Humanekologi och miljöförändring
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Cederlöf, Gustav & Loftus, Alex. (2023). Discovering Political Ecology. 1:a utgåvan. Routledge. ISBN 9780367558734
Dyball, Robert & Newell, Barry (2023). Understanding human ecology. A systems approach to sustainability. 2:a utgåvan. Routledge. ISBN 9780367245696
Marks, Robert B. (2019). The origins of the modern world. Fate and fortune in the rise of west. 4:e utgåvan. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 9781538127032
Assadourian, Erik (2010). The rise and fall of consumer cultures. In: State of the world 2010 – Transforming cultures. From consumerism to sustainability The Worldwatch Institute. ISBN 978-0-393-33726-6 (s3-20). (tillgänglig via nätet)
Colombino, Anna-Lisa and Bruckner, Heide (2023) ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’ page 1-22, in Colombino, A., Bruckner, H. K., Colombino, A., & Bruckner, H. K. (2023). Methods in Human-Animal Studies: Engaging With Animals Through the Social Sciences (1st ed., Vol. 1). Routledge.
Dietz, Thomas, & York, Richard. (2021). Structural Human Ecology. In B. Schaefer Caniglia, A. Jorgenson, S. A. Malin, L. Peek, D. N. Pellow, & X. Huang (Eds.), Handbook of Environmental Sociology (pp. 439–456). Springer International Publishing.
Hornborg, Alf (2015). Nollsummespelet. Teknikfetischism och global miljörättvisa. Daidalos. (Kap 2: Nollsummespelet om den globala miljön: vad är ekologiskt ojämnt utbyte?)
Avila, Sofia; Deniau, Yannick; McCarthy, James & Sorman, Alevgul H. (2021). (Counter)mapping renewables: Space, Justice, and politics of wind and solar power in Mexico. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 5(3).
Bavington Dean. (2010) From Hunting Fish to Managing Populations: Fisheries Science and the Destruction of Newfoundland Cod Fisheries*. *Science as Culture 19, 4, 509-528, DOI: 10.1080/09505431.2010.519615.
Berardi, Gigi; Green, Rebekah & Hammond, Bryant. (2011). Stability, Sustainability, and Catastrophe: Applying Resilience Thinking to U.S. Agriculture. Human Ecology Review, 18(2), 115-125.
Brown, Greg & Kyttä, Marketta. (2018). Key issues and priorities in participatory mapping: Toward integration or increased specialization?. Applied Geography 95:1-8.
Cook, Ian. (2004), Follow the Thing: Papaya. Antipode, 36: 642-664. 8330.2004.00441.x
Levenda, Anthony M.; Behrsin, Ingrid & Disano, Francesca. (2021). Renewable energy for whom? A global systematic review of the environmental justice implications of renewable energy technologies, Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 71, 101837
Linke Sebastian., Dreyer Marion. and Sellke, Piet. 2011. The Regional Advisory Councils: What is theirpotential to incorporate stakeholder knowledge into fisheries governance? AMBIO 40: 133- 43,
Linke, Sebastian. and Jentoft, Svein. 2013. A communicative turnaround: Shifting the burden of proof in European fisheries governance. Marine Policy 38, 337-345,
Longo Stefano. & York Richard. (2024). Why aquaculture may not conserve wild fish. Sci. Adv. 10, eado3269
Mathai, Manu V.; Isenhour, Cindy; Stevis, Dimitris; Vergragt, Philip; Bengtsson, Magnus; Lorek, Sylvia; Mortensen, Lars F.; Coscieme, Luca; Scott, David; Waheed, Ambreen & Alfredsson, Eva. (2021). The Political Economy of (Un)Sustainable Production and Consumption: A Multidisciplinary Synthesis for Research and Action. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 167, 105265.
McGregor, Andrew & Houston, Donna. (2018) Cattle in the Anthropocene: Four propositions. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 43(1), 3–16.
McGregor, Sue L. T. (2020). Conceptualizing Transdisciplinary Human Ecology. Human Ecology Review, 26(1), 159–178.
Pas, Annemiek; Watson, Elizabeth E. & Butt, Bilal. (2023). Land tenure transformation: The case of community conservancies in northern Kenya. Political Geography 106.
Power, Alison G. (2010) Ecosystem services and agriculture: tradeoffs and synergies. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 365: 2959–2971.
Scoones, Ian; Stirling, Andrew; Abrol, Dinesh; Atela, Joanes; Eakine, Hallie; Ely, Adrian; Olsson, Per; Pereira, Laura; Priya, Ritu; van Zwanenberg, Patrick & Yang, Lichao. (2020). Transformation to sustainability: combining structural, systemic and enabling approaches. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 42: 65-75.
Skogen, Ketil; Mauz, Isabelle & Krange, Olve. (2009). Cry Wolf!: Narratives of Wolf Recovery in France and Norway, Rural Sociology 73(1):105-133.
Steffen, Will; Broadgate, Wendy; Deutch, Lisa, Gaffney, Owen & Ludwig, Cornelia. (2015). The trajectory of the Anthropocene: The Great Acceleration. The Anthropocene Review 2(1): 81- 98. DOI: 10.1177/2053019614564785
Temper, Leah; del Bene, Daniela & Martinez-Alier, Joan. (2015). Mapping the frontiers and front lines of global environmental justice. Journal of Political Ecology 22(1), 255-278.
Wernersson, Hanna C. (2023) Slaughterhouse. Dark Mountain Issue 23: Dark Kitchen,
West, Simon; Haider, Jamila; Masterson, Vanessa; Enqvist, Johan P.; Svedin, Uno & Tengö, Maria. (2018) Stewardship, care and relational values, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 35:30-38.
FAO (2024). In brief: The state of world fisheries and aquaculture. Towards Blue transformation.
Sörlin Sverker. (2013) Drömmen om ett grönare samhälle drunknar i ett Sifferträsk. Extrakt: