

Image analysis

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Vårtermin 2025 (2025-01-20)

Bo-A. Rhee, Federico Pianzola, Jongwon Choi, Wooseok Hyung & Jinsoo Hwang, Visual content analysis of visitors’ engagement with an instagrammable exhibition, Museum Management and Curatorship, 37.6 (2022): 583-597.

Bätschmann, Oskar, A Guide to Interpretation: Art Historical Hermeneutics, i: Claire Farago & Robert Zwijnenberg (eds.), Compelling Visuality. The Work of Art in and out of History, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London, 2003.

Elkins, James (red.), Visual practices across the university, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München, 2007. (pdf i Canvas)

Engel, Antke, “Queer Reading as Power Play: Methodological Considerations for Discourse Analysis of Visual Material” Qualitative Inquiry 25.4 (2019): 338-49.

Kress, Gunther R. & Van Leeuwen, Theo, Reading images: the grammar of visual design, 3. ed., Routledge, London, 2021.

Machin, David & Mayr, Andrea, How to do critical discourse analysis: a multimodal introduction, Sage, London, 2012.

Martinez Lirola, Maria, ‘Approaching Masculinity in Dolce & Gabbana Advertising: A Visual Critical Discourse Analysis’, Brno studies in English, 49.1 (2023): 33–53.

Mohammed, Shan, Elizabeth Peter, Tieghan Killackey, and Jane Maciver. “The “nurse as Hero” Discourse in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Poststructural Discourse Analysis.” International Journal of Nursing Studies 117, 2021: 103887.

O’Reilly, Jennifer, “Two Pages from the Book of Kells” i Elkins, James (red.), Visual practices across the university, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München, 2007. S 164-169.

Pauwels, Luc, and Dawn Mannay. The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods. Second ed., SAGE Publications, Limited, 2020. E-bok UB.

von Rosen, Astrid, 2021. “Scenographing the Dance Archive - Keep Crawling!”, in Astrid von Rosen and Viveka Kjellmer (eds.), Scenography and Art History: Performance Design and Visual Culture, London: Bloomsbury, 29-46. 2021. E-bok UB.

Sturken, Marita & Cartwright, Lisa, Practices of looking: an introduction to visual culture, 3. ed., Oxford University Press, New York, 2018.

Wagner, Karin. "Reading Packages: Social Semiotics on the Shelf." Visual Communication, 14.2 (2015): 193-220.

Wölfflin, Heinrich, Principles of art history: the problem of the development of style in later art, Dover, New York, 1950, first 40 pages. (På Svenska: Wölfflin, H. Konsthistoriska grundbegrepp. Utdrag 40 s. PDF)