
Biblioterapi i teori och praktik

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I bokform:

McCarty Hynes, Arleen & Hynes-Berry, Mary, Biblio/Poetry Therapy – The Interactive Process. A Handbook [1986], Clearwater: North Star Press of St. Cloud, 2012

Pettersson, Cecilia, Biblioterapi. Hälsofrämjande läsning i teori och praktik, Stockholm: Appell Förlag, 2020

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På Canvas:

Ett antal vetenskapliga artiklar samt utdrag ur vetenskapliga verk på max 500 sidor tillkommer, bland annat följande:

Baker, Kathleen C & Mazza, Nicholas “The Healing Power of Writing. Applying the Expressive/Creative Component of Poetry Therapy”, Journal of Poetry Therapy, 17, 2004:3, 141-154

Bowman, Ted, “Potential Misuses of Poetry Therapy: A Process for Reflecting on Practice”, Journal of Poetry Therapy, 17, 2004:4, 223-230,

Brewster, Elisabeth, An Investigation of Experiences of Reading for Mental Health and Well-Being and their Relation to Models of Bibliotherapy (diss.), Sheffield: University of Sheffield, 2011, s 11-27

Dysart-Gale, Deborah, »Lost in Translation. Bibliotherapy and Evidence-based Medicine«, Journal of Medical Humanities, 29, 2008:1, 33-43

Kacewicz, Eva et al, Expressive Writing: An Alternative to Traditional Methods”, Low-Cost Interventions to Promote Physical and Mental Health: Theory, Research and Practice, red: Luciano L'Abate, Springer, 271-284

McNicols, Sara, “Bibliotherapy and Graphic Medicine“, Bibliotherapy, red. Sarah McNicols & Liz Brewster, London: Facet Publishing, 2018, 23-40

Morawski, Cynthia M. & Jenelle N. Gilbert, “Developmental Interactive Bibliotherapy: Feminist Methodology in an Undergraduate Course”, College Teaching, 48, 2000:3, 108-115

Pettersson, Cecilia, “Classics, Illness Narratives or Fantasy? Literature Selection in Bibliotherapy”, Nordic Journal of Library and Informational Studies, 4, 2023:2, 56-71

Punzi, Elisabeth & Hagen, Niclas, “The Incorporation of Literature Into Clinical Practice”, The Humanistic Psychologist, 45, 2017:1, 49-61

Shecthman, Zipora, “The Contribution of Bibliotherapy to the Counseling of Aggressive Boys”, Psychotherapy Research, 16, 2006:5, 645-651, DOI: 10.1080/10503300600591312

Walwyn, Olivia & Rowley, Jennifer, »The Value of Therapeutic Reading Groups Organized by Public Libraries«, Library & Information Science Research, 33, 2011, 302-312

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