Etnologiska perspektiv och etnografiska metoder
Ethnological Perspectives and Ethnographic Methods
Om litteraturlistan
Back, Les (2007) The art of listening. Oxford: Berg
Couldry, Nick (2000) Inside culture: re-imagining the method of cultural studies. London: Sage. (Finns som fulltext via universtitetsbiblioteket)
Jönsson, Lars-Erik & Fredrik Nilsson (red) (2017) Kulturhistoria. En Etnologisk metodbok. Lund: Lund Studies in Arts and Cultural Sciences (164 sid)
Van Maanen, John (2011) Tales of the field: on writing ethnography. 2. ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Artiklar och utdrag (som pdf på Canvas eller för nedladdning)
Bacchi, C. L. & Goodwin, S. (2016). Poststructural policy analysis: a guide to practice. New York, NY: Palgrave Pivot. (I urval, sida 13-26) (13 sidor)
Davids, Tine (2014) "Trying to be a vulnerable observer: Matters of agency, solidarity and hospitality in feminist ethnography". Women's Studies International Forum. Vol. 43. Sida 50-58. (8 sidor)
Foucault, Michel (2002) Sexualitetens historia: Band 1 Viljan att veta. Göteborg: Daidalos. (I urval, sida 94-107) (13 sidor)
Foucault, Michel (2009) Övervakning och straff: fängelsets födelse. Lund: Arkiv. (I urval, sida 9-24)
Holgersson, Helena (2014) ”Challenging the hegemonic gaze on foot: Walk-alongs as a useful method in gentrification research”, i Timothy Shortell & Everick Brown (red.) Walking in the European city: Quotian mobility and urban geography. Farnham: Ashgate, s. 207-224
Khosravi Ooryad, Sama. "Alt-right and authoritarian memetic alliances: global mediations of hate within the rising Farsi manosphere on Iranian social media." Media, Culture & Society (2023): 01634437221147633.
Laclau, Ernesto & Mouffe, Chantal (2001) Hegemony and socialist strategy: towards a radical democratic politics. 2. ed. London: Verso. (I urval, sida 105-120) (Finns även på svenska) (15 sidor)
Martinsson, Lena & Ericson, Mathias (2022) ”‘Fight pandemics with protective masks or gender?’ Emerging collective identities and anti-gender movements on Twitter during the COVID-19 crisis in Sweden”. Feminist Media Studies, published online, (17 sidor)
Postil J and Pink S (2012) Social media ethnography. Media International Australia
Incorporating Culture & Policy 145: 123–134. (11 sidor)
Wark S (2019) Meme theory. PhD Thesis, University of Warwick, UK. Available at: (The part on method pp 96-105.) (9 sidor)
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