
Kultur och demokrati

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Hösttermin 2024 (2024-09-02)


Ahmed, S. (2014). The cultural politics of emotion. (2nd edition) Routledge: Edingburgh. Finns som ebok på biblioteket. (256 sidor)

Brown, Wendy (2015) Undoing the demos. Neoliberalism’s stealth revolution. New York: Zone books. (292 sidor)

Hall, Stuart et al (1978/2013) Policing the Crisis. Mugging, the state, police and law and order. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. I urval, s. 8-80, 179-317. (210 sidor)

Laclau, Ernesto. & Mouffe, Chantal (2008) Hegemonin och den socialistiska strategin. Glänta/Vertigo: Göteborg. I urval, s. 1-35, 113-247. (168 sidor)

Artiklar och utdrag

Benjamin, Walter (1934) “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” i Hannah Arendt (ed.) Illuminations. New York: Schocken Books. (26 sidor)

Bloch, Ernst (1977/1935) "Nonsynchronism and the obligation to its dialectics." New German Critique 11: 22-38. (16 sidor)

Grossberg, Lawrence. (2019). Cultural studies in search of a method, or looking for conjunctural analysis. New formations, 96(96-97), 38-68. (30 sidor)

Ericson, Mathias (2018)"’Sweden Has Been Naïve’: Nationalism, Protectionism and Securitisation in Response to the Refugee Crisis of 2015." Social Inclusion 6(4): 95-102. (7 sidor)

Hall, Stuart (2018/1992) "Cultural Studies and Its Theoretical Legacies". Essential Essays, Volume 1: Foundations of Cultural Studies, edited by David Morley. New York, USA: Duke University Press, pp. 71-100. (Finns som ebok via Universitetsbiblioteket) (29 sidor)

Sedgwick, E. K. (2003) ”Paranoid Reading and Reparative Reading, or, You’re So Paranoid, You Probably Think This Essay Is About You”. In Touching feeling (pp. 123-152). Duke University Press: New York. Sida 123-152. (Finns även online) (19 sidor)

Taylor, Astra (2019) Democracy May Not Exist But We'll Miss it When It's Gone. Verso Books: London. (I urval, sida 1-13) (12 sidor)

Thörn, Catharina (2019) “Drömmar om framtiden”. Ord & Bild, 1:42-50. (8 sidor)