Kriser, kulturkrig och brytningstider
Om litteraturlistan
Ahmed, S. (2014). The cultural politics of emotion. (2nd edition) Routledge: Edingburgh. (256 sidor)
Ericson, Mathias (2019) "Dags att skära halsen av genusforskning?." Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, 40(1). Sida 113-114. (Finns online) (2 sidor)
Graff, A., Kapur, R., & Walters, S. D. (2019). Introduction: Gender and the rise of the global right. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 44(3), 541-560. (20 sidor)
Hall, S., & Massey, D. (2010). “Interpreting the crisis”. Soundings, 44(44), 57-71. (15 sidor)
Hochschild, A. R. (2018). Strangers in their own land: Anger and mourning on the American right. The New Press: New York. (351 sidor)
Jamin Jérôme (2018) Cultural Marxism: A survey. Religion Compass 12.1-2. (12 sidor)
Jay, Martin (2020) ”Dialectic of Counter-Enlightenment: The Frankfurt School as Scapegoat of the Lunatic Fringe”. In Splinters in your eye. Vertigo: London. Sida 151-172. (Finns även online) (19 sidor)
Jeffries, Stuart (2017) Grand hotel abyss: The lives of the Frankfurt School. London: Verso Books. (Sida 1-11) (11 sidor)
Laclau, E., Mouffe, C., & Edenborg, C. M. (2008). Hegemonin och den socialistiska strategin. Glänta/Vertigo: Göteborg. (i urval, 260 sidor)
Lundström, C., & Hübinette, T. (2020). Vit melankoli: En analys av en nation i kris. Makadam Förlag: Stockholm. (104 sidor)
Martinsson, L., & Ericson, M. (2021). ‘Fight pandemics with protective masks or gender?’Emerging collective identities and anti-gender movements on Twitter during the COVID-19 crisis in Sweden. Feminist Media Studies, 1-17. (17 sidor)
Sedgwick, E. K. (2003). ”Paranoid Reading and Reparative Reading, or, You’re So Paranoid, You Probably Think This Essay Is About You”. In Touching feeling. Duke University Press: New York. Sida 123-152. (Finns även online) (19 sidor)
Titley, G. (2020). Is free speech racist?. John Wiley & Sons. (155 sidor)
Tuters, Marc (2018). “Cultural Marxism”. Krisis Vol. 2, p. 32-34. 2 sidor