
Digitala konstvärldar

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Hösttermin 2024 (2024-09-02)

Bassnett, S. (2024) ‘TREVOR PAGLEN'S BORDER ABSTRACTIONS IN THE AGE OF MACHINE VISION’, Photographies, 17(1–2), pp. 25–42. (17 s)

Brodsky, Judith K. (2022). Dismantling the patriarchy, bit by bit: art, feminism, and digital technology. London: Bloomsbury visual arts. E-bok UB. Kap 4, 5, 7 (32 s)

Dekker, Annet (2014) “Assembling Traces, or the Conservation of Net Art.” NECSUS, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 171–193. (22 s)

Hertz, Garnet, and Jussi Parikka (2012) “Zombie Media: Circuit Bending Media Archaeology into an Art Method.” Leonardo, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 424–430. (7 s)

Johansson, Karl-Magnus (2014) ”Bland våra flikar”, Ord&Bild nr 1-2, 2014. (2 s)

Johansson, Karl-Magnus (2018) “Inscription: An Expanded Editor's Note", in Johansson (ed.) Inscription. Göteborg, Sweden: Regional State Archives in Gothenburg (41 s)

Manovich, Lev (2024) “Separate and Reassemble: Generative AI Through the Lens of Art and Media Histories”, i Artificial Aesthetics, Lev Manovich and Emanuele Arielli. (26 s)

Kane, Carolyn L. (2019) High-Tech Trash : Glitch, Noise, and Aesthetic Failure. University of California Press. E-bok UB. (Kap 1, 5, 46 s)

Paul, Christiane (2023) Digital Art [Elektronisk resurs]. London: Thames & Hudson. E-bok UB. (358 s)

Understanding New Media Arts, Kapitel 2. Visual Analysis and New Media Art (10 s)

Vierkant, Artie (2013) "The Image Object Post-Internet", in Johansson (ed.) Communicating the Archive: Physical Migration, Göteborg (originally on: ) 11 s

Vikhagen, Arne Kjell (2019) This game is broken: a note on fractures, glitches and dysfunctional rule systems in ludic art (10 s)

Vikhagen, Arne Kjell (2017). When art is put into play: a practice-based research project on game art (ArtMonitor doctoral dissertations and licentiate thesis ; 65). Göteborg: ArtMonitor. S 7-23 (historisk översikt över spelkonst, 17 s).

Wagner, Karin (2003) Fotografi som digital bild. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis (kap 5 om Balder Olrik, 75 s)

Zylinska, Joanna (2023) ‘Art in the age of artificial intelligence’, Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science), 381(6654), pp. 139–140. (2 s)

Zylinska, Joanna (2023).The perception machine: our photographic future between the eye and AI. Cambridge, Massachussetts: The MIT Press. Introduction: Photo Flows in the Perception Machine (19 s)

Totalt: 695 s