
Konst- och bildvetenskap, metod, teori och historiografi

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15 högskolepoäng (hp)

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Hösttermin 2024 (2024-09-02)

Arvidsson Kristoffer, Per Dahlström, Tintin Hodén, Alexandra Herlitz, Patrik Steorn (2021). Kanon: Perspektiv på svensk konsthistorieskrivning/The Canon: Perspectives on Swedish Art Historiography. Skiascope 10. PDF online: 451 s

Banes, S (2001). “Olfactory Performances”, TDR: The Drama Review, Vol 45: Iss 1, pp. 68-76 PDF 9 s

Baxandall, Michael, Patterns of Intention: On the historical Explanation of Pictures, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985. 208 s

Becker, Coleen (2013). “Warburg’s Pathosformel as Methodological Paradigm”, Journal of Art Historiography, number 9, December 2013, 1-25. Fulltext tillgänglig online. 26 s

Billing, Mischa (2017). Rosens doft (med akvareller av Rie Hägerdal), ViniLund. PDF 93 s

Johannesson, Lena (2007). “Funkis utan hus: Om den grafiska funktionalismen och arbetarrörelsens publicistiska formspråk”, Arbetarrörelse och arbetarkultur: bild och självbild, red. Lena Johannesson, Ulrika Kjellman, Birgitta Skarin Frykman, Stockholm: Carlssons, 238-334. 96 s

Johansson, Britt-Inger and Ludwig Qvarnström (eds) (2022). Swedish Art Historiography: Institutionalization, identity and practice. Nordic Academic Press. 233 s

Kjellmer, Viveka (2021). “Scented Scenographics and Olfactory Art: Making sense of scent in the museum”, Journal of Art History. Open Access. 13 s

Lauwrens, Jenni (2012) “Welcome to the Revolution. The Sensory Turn in Art History, Journal of Art Historiography, 7(2012), 1-17. 18 s

Levent, N. & Pascual-Leone, A. (eds) 2014. The Multisensory Museum. Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Touch, Sound, Smell, Memory, and Space, Rowman & Littlefield, Plymouth. [e-bok via UB] 283 s

Meskimmon, Marsha (2023). Transnational Feminisms and Art's Transhemispheric Histories: Ecologies and Genealogies, London & New York: Routledge. Tryckt och digital publikation via UB. 166 s

Nolin, Catharina (2016). “From Gardening Manuals to Signum's Swedish Art History. Approaches to the Historiography of Swedish Landscape Architecture,” Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 85:1, 126-140, DOI: 10.1080/00233609.2015.1131737 Fulltext tillgänglig online. 15 s

von Rosen, Astrid (2017). “Warburgian Vertigo: Devising an Activist Art Historical Methodology by Way of Analysing the ‘Zine’ Family Fun”, Journal of Art History, Vol. 86, häfte 1, 6-30. Open Access. 25 s

von Rosen, Astrid & Viveka Kjellmer (eds) (2021), Scenography and Art History: Performance Design and Visual Culture, London: Bloomsbury. Tryckt och digital publikation via UB. 229 s

Sharpe, Christina (2016). In the Wake: on Blackness and Being, Duke University Press. Finns online. 175 s

Sigurdson, Ola, Atmosfärer: en introduktion, Andersson Örn, Stockholm, 2023. Tryckt bok eller utdrag PDF (i Canvas). 128 s

Totalt 2168 s