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Theories in Gender Studies

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15 högskolepoäng (hp)

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Hösttermin 2024 (2024-09-02)

Gender Studies in Nordic the Region (LM)

Suvi Keskinen, Pauline Stoltz, Diana Mulinari (eds) 2020, Feminisms in the Nordic Region: Neoliberalism, Nationalism and Decolonial Critique, Palgrave McMillan, p 1 – 45, + at least one chapter which the student finds being of special interest.

Martinsson, L. & Mulinari D. (2022) Why Following the Rules Will Not Stop Them. An Exploration of Anti-gender Presence in Swedish Universities. Lambda nordica vol 27 nr 3-4, pp 23-50 (27 pages).

Gender, Body and Subjectivity (OS)

Butler, J. (1991/1999) Gender Trouble. NY and London: Routledge. Chapter 1. E-book of the edition from 1999 is available via the University Library.

Butler, J. (1993/2011). Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex. Introduction, Chapter 1.

Prosser, J. (1998). Second Skins: the body narratives of transsexuality. New York: Columbia University Press. Chapter 1.

Popular Feminism (EAb)

Banet-Weiser, Sarah, Rosalind Gill & Catherine Rottenberg (2020): ”Postfeminism, Popular Feminism and Neoliberal Feminism? Sarah Banet-Weiser, Rosalind Gill and Catherine Rottenberg in Conversation”. Feminist Theory, Vol. 21, Nr. 1, 3-24.

Pierce, AP. (2022). “The rise of Bimbo TikTok: Digital Sociality, Postfeminism and Disidentificatory Subjects”. Identities and Intimacies on Social Media, Tonny Krijnen, Paul G. Nixon. Michelle D. Ravenscroft & Cosimo Marco Scarcelli (Red.), 201-215. Routledge.

Piety, Agency, Intentional Ignorance,
and Active Subjectivity: A Critique of Mahmood (SKO)

Mahmood, S. (2005) Politics of Piety: the Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject. Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press: 1-39, 79-117, 153-188 (111 pages). 

Khosravi Ooryad, S. (2022). Dadkhah mothers of Iran, from Khavaran to Aban: digital dadkhahi and transnational coalitional mothering. Feminist Theory,

Lugones, M. (2005) ‘From Within Germinative Stasis: Creating Active Subjectivity, Resistant Agency’. In: Ana Louise Keating (ed.) Entre Mundos/Among Worlds. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 85–99.

Denaturalizing fixed sex/gender: from lesbian to trans feminisms **(GMG, EA)**

Texts for lecture:

  • Wittig, Monique. 1980. ‘One Is Not Born a Woman’. Feminist Issues 1 (1): 447-54.
  • Stone, Sandy. 1991. ‘The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttransexual Manifesto’. In Body Guards: The Cultural Politics of Gender Ambiguity, edited by Julia Epstein and Kristina Straub, 280–304. New York: Routledge.

Texts for seminar:

  • Amin, Kadji. 2022. ‘We Are All Nonbinary: A Brief History of Accidents’. Representations 158 (1): 106–19.
  • Enke, Finn. 2013. ‘The Education of Little Cis: Binary Gender and the Discipline of Opposing Bodies’. In The Transgender Studies Reader, edited by Susan Stryker and Aren Z. Aizura, 2: 234–47. New York: Routledge

Optional further readings: