
Genus i litteraturen: dåtida och nutida perspektiv

Gender in Literature: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

7,5 högskolepoäng (hp)

Om litteraturlistan

Giltig fr.o.m
Vårtermin 2025 (2025-01-20)

1. Longer works of fiction

Aydemir, Fatma. 2024. Djinns [2022]. Transl. by Jon Cho-Polizzi. Peirene Press Ltd. 376 p. If you know German, you can also read the novel in the original language.

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. 2022. Lessings Emilia Galotti [1772]. Legare Street Press. 172 p. If you know German, you can also read the play in the original language.

Molière. 1991. The School for Wives and The Learned Ladies [1663]. Transl. by Richard Wilbur. Harcourt Books. ISBN: 9780156795029. (This edition includes two plays but you only need to read one of them, The School for Wives, ca 150 p.) This play is a translation of the French original. If you know French, you can also read the play in the original language.

2. Shorter works of fiction, together with scholarly articles will be available in the form of a compendium, distributed through the learning platform of the university, or through links in the learning platform.