Ledarskap, professionellt lärande och undervisningsförbättring
Leadership, professional learning and improvement of teaching
Om litteraturlistan
Obligatorisk litteratur
Andersson, E. (2024). Hur kan lärare och elever förbättra utbildningen tillsammans? Demokratisk skolförbättring och betydelsen av lärares kollektiva vanor. Forskning & forandring, 7(1), 26-48. (23 s) https://doi.org/10.23865/fof.v7.5446
Andersson, E., Rudsberg, K., Sundhäll, M. & Teledahl, A. (2022). Kollegialt lärande för skol- och undervisningsförbättring – ett helhetsperspektiv. Studentlitteratur. (300 s)
Blossing, U., & Ertesvåg, S. K. (2011). An individual learning belief and its impact on schools’ improvement work - An Individual versus a Social Learning Perspective. Education Inquiry, 2(1), 153–171. (19 s) https://doi.org/10.3402/edui.v2i1.21970
Blossing, U., & Jerdborg, S. (2025). Praktikgemenskaper i skolutveckling och undervisning. Socialt lärande i skolor. Studentlitteratur. (250 s)
Blossing, U., Nyen, T., Söderström, Å., & Hagen Tønder, A. (2014). Local Drivers for Improvement Capacity: Six Types of School Organisations (2015.). Springer International Publishing AG. KAPITEL 1 och 2 (26 s) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-12724-8
Emstad, A. B., Birkeland, I. K. & Robinson, V. M. J. (2021). Lärande ledarskap – att leda professionell utveckling i skolan. Lärarförlaget. (200 s)
Harris, A., & Jones, M. S. (2017). Disciplined collaboration and inquiry: evaluating the impact of professional learning. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 2(4), 200–214. (14 s) https://doi.org/10.1108/JPCC-05-2017-0011
Hirsh, Å., Liljenberg, M., & Jahnke, J. (2014). Systematisk FoU-samverkan som expansivt lärande (s. 14-37). Ifous rapportserie 2024:1. (24 s) https://ifous.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/fokus-undervisning-rapport-240528.pdf
Hirsh, Å., Nilholm, C., Roman, H., Forsberg, E., & Sundberg, D. (2020). Reviews of teaching methods – which fundamental issues are identified? Education Inquiry, 13(1), 1–20. (20 s) https://doi.org/10.1080/20004508.2020.1839232
Hirsh, Å., & Olin, A. (2025). Skolutveckling i teori och praktik (Andra upplagan). Gleerups. (350 s)
Jerdborg, S. (2023). School Leader Education as a Driving Force for Personal Development in Terms of Orientation, Reflection, Exploration, and Interplay. Research in Educational Administration & Leadership, 8(1), 1–41. (41 s) https://doi.org/10.30828/real.1191793
Kennedy, A. (2014). Understanding continuing professional development: the need for theory to impact on policy and practice. Professional Development in Education, 40(5), 688–697. (10 s) https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2014.955122
Kirsten, N., & Carlbaum, S. (2020). Kompetensutveckling för professionella lärare?: Introduktionen av kollegialt lärande i svensk skola. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 25(1), 7-34. (27 s) https://doi.org/10.15626/pfs25.01.01
Langelotz, L., & Beach, D. (2024). Global education reform and the Swedish CPD market: restricted professional learning and the power of ideology. Professional Learning and Development. 50(3), 564-578. (15s) https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2024.2306997
Nadim, A., & Singh, P. (2019). Leading change for success: embracing resistance. European Business Review, 31(4), 512–523. (12 s) https://doi.org/10.1108/EBR-06-2018-0119
Priestley, M., Edwards, R., Priestley, A., & Miller, K. (2012). Teacher Agency in Curriculum Making: Agents of Change and Spaces for Manoeuvre. Curriculum Inquiry, 42(2), 191–214. (24 s) https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-873X.2012.00588.x
Robinson, V. M. J. (2010). From instructional leadership to leadership capabilities: Empirical findings and methodological challenges. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 9(1), 1–26. (26 s) https://doi.org/10.1080/15700760903026748
Solheim, K., Ertesvåg, S. K., & Dalhaug Berg, G. (2018). How teachers can improve their classroom interaction with students: New findings from teachers themselves. Journal of Educational Change, 19(4), 511–538. (28 s) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10833-018-9333-4
Stoll, L. (2009). Capacity building for school improvement or creating capacity for learning? A changing landscape. Journal of Educational Change, 10(2–3), 115–127. (13 s) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10833-009-9104-3
Sülau, V., Nehez, J., & Olin Almqvist, A. (2024). Learning leading - responsiveness in leading professional learning. Professional Development in Education, 50(3), 551–563. (13 s) https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2024.2337774
Teledahl, A., Andersson, E., Harvey, F., Rudsberg, K., & Sundhäll, M. (2024). Teachers’ collective habits as critical for establishing collegial learning. Professional Development in Education, 1–15. (15 s) https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2024.2413116
Öhman, J. (2014). Om didaktikens möjligheter - ett pragmatiskt perspektiv. Utbildning Och Demokrati, 23(3), 33–52. (20 s) https://doi.org/10.48059/uod.v23i3.1023
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