Kulturella perspektiv på genus och familj
Cultural Perspectives on Gender and Families
Om litteraturlistan
Alinia, Minoo (2020). White ignorance, race, and feminist politics in Sweden. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43 (16), 249-267. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2020.1775861 (19 pages)
Brock, Maria & Askanius, Tina (2023). Raping turtles and kidnapping children: Fantasmatic logics of Scandinavia in Russian and German anti-gender discourse. Nordic Journal of Media Studies, 5 (1), 95- 114. doi.org/10.2478/njms-2023-0006 (20 pages)
Bryld, Mette (2001). The Infertility Clinic and the Birth of the Lesbian: The Political Debate on Assisted Reproduction in Denmark. The European Journal of Women’s Studies, 8(3), 299–312. DOI: 10.1177/135050680100800303 (14 pages)
Butler, Judith (2004). Gender regulations. In J. Butler, Undoing Gender. Routledge. Read pages 40 – 43 and 50 – 56. (11 pages) Available full text online through Gothenburg University Library
Dahl, Ulrika & Andreassen, Rikke (2021). Donors we choose: race, nation and the biopolitics of (queer) assisted reproduction in Scandinavia. BioSocieties, 18 (1), 79 – 101. (Mar 2023) DOI:10.1057/s41292-021-00256-2 (23 pages)
de los Reyes, P., & Mulinari, D. (2023). Motherwork, daughter work: exploring activist mothering within the Latin American diaspora in Sweden. Meridians, 22(1), 58-75. (18 pages)
Farahani, Fataneh (2012). Diasporic Masculinities: Reflections on gendered, raced and classed displacements. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 2(2), p.159-166. DOI: 10.2478/v10202-011-0038-5 (8 pages)
Hall, Stuart (1992). Discourse and power. I S. Hall and B. Gieben (eds.), Formations of Modernity (p. 291 – 295). Polity Press in association with Basil Blackwell and the Open University. (5 pages) Pdf on Canvas.
Khosravi, S. (2012). White masks/Muslim names: Immigrants and name-changing in Sweden. Race & class, 53(3), 65-80. (16 pages)
Lister, R. (2009). A Nordic nirvana? Gender, citizenship, and social justice in the Nordic welfare states. Social Politics, 16(2), 242-278. doi:10.1093/sp/jxp007 (37pages)
Malmquist, Anna and Spånberg Ekholm, Alexander (2019). Swedish Gay Men’s Pursuit of Fatherhood. Legal Obstacles and Strategies for Coping with Them. lambda nordica, 24 (2-3), 53-80. (28 pages)
Malmquist, A., Andersson, S. and Salomonsson, J. (2020). Life Finds a Way: Young Adults
With Lesbian Mothers Reflect on Their Childhood Prior to Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Parents in Sweden. Frontiers in Psychology vol. 11, April, 1-10 doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00690 (10 pages)
Martinsson, Lena, Griffin, Gabriele & Giritli Nygren, Katarina (2016). Introduction: challenging the myth of gender equality in Sweden. In L. Martinsson, G. Griffin & K. Giritli Nygren (eds.), Challenging the myth of gender equality in Sweden (p. 1- 22). Policy Press. (22 pages)
Mehrdad Darvishpour. (2002). Immigrant Women Challenge the Role of Men: How the Changing Power Relationship within Iranian Families in Sweden Intensifies Family Conflicts after Immigration Journal of Comparative Family Studies 2002 33(2), 271-296. (26 pages)
Sager, M.& Mulinari, D. (2018). Safety for whom? Exploring femonationalism and care-racism in Sweden. Women's Studies International Forum, Vol. 68, pp. 149-156. (7 pages)
Schierup, C-U., Ålund, A. & Neergaard, A. (2018). “Race”and the upsurge of antagonistic popular movements in Sweden. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41(10), 1837-1854. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2017.1361541 (18 pages)
Törngren, S. Osanami, Jonsson-Malm, C. & Hübinette, T. (2018). Transracial Families, Race, and Whiteness in Sweden. Genealogy, 2(4), 1-16. doi.org/10.3390/genealogy2040054 (16 pages)
Zanatta, Fran & Virgili, Elisa (2022). ”Leave the Kids Alone” A critical discourse analysis of the glorification of reproductive futurism in anti-gender and pro-family movements in Italy. Iamda nordica, 27 (3-4), 129 – 156. doi: 10.34041/ln.v27.833 (28 pages)