
Kroppspolitik: feministiska perspektiv

Body politics from feminist perspectives

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Vårtermin 2025 (2025-01-20)


Ahmed, Sara (2016) “An Affinity of Hammers.” TSQ vol. 3, no. 1-2, 2016, pp. 22–34. doi: to an external site. (12 pages)

Foucault, Michel (2004) “Course Summary” in The Birth of Bio Politics. New York: Picador. Page 317-319. (3 pages)

Part 1: Biopower, medicalization and necropolitics

Clarke, Adele E., et al. (2003) “Biomedicalization: Technoscientific Transformations of Health, Illness, and U.S. Biomedicine.” American Sociological Review, vol. 68(2), pp. 161-194. to an external site. (34 pages)

Foucault, Michel (1982) “The Subject and Power.” Critical Inquiry, vol. 8(4), pp. 777–795. to an external site.(19 pages)

Mbembe, Achille (2003) “Necropolitics.” Public Culture, vol. 15(1), pp. 11–40. to an external site. (30 pages)

Choose one of the following for the session on Biopower, medicalization and necropolitics: 

Mol, Annemarie, and John Law (2004) “Embodied Action, Enacted Bodies: The Example of Hypoglycaemia.” Body & Society, vol. 10(2–3), pp. 43–62, doi:10.1177/1357034X04042932

Snorton, C. Riley, and Haritaworn, Jin (2013) “Trans Necropolitics: A Transnational Reflection on Violence, Death, and the Trans of Color Afterlife” in The transgender studies reader 2 by Stryker, S. & Aizura, A.Z. (eds.). London: Routledge, pp. 66-75.

Tudor, Alyosxa (2018) “Cross-fadings of racialisation and migratisation: the postcolonial turn in Western European gender and migration studies.” Gender, Place & Culture, vol. 25(7), pp. 1057-1072, DOI: 10.1080/0966369X.2018.1441141L

Part 2: Crisis, emergency and affekt

Agamben, Giorgio (1998) Homo Sacer. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Page 9-
14, 75-79, 102-105. (15 pages)

Butler, Judith (2004). Precarious life: the powers of mourning and violence. London: Verso. Page 141-151. (10 pages)

Butler, Judith (2022). What world is this?: a pandemic phenomenology. New York: Columbia University Press. Page 89-99. (10 pages)

Massumi, Brian (2009) “National enterprise emergency: Steps toward an ecology of powers”. Theory, culture & society, 26(6), 153-185. (32 pages)

Sedgwick, E. K. (2003) ”Paranoid Reading and Reparative Reading, or, You’re So Paranoid, You Probably Think This Essay Is About You”. In Touching feeling. Duke University Press: New York. Sida 123-152. (30 sidor)

Part 3: Power relations in the shaping of bodies and knowledge

Ahmed, Sara (2007) “A phenomenology of whiteness”, Feminist Theory, vol. 8, no 2, pp. 149–168. (19 pages)

Fausto-Sterling, Anne (2008) “The bare bones of race”, Social Studies of Science, vol. 38, no.5, pp. 657-694 (38 pages)

Young, Iris Marion (1980) “Throwing like a girl: A phenomenology of feminine body comportment motility and spatiality”, Human Studies, vol.3, no. 1, pp. 137-156. (20 pages)

Part 4: Masculinity, institutions and hegemony

Carrigan, T., Connell, B., & Lee, J. (1985). Toward a New Sociology of Masculinity. Theory and Society14(5). I urval, sida 551-554, 585-594. (14 sidor)

Ging, Debbie (2019) “Alphas, betas, and incels: Theorizing the masculinities of the manosphere”. Men and Masculinities, 22(4), 638-657. (19 pages)

Mumby, Dennis K. 1998. “Organizing Men: Power, Discourse, and the Social Construction of Masculinity(s) in the Workplace.” Communication Theory 8 (2): 164–183. (19 pages)

Reeser, T. W., & Gottzén, L. (2018) ”Masculinity and affect: New possibilities, new agendas”. Norma13(3-4), 145-157. (12 pages)

Young, Iris Marion (2003) The logic of masculinist protection: Reflections on the current security state. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 29(1), 1–25. (26 pages)

Part 5: Disability and crip theory/politics

Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie (2011) “Misfits: A Feminist Materialist Disability Concept.” Hypatia, vol. 26(3), pp. 591-609. doi:10.1111/j.1527-2001.2011.01206.x (19 pages)

Kafer, Alison (2013) “Introduction: Imagined Futures”, in: Feminist, Queer, Crip, Bloomington, Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2013, pp. 1-24. (24 pages)

Shildrick, Margrit (2005) ‘The Disabled Body, Genealogy, and Undecidability’. Cultural Studies 19 (6): 755–70.

Baril, Alexandre (2015) “Transness as Debility: Rethinking Intersections between Trans and Disabled Embodiments.” Feminist Review, vol. 111(1), pp. 59–74, doi:10.1057/fr.2015.21 (16 pages)

Part 6: Relations in health care

Hamed, S., Thapar-Björkert, S., Bradby H. & Ahlberg, B.M. (2020) “Racism in European Health Care: Structural Violence and Beyond”, Qualitative Health Research, vol. 30, no. 11 pp. 1662–1673. (12 pages)

Linander, I., Alm, E., Goicolea I. & Harryson L. (2019) ‘”It was like I had to fit into a category”: Care-seekers’ experiences of gender regulation in the Swedish trans-specific health care’, Health, vol 23, no. 1, pp. 21-38. (18 pages)

Malmquist, A., Jonsson L., Wikström, J. and Nieminen, K (2019) “Minority stress adds an additional layer to fear of childbirth in lesbian and bisexual women, and transgender people”, Midwifery, vol. 79, pp. 1-7. (8 pages)

Mulinari, Paula (2018) “To care and protect: Care workers confronting Sweden Democrats in their workplace”, NORA Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 84-98. (15 pages)

Selberg, Rebecca (2013) “Nursing in times of neoliberal change: An ethnografic study of nurses’ experiences of work intensification”, Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 9-35. (27 pages)