
Kritiska perspektiv på kris, kultur och demokrati

Critical perspecives on crisis, culture and democracy

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Hösttermin 2024 (2024-09-02)


Bauman, Zygmunt (2017) Retrotopia. Malden, MA: Polity. (179 sidor)

Berlant, Lauren Gail (2011) Cruel optimism. Durham: Duke University Press. (342 sidor)

Brown, Wendy (2019) In the ruins of neoliberalism: the rise of antidemocratic politics in the West. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. (248 sidor)

Lilley, Sasha, David McNally, Eddie Yuen & James Davis (2012) Catastrophism: the apocalyptic politics of collapse and rebirth. Oakland, Calif.: Oakland, Calif.: PM Press. (163 sidor)

Mouffe, Chantal (2018) For a left populism. London: Verso. (98 sidor)

Neocleous, Mark (2008) Critique of security. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. (247 sidor)


Bloch, Ernst (1977/1935) “Nonsynchronism and the Obligation to Its Dialectics”. New German Critique , 11:22-38. (16 sidor)

Couldry, Nick (2022) “Post-Covid: What is cultural theory useful for?”. International Journal of Cultural Studies vol. 25(3-4):253-259. (6 sidor)

Ericson, Mathias (2018) "’Sweden Has Been Naïve’: Nationalism, Protectionism and Securitisation in Response to the Refugee Crisis of 2015." Social Inclusion 6 (4):95-102. (7 sidor)

Ericson, M., Svenbro, M., & Wester, M. (2023). Total defense as a happy object: gendering mobilization of civil defense in Sweden. Critical Military Studies9(4), 497-512. (16 sidor)

Ericson, M., Uhr, C., & Wester, M. (2024). Wildfire festivals-How crisis management professionals monitor affect, power relations and the right spirit. International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters. 24(1):52-61. (10 sidor)

Pezzullo, Phaedra C. (2016) "Hello from the Other Side: Popular Culture, Crisis, and Climate Activism”. Environmental Communication 10.6: 803-806. (3 sidor)

Stromberg, Roland (1979) “Max Weber and World War 1: Culture and politics”. Dalhousie Review 59(2): 350–357 (7 sidor)

Taylor, Astra (2019) Democracy May Not Exist But We'll Miss it When It's Gone. Verso Books: London. (I urval, sida 1-13) (12 sidor)

Thörn, Catharina (2019) “Drömmar om framtiden”. Ord & Bild, 1:42-50. (8 sidor)

Young, Iris Marion (2003) "The logic of masculinist protection: Reflections on the current security state." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 29 (1):1-25. (24 sidor)

Watier, Patrick (1991) “The war writings of Georg Simmel”. Theory, culture & society, 8(3):219-233. (14 sidor)

Valbar litteratur

Anderson, Ben (2017) "Emergency Futures: Exception, Urgency, Interval, Hope." The Sociological Review (Keele) 65.3: 463-77.

Anderson, Ben, and Peter Adey (2011). “Affect and security: Exercising emergency in ‘UK civil contingencies’”. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 29(6), 1092-1109.

Caduff, Carlo (2020). “What went wrong: Corona and the world after the full stop”. Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 34(4), 467-487.

Clarke, Lee, and Caron Chess (2008) "Elites and Panic: More to Fear than Fear Itself." Social Forces 87(2):993-1014.

Cohn, Carol (1987) "Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defense Intellectuals." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 12(4):687-718.

Ericson, Mathias & Wester, Misse (2022) “If I tell you I will have to kill you: secrecy in public administration in a time of securitization and militarization”. Critical Studies on Security. Web

Hobbins, Jennifer, Erna Danielsson, och Angelika Sjöstedt (2020). Genus, risk och kris. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Mbembe, Achille (2003) "Necropolitics." Public Culture 15(1):11-40.

Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky (2003) “Paranoid reading and reparative reading, or, You're so paranoid, you probably think this introduction is about you” in Touching feeling: Affect, pedagogy, performativity. Duham: Duke University Press. (Sida 123-151) (28 sidor)

Tierney, Kathleen (2015) "Resilience and the Neoliberal Project." The American Behavioral Scientist (Beverly Hills) 59(10):1327-342.

Vieten, Ulrike M. (2020) "The “New Normal” and “Pandemic Populism”: The COVID-19 Crisis and Anti-Hygienic Mobilisation of the Far-Right." Social Sciences (Basel) 165(9):1-14.

Wacquant, Loïc (2014) "The Global Firestorm of Law and Order." Thesis Eleven 122.1: 72-88

Widegren, Kajsa ”Kärnkraft, jordbävning, krig: om chim-pom och den relationella estetiken som kärnkraftsmotstånd”. Tidskrift för genusvetenskap Vol 37(1), s. 37-57.