Swedish welfare state, 1900-2000”. Scandinavian journal of history, 26(3), pp.157-176:

Stanfors, M., 2014. “Women in a changing economy: the misleading tale of participation rates in a historical perspective”. The History of the Family, 19(4), pp.513-536:

Arbetstid och arbetskritik

David Frayne (2022) The Refusal of Work. The Theory and Practice of Resistance to Work, Bloomsbury Academic

Eliane Glaser (2014), “Beyond Bullshit Jobs”, Soundings, pp. 82-94,

Ighe, Ann. 2013. ”Jämställdhet genom varublivande?” I: BORG, K. (red.) After Work - Farväl till arbetslinjen. Stockholm: Verbal.