
Konst och multisensoriska kulturer

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Bacci, Francesca & Melcher, David, eds (2013) Art & the Senses, Oxford university Press.

Elsner, Jas’, (2010) “Art History as Ekphrasis”, Art History 33(1): 10-27. DOI:10.1111/j.1467-8365.2009.00720.x

Higgins, Hannah B. (2014), “Art and the Senses: The Avant-Garde Challenge to the Visual Arts”, David Howes, Ed., Cultural history of the senses in the Modern Age, Bloomsbury, p. 195-218.

Howes, David (2022) The Sensory Studies Manifesto, Univ. of Toronto Press

Hsu, Hsuan L., “Olfactory Art, Transcorporeality, and the Museum Environment”, Resilience, 4:1, 2016, p 1-24.

Kjellmer, Viveka (2021). “Scented Scenographics and Olfactory Art: Making sense of scent in the museum”, Journal of Art History. DOI: 10.1080/00233609.2020.1775696.

Klein, Shana & Jordan, Guy (2017) “The Gustatory Turn in American Art”, Panorama, Journal of the Association of American Art, 3(2) Fall 2017,

Liljefors, Max (2022). “Have art historians forgotten about prescence in art?”. Swedish Art Historiography: Institutionalization, identity and practice. Red. Britt-Inger Johansson & Ludwig Qvarnström. Nordic Academic Press, p. 221-229.

Matthias, John, Prior, David & Grant, Jane (2021) “Introduction”, The Oxford Handbook of Sound Art, Oxford university Press p. xi-xxvi, (tillgänglig som e-bok via UB).

Mitchell, W.J.T. (2005) ‘There are no visual media’, Journal of Visual Culture, Vol. 4:2, p. 257-266.

Sigurdson, Ola, Atmosfärer: en introduktion, Andersson Örn, Stockholm, 2023

Smith, Mark (2007) Sensory History, Berg.

Tsui, Aileen, (2017) “A Harmony in Eggs and Milk: Gustatory Synesthesia in the Reception of Whistler’s Art,” Panorama: Journal of the Association of Historians of American Art 3(2) Fall 2017),

von Rosen, Astrid (2021). “Scenographing the Dance Archive - Keep Crawling!”, in Astrid von Rosen and Viveka Kjellmer (eds.), Scenography and Art History: Performance Design and Visual Culture, London: Bloomsbury, p. 29-46. Tryckt publikation och e-publikation via UB.

von Rosen, Astrid (2020). “Costume in the Dance Archive: Towards a records-centred ethics of care”, Studies in Costume and Performance, Volume 5, Number 1, p. 33-52. DOI: 10.1386/scp_00012_1. Digital och tryckt publikation.

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